I need Some help with BSPZIP


Moon Wolf

Okay i have found a few guides an im obviously doing something wrong even though it SEEMS to work right...i mean like the file size of the map i used bspzip to make is bigger then the original bsp and stuff so i know the files are in it yet they dont work in game... just the default pink checkers
have you made sure you have a line break at the end??

Should look something like...

C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/yourname/counter-strike source/cstrike/materials/cs_airport/csa_XXXX.vmt
C:/Program Files/Valve/Steam/SteamApps/yourname/counter-strike source/cstrike/materials/cs_airport/csa_XXXX.vtf

^extra line break at the bottom...
Yea, post the list file, the relative paths must be wrong.
Okay ^_^; i didnt have the extra Break... but now the it doesnt seem to work right still.... i also tried Pakrat (a bspzip GUI) same thing...the map file gets bigger yet the textures dont appear for others...
Im kind of having the same probs but then im just stupid :)
It would be nice to put all the dirs and bsp i want to use in one directory point the gui to it and it would create the bsp.....But then i think im asking to much there :)
I dont tnhikn your asking too much...valve claims they are helping us with such tools as vtex and bspzip but so far it seems peopel have had to make OTHER pragrams to make those usable by the simple user i consider myself a quite good mapper but i know nothing of custom textures till i started skrewing around and making sprays...why are sprays so easy and Custom textures on a map arent its retarded...and why not just have bsp zip automatically go with like a "final compile" button to make it look through your textures compareing em to a list of defaults and if some dont match up it batches em together.... i find valve has really skrewed things up trying to make things better...i have never seen anything that is so hard to make textures for...

Cant someone Just make an easy tutorial starting at the point after the map has been made and the such that whole part where you want to release it....its pissing me off everyone calling peopel noobs because they dont know shit like this...why call em noobs? why not HELP them? its pissing me the **** off...if i figure it out i will post a very detailed and lengthy tutorial for custom textures in maps if this plee for one isnt taken seriously....
Once you know this stuff i guess its pretty straightforward but i agree ( for example )a "Compile Complete Mod in Deathmatch mode" command in Hammer would be fantastic and save a lot of questions and headaches !!

But then i thought creating a PK3 in Radiant was hard once and now i dont know what all the fuss was about so i guess its just getting one to work and then i will be happy for now as i wont forget :)

People say point to the source directory.....but does that mean you have the BSP along with textures within a dir.....or seperate dirs....or just everything chucked in like a root dir...from this side of the fence its a headache but if your shown it takes 30 seconds thats where a good tutorial comes in :)
This is how i percieve the instructions to be...Perhaps we can work it out together....If this is Definatly way out then i told you i was stupid :)
Although this says succesfull it cant be cuz the bsp is still the same size ???

BspZipGUI did his job successfully, the list file must be wrong. Can you post it here please? I know it's kind of wierd that it says successfull when the result is not what you want but when I call bspzip, I can't get any feedback on what it does (because it's not my program).

So, post the list file and we'll see what is wrong.
Really !!! you mean i got the main outline right !!!!
If thats the case then thats an awsome tool and far easier than makng a PK3 for quake based games :)
This is whats in the textfile now i just checked and those textures are very small in size but i would expect some difference but then i may be wrong ??


Perhaps i have the sourcesdk_content pointing to the wrong place becouse it doesnt seem to point anywhere near my mod and that is pointing here...( g:\half\steamapps\synchromesh\sourcesdk_content )

BTW !!! Thanks Ti133700N for the help and making the tool i was starting to feel pretty down as i just couldnt grasp it .
The path to the sourcesdk should be alright (if you pressed on the button and it found that directory then it's the good one, plus if it wouldn't be good it would have told you an error).

THe problem seems to be that you inverted the relative path and the full path. The relative path should come first, then the full path to the actual file in your computer. Also, you mixed up the vmt and vtf. This is what you should put :


The long line is the path to the file you have on your computer, it could have been anywhere, as long as the actual file is there. That means the file brown.vmt has to be in G:/HALF/SteamApps/sourcemods/enterprise/materials/tng/brown.vmt on your computer. Try that and the bsp file should be bigger.

Oh and also a good trick you can use to see if it worked, after embeding custom content, use the extract option on that bsp file (output to a zip file). If you open the zip, you should get something similar to the pak files for Quake ( like a directory structure and textures in materials/tng/ ).
god damn it...None of this shit you guys are talking about makes sense..#1 the guy who responded to me...none of this has to do with you #2 i just keep hearing the same thing over and over again with noone even trying to help...thinking they know the problem..i asked for help and got none...are the guys who actually KNOW how to help me gonna show up? and i agree with synchromesh about gets easier after you have done it right.. but saying that REALLY isnt helping...it was the same way with sprays and the same way with getting tyextures to appear in hammer now will somoen ****ing explain to me WHY IT WONT WORK!!! i used Pakrat pretty much the same as BSPZIP GUI (i find it easier to use....) it OBVIOUSLY put the files IBNTO the BSP but it isnt workling like its supposed to i must be missing something like something taht tell it to look for the textures withing the bsp or something cuz this is ****ing piossing me the **** off!
Moon Wolf said:
god damn it...None of this shit you guys are talking about makes sense..#1 the guy who responded to me...none of this has to do with you #2 i just keep hearing the same thing over and over again with noone even trying to help...thinking they know the problem..i asked for help and got none...are the guys who actually KNOW how to help me gonna show up? and i agree with synchromesh about gets easier after you have done it right.. but saying that REALLY isnt helping...it was the same way with sprays and the same way with getting tyextures to appear in hammer now will somoen ****ing explain to me WHY IT WONT WORK!!! i used Pakrat pretty much the same as BSPZIP GUI (i find it easier to use....) it OBVIOUSLY put the files IBNTO the BSP but it isnt workling like its supposed to i must be missing something like something taht tell it to look for the textures withing the bsp or something cuz this is ****ing piossing me the **** off!

