I need help with my mod!

The Insurgents are doing quite well with what they have....
hay guys i just haev a suggertion i think u shuld include cybarvampris wit teh cybarwolves it wuld be sweet

also sadam hussin shuld be in it 2 lol

~*peace out*~
lol ad haelms deep toio and hav haldir shootin arros at da wulvs lol lol

-Angry Lawyer
Please mommy, make the pain go away.
I can help you but i need to be able to talk in msn, i can draw, and make story and such.
Can we publish this thread? I've had a great time reading it through.

I'd be glad to do some concept art for your mod mate, i can use paint. Let me know how it goes. :thumbs:
Funny, but incredibly mean. And while I'm not one to scoff at a good dose of humour, I don't think this is really appropriate.
quite you they shall get concepts mad in paint shop :D
i give up here on these forums i have a story and i can make concepts EVERY ONE IS TO RUDE AND SELFISH TO HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
I emailed you but you never replied :(
I would offer some help but im modelling and texturing for two mods over summer :(
If you're still having trouble this time next year give me a shout ;)