I need ideas.


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
Ok, hehe, I got a big college essay coming up. In fact the first paragraph is due two days from now. The essay is 10-12 pages long and will need to be presented orally in an embarrassingly long 10 minutes in front of the class. So far I did some essays this term (1500 words long) on hunting and stem cell research. I need ideas though because I ran out of them. I don’t want to do a research report on why Raziiar loves CyberPitz so much. :laugh: Nor do I want to do another why videogames is not violent, etc. So just throw up some idea here please. Oh and btw this report counts for 30% of my grade.
Uuhm... Using films as education tools as opposed to entertainment?
Free Energy - Beneifts, possiblities?
Write about obiesity. Some good topics:
- Obiesity
- Obiesity in America
- Youth obiesity

All of these topics can trace down to (the last one not being serious)

- McDonalds
- Exercise
- Parents
- Todays culture (technology)
- HL2.net
How the hell can you stretch 10-12 pages out to 10 minutes?!?!

Oh, and do it on smoking. Smokers are really starting to piss me the **** off, so try and reduce their numbers by telling them they are stupid for smoking.
Do the oil crisis of 1973, and then send me a copy of it. I'm doing an essay about it. We got the whole year to do it, but it's gotta be good, coz we get a grade on it that's really important. So don't let me down. ;)
Theory on what would've happened if the UK had been on the German side during WW2 (ie fascist world!).
why the spice girls where so awsome
easy, talk about 911 conspiracies or the war in iraq ....war/bush topics are so easy cuz you can ramble on and on about that for hours..

But it'll probably start a huge feud within your class so id unno up to you :D
Write your essay on the psychology of glossophobia (fear of public speaking), and then mumble your way through the entire thing, shifting from foot to foot, sweating profusely, and shaking so hard that your papers are tearing themselves apart in your hands.

How the hell can you stretch 10-12 pages out to 10 minutes?!?!

Oh, and do it on smoking. Smokers are really starting to piss me the **** off, so try and reduce their numbers by telling them they are stupid for smoking.
I am doing a paper that I just finished on hunting. It is 7 pages long but it looks like I'm the only one against it. Well except for the hot chick who is vegetarian so I score a bonus on that! ;) And I kinda wondered how I'm gonna do speaking publicly for 10 min. I'm thinking not talking too fast or too slow would help.

easy, talk about 911 conspiracies or the war in iraq ....war/bush topics are so easy cuz you can ramble on and on about that for hours..

But it'll probably start a huge feud within your class so id unno up to you :D
I actually did think about doing that but I know I would would be waaaaay to biased. ;) Anyways 7 pages is the most I wrote on anything and now I have to start on a 10 page essay. Yikes. So keep them coming because there are some nice ideas. The oil crisis of 1973 stands out the most actually. Say hello to the end of muscle cars. :(
oo i got a good one....go to this site and write about the MANY ways on how humanity is doomed. These are actual events that may and probably will occur and thoroughly reviewed by scientists so theyre not bullshit scenerios.

What class is this for? You didn't mention.

First off, DON'T do something like obesity or smoking, because everybody and their mother does obesity and smoking. In an English class I took we had mandatory essays on obesity and smoking.

I've really got no ideas for you though other than to say you should pick a topic that's interesting and you can easily speak about.

I think Stigmata's idea is a good one. :p

hool10 said:
And I kinda wondered how I'm gonna do speaking publicly for 10 min. I'm thinking not talking too fast or too slow would help.
10 minutes is actually very short for an oral presentation. If you've got 10-12 pages worth of stuff, that's a page a minute, which isn't too bad. And I don't mean like, read a page really slow for a minute; just memorize the key points of what your paper says, talk about them, and go down the list.
What would make teh time fly by is if you do some ineraction with the audience..ask them questions, what their opinions are and wow them with your facts

Like, with a torch?
Lol I'm a backyard hick like Jesse James who is a welder. :rolleyes: Metal Fabrication deals with sooo much more than welding http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welding. You could be a machinist or a scientist who is in the field of Metallurgy. Or you could be using a robot to make a computer frame to the space shuttle. Everybody knows Carpentry but all you do in that trade is bang nails into wood. Metal Fabrication is the same way only that you weld parts together. Yet that part takes skill. ;) *Oh and not all welders drive Harleys and are bums. They can play HL2 and be on a HL2 community forum. :P
Is there anything stopping you from doing a research paper on metallurgy?
Lol I'm a backyard hick like Jesse James who is a welder. :rolleyes: Metal Fabrication deals with sooo much more than welding http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welding. You could be a machinist or a scientist who is in the field of Metallurgy. Or you could be using a robot to make a computer frame to the space shuttle. Everybody knows Carpentry but all you do in that trade is bang nails into wood. Metal Fabrication is the same way only that you weld parts together. Yet that part takes skill. ;) *Oh and not all welders drive Harleys and are bums. They can play HL2 and be on a HL2 community forum. :P

So... yes.
Anything on the social interaction of strange people who only talk on forums?
Well I am impressed with all the responses but I always wanted to do more research on the Oil Crisis of 1973. My History teachers would never teach past the Civil War. All they cared about was getting us ready for the MCAS test and teaching the same redundant thing every year. So you can imagine how it feels to maybe find out what the Watergate scandel really is in college. ;)
How the hell can you stretch 10-12 pages out to 10 minutes?!?!

That's easy! I had to do a dramatic monolouge for english (basically a speech, but with more emote!) and I stretch the one page of size 10 font it contained into six minutes! D: