I need serious advice! (please :( )


Jul 4, 2003
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Guys i'm in a bit of a bind and am not sure what to do...
See I work for a temporary agency at this factory. I've been there a little over six months, have been riding to work with my friend who also works there. (full time though)

The deal has been, if a temp stays there for a year they get full time, meaning instead of 6.50 an hour i'll be making 10 an hour plus really really good benefits. Which is extremely hard to come by around my area.

Anyway, I need a car. Well for the last six months i've been saving up and saving up. Shopping around and talking to the bank. Well The bank said they would finance me to buy a car because I have a really good downpayment. And on top of this I've found the car i'm getting, here is a pic. (not the actual car, but this is the make and model, the one i'm getting is a 99' red, black leather interior)


Ok but i'm affraid i'm about to be laid off because we are going through the slow season at work and they've already laid a whole section of other temporarys off. So should i go ahead and get the car, or should i not? If i get the car, i'll atleast have a way to get a new job, if i don't then i won't have to worry about missing payments, hurting my credit, and possibly getting it reposessed.
how old are you? if you are young you might get your parents to help you out if you get fired.
G PRIX! represent. ive got a g prix too.
Very interesting predicament. I say you go talk to your boss and bring up your situation/concerns seeing as how they are very legitimate.
Never seek serious advice on the internet, ask your familiy and friends instead :laugh:
well i'm 21, and my parents won't be able to help me much, they are kind of struggling themselves... I just can't decide what to do. I have absolutely 0 job security, but on the plus side, if i get the car and get laid off i'll be able to find another job pretty easily with the car. But I just can't decide...

I did talk to my boss also, he told me that it was the slow season and that he didn't really know if his bosses would be getting rid of us temps yet or not... He said he wouldn't tell me what to do because he didn't know.
I Eat Babies said:
G PRIX! represent. ive got a g prix too.
Very interesting predicament. I say you go talk to your boss and bring up your situation/concerns seeing as how they are very legitimate.

I would say to do the same thing. Talk to your boss.
Innervision961 said:
well i'm 21, and my parents won't be able to help me much, they are kind of struggling themselves... I just can't decide what to do. I have absolutely 0 job security, but on the plus side, if i get the car and get laid off i'll be able to find another job pretty easily with the car. But I just can't decide...

maybe the best thing for you to do is buy a really cheap shitty car and then when you get the 10 dollar an hour thing get this nice grand prix, or if you get laid off youll have a car and still some extra cash from not buying the more expensive one?
well i've been looking for months, and i've decided if i'm going to get a car this is the one i want :) i've done the math and i can afford the car at 6.50 an hour which is pretty easy to find around here...
Don't buy it. Just keep saving your money if your job is at risk. Try and find a more stable job.

Your manager will not tell if you are about to get laid off. Something about "appropriate business practices".

Just hang tight and work your ass off. Only buy the car once it is a neccesity.
aye, good point... However i live in the middle of nowhere and must drive at least 30 minutes to and from just to get work.
why dont you line up another job or something just in case? work it a few hours a week, and if you get laid off ask them to give you more hours?
Innervision961 said:
aye, good point... However i live in the middle of nowhere and must drive at least 30 minutes to and from just to get work.

Why don't you move to a different state?
I don't really have any transportation other than riding with my friend to work at night right now. So it'd be really hard for me to find another job, but i've been tossing the idea around I may give it a try. Thanks for the help guys.
Whoa! Some people actually gave you serius advice!? And here I thought asking for non-computer related advice on a forum was like asking for healthy food at McDonalds.
Don't do it just yet man, cars can come around much easier than steady well paid work and if you get screwed at work then paying stuff like that off would make your bank account suffer. Plus if something unexpected comes up then you won't be able to afford it. Sorry.