Once i sus this i promise to make and send you a fool proof Tutorial...I will even post it here !!!
I know how you feel its frustrating. Just hold in there we cant go wrong in the end as we have the author of the GUI teaching us at the moment. You wont get anyone better than that :)
Thanks Ti133700N i see what i did especially deleting that top line ( i thought it was a cutoff of text above in the tutorial .....Going to try again now and i have very high hopes :)
pleh just because he made the GUI version doesnt mean hes the one to ask...id like someone with a map with custom textures to teach me...
I also had troubles with the list command, it doesn't add all the stuff in the txt. I don't know what's wrong but till we find it, you can use the Add File command. It works perfectly as you can see with my bsp file I posted. Just add the files one by one, don't forget to add both the vmt and vtf for each texture.
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Moon Wolf said:
pleh just because he made the GUI version doesnt mean hes the one to ask...id like someone with a map with custom textures to teach me...

Sorry to anyone that this offends ecept MOON WOLF.

You need to calm the #$%# down.


WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? WHY SHOULD ANYONE HELP YOU, SERIOUSLY? It appears that you should remove your head from your ass because its distorting your vision of how things work in the world.

Obviously, patience isn't one of your better traits? Synchromesh showed restraint by even responding back to you after your first abusive post. It aggrivates me that I even wasted my time writing this.
dude i really dont care if anyone helps me or not even though itll be very appreciated...i posted this topic TO GET HELP but i havent gotten any yet...

BTW nice BSP.. now if you can teach me.... sorry ^_^ but ive been so pissed at alot of people on alot of other forums who claim to know my problem but then dont have any idea what to do...
Moon Wolf said:
dude i really dont care if anyone helps me or not even though itll be very appreciated...i posted this topic TO GET HELP but i havent gotten any yet...

BTW nice BSP.. now if you can teach me.... sorry ^_^ but ive been so pissed at alot of people on alot of other forums who claim to know my problem but then dont have any idea what to do...

I believe your question is already answered. If you have been trying to add your custom content in bulk it might not work, instead, add each file individually. Other than that I am of no help..

Ti133700N said:

File: http://www.syxenz.com/customembed.bsp

Ok so may I help you now?

I also had troubles with the list command, it doesn't add all the stuff in the txt. I don't know what's wrong but till we find it, you can use the Add File command. It works perfectly as you can see with my bsp file I posted. Just add the files one by one, don't forget to add both the vmt and vtf for each texture.

Good luck.
but you cant add more then one file that way right? like i cant say add file then add another... if you can then i just dont get ur program...
Yes you can, as you might have guessed, to get a working texture in game, you need two files, the vmt and the vtf. That's what I did for my test map example. vmt + vtf = 2 files. So to add two files, you start by adding one, then you add the second. Maybe you don't understand what bspzip does, you can read this if you haven't already : http://www.valve-erc.com/srcsdk/Levels/bspzip.html
so to move it back to topic and round up the query again...
You've got your custom textures to work in hammer, and in your game when you run it.
You add the textures to your bsp successfully. Both files are present and correct for each texture paths included - but they don't show in game when you run it.
Someone pointed out a possible path problem - i guess the obvious question is:- when the texture files get added to the bsp what should thier path be?

any help appreciated

[..and yes, why is all this made to be so ****ing difficult. Just the fact that the actual developers of the game supposedly command line tools to do this stuff strikes me as pointless timewasting, all this could (and probably should) have been added to worldcraft when it was bought up by valve, updated, and got it's name changed to hammer. end rant]
Ok i just want to test a theory if someone could try it who has no probs making custom BSP's....Like the above post mine doesnt work.

I know for sure im doing it right ( Im a goddam expert now :) ) but i read somewhere if you execute the BSPZIP.exe with a mouse click a dos window opens with the Usage commands ??? This does not happen with mine...The window opens for a second then closes with no text whatsoever.

Could this be the problem....Perhaps our system is missing something to execute the BSPzip.exe properly...All my others seem to work ok..GLVIEW.exe....VTEX.exe...all open in a dos window and stay open with the text....BSP.exe just shuts in seconds.....Could anyone else try this please ?? Im just thinking it may be a winxp version...or fat32...or ntfs prob for some ????
This is perfectly normal, the only msdos programs that will stay open when you double click them are those who displays text (errors, helps, informations) because they have a pause by default after the text is being displayed. And of course the programmers can also program a pause without displaying anything but that wouldn't be usefull. I can assure you your system is correct. To make that command window stay open, open the ms-dos prompt before and execute the program in that command window. Start, Run..., cmd, then press ENTER.
Ok thanks i get it :)
Damn strange why mine wont add the files though ???

Ti133700N you have told me so much i actually understand your program now :) it