I need help with my mod!



Its for HL2 DM and its called Cyber Wolf DM heres the site http://cwcforums.clicdev.com/f/index.php?act=SC&c=3 yes its a forum.
We need Modelers,Coders,Skinners,And Mappers! I've tryed alot of other forums no one cares they just rant me so please just atleast help me to where i can find people like this or if yu are one give me your msn!
I bet there are lots of things you don't understand.
hey if you want, i can help you with some ideas for some puzzles. after watching code: lyoko and having them be in carthage, i could probably help you with some deadly traps and/or puzzles.
Yes I would love a map based in carthage that would make DM pretty hard. Whats your e-mail and do you have msn messenger
No flaming, people. Don't make fun of him. If you don't want to help, don't post.
I think the main problem here is that no-one has any idea what the mod is about.

Checking website reveals two things:
1) deathmatch
2) cyborg werewolves

If you'd like better responses, the solution would be to provide as much information as possible. Info that'll make people want to sign up.
Right now, as far as I can tell, the mod is just a plan to remodel the standard HL2-DM characters and weapons.
No flaming, people. Don't make fun of him. If you don't want to help, don't post.

what?! no one flamed and the only person who was rude was you.
Just asking but...

Do you know what concept art is for?
crackhead said:
what?! no one flamed and the only person who was rude was you.

That's what we call a "warning". You apply them pre-emptively in the hope that it will preclude a specific outcome. Climb down off that cross.
Mechagodzilla said:
I think the main problem here is that no-one has any idea what the mod is about.

Checking website reveals two things:
1) deathmatch
2) cyborg werewolves

If you'd like better responses, the solution would be to provide as much information as possible. Info that'll make people want to sign up.
Right now, as far as I can tell, the mod is just a plan to remodel the standard HL2-DM characters and weapons.
ok, thanks for the info
The story of this mod The year is:3046 The Gouvernment wanted invinceble super solders. no one would agree to being ripped apart by people so the Gouvernment captured wolves. one day Iraq tried to have another war with us so they thought they could win this time....They were defeated again but after the war the cyberwolves malfunctioned and started fighting each other. The Gouvernemt wanted money so they captured them again. Put them in arenas tofight and for people to watch. This is how Cyber Wolf DM bacame to be!
hey can i join ive gots lots of ideas
SixThree said:
hey can i join ive gots lots of ideas
good whats your msn messenger account actualy if you have msn messenger just give me your e-mail
u can email me clikin my name and pressing 'send email'

hurry up though my mom is making me go to bed

edit: alex that is pretty good u want rto join 2? you can be a leader.
are those concepts a joke or something?

That's what we call a "warning". You apply them pre-emptively in the hope that it will preclude a specific outcome. Climb down off that cross.

well its still hypocrytical.
I suggest that you find an alternate definition of hypocrisy. Yours doesn't seem to work.
Uh,Alex those arent drawn there random <_<. and sixthree thanks for suporting my mod with your sig!:D
Uh,Alex those arent drawn there random <_<. and sixthree thanks for suporting my mod with your sig!:D

hey i spent alot of time drawing the first one

ok i admit the second is a little silly lol!
ok let me make this really clear for you guys. he was rude. and then warned other people not to be rude. = hypocrit.
Let me make this abundantly clear for you:

Ennui said:
No flaming, people. Don't make fun of him. If you don't want to help, don't post.

Was not rude in any way, shape or form. No hypocrisy here, sunshine. Now I suggest you drop it.
let me make this sarcasticly clear for you.

that wasnt where he was rude that was where he was beeing hypocritical and telling others not to be rude.
crackhead said:
let me make this sarcasticly clear for you.

There is no sarcasm in your post.

that wasnt where he was rude that was where he was beeing hypocritical and telling others not to be rude.

For it to have been hypocritical, he would have had to have been rude. Ennui only made the one post - the one giving the warning.
You're really not very good at this, are you?