I need some help PLEASE!


Aug 1, 2003
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Hey, this is not a thread to ask for help with a mod or anything like that. I live in England (UK) and I am currently 18 years old. I applied for univercity back in december and I finally got my reply back. This was good and bad news at the same time. My head is still a little confused at the moment.

I was applying for Teeside (Not Turnside) univercity to study 'Games Art' and I was quite confident that I would be given an interview where I could show them what I can do and have done and surly they would accept me. I began to open my new letter with such anticipation that I recieved this morning and well... I wasn't a happy chappy, they seem to have basicly given me another conditional offer studying 'Creative Digital Media' with no interview... Now I am just like... well.... wtf, you could at least tell me why I'm not aloud to do the Games Art degree.

This brings me to my actual situation. I am like head set on getting a job in the games industry and I need some help on anyone who knows anything about this Creative Digital Media course, it would be perfect if I could find someone who studies it. But at the moment I am so lost since they only provide 3 paragraphs of information on there website, they don't even mention games once. I don't want to be stuck with a degree that is going to lead me no where. HEELLPPPP!!!!

PLEASE! if anyone knows anyone who studies at Teeside can you please direct me to them. I am desperatly looking for some source of information to find out what this course it all about and if I should decide to choose it.

Games Art: http://www.tees.ac.uk/prospectus/ft2005/ft2005_course.cfm?course=4&fos=183
Creative Digital Media: http://www.tees.ac.uk/prospectus/ft2005/ft2005_course.cfm?course=9&fos=183
Actually, they do mention games.
explore the creative uses of computers. It offers a wide range of topics from the areas of animation, multimedia, computer games, post-production and web design.

Like Pi said, your best bet is to call them. Now, I don't how that school's admissions work, but my guess is that they have filled thier roster for that major, but you still qualify to go to the school, so they're offering you a similar course.

But, aside from all that... If you're worried about getting a degree that won't lead you anywhere, I'd worry about a games art degree, not the digital media degree. Yes, the industry is growing, but there are thousands of qualified people trying to fill tens of positions. A digital media degree would be alot more versitile in the likey event that a)you're not hired quickly b)your project doesn't get funded by a publisher, etc. With a digital media degree, you could probably find luck getting a job in advertising, webdesign, etc.

my two bits.
It still remains true that the best routes into the game industry are:

1) Mods

2) Nepotism

Ideally, a combination of the two works best.
Hmmm, thanks for your help guys. I supose our are correct. I already know that working with mods is my best way to reach sucess. But I still need to fill in my areas such as drawing, animation and texturing. These really need working on and I was hoping to use Uni to push me forward in these and give me proffesional training which in the long run would excell my much faster.

I have already planned to phone them up but I have tow ait until Monday. I will have to see I have a lot of thinking to do. Thanks again, if there is anyone who has any information about the course content or who has studied a similar course I would creatly love some info on how you are taught, what you do and generally how everything is done.
most of these game programs do a lot of things in a very weak fashion,, seeing how as the games industry doesnt care in the slightest on whether you have a games degree or not, you might be better off taking individual courses related to the areas you feel you are weak in..

you could save a lot of time and money
My younger brother's also got an offer from Teeside, I think for the first course you mentioned. What I'd suggest is to call them for information on the course they have provided you with. Although it may seem that Uni's are a scary place when you've still got a year to go in 6th form, they really only want to help their students get what they want first time, as changing courses halfway through the Degree is a lot of stress and hassle for both the student and the Uni.

Ring them up or email them (Address to the Admissions Dept. and CC to the Department) and ask for detailed information on both courses; what they're suited towards, what skills you'll be learning etc.

The second one seems to concentrate more on digital (computers) 2D art. The first is more modelling. In my opinion both would give you good experience for a career in the Games industry but they concentrate on different aspects. I haven't got a lot of time to type much here so send me an email if you want more info.

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