I Need Help!!!


May 12, 2004
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ok i try to put my wood texture in but it wont let me what am i doing wrong?

heres a pic:

well first of all, you dont want to use that wood, type in wood textures in google and youll find some and what you need to do is set the wood texture as a diffuse map, so under the material editor under maps, and then click the none button next to diffuse, then choose bitmap, and find the texture in on your computer, then just drag the material sphere onto your object.
How do you mean it doesn't work?
Does't it come up with an error when trying to render?
If so you need to give the object UVW wrapping.
Stone said:
How do you mean it doesn't work?
Does't it come up with an error when trying to render?
If so you need to give the object UVW wrapping.

What he did was he went to the material editor and went to get material, and choose the wood texture, and then that replaces the material sphere with a image of the texture so you cant put that onto your model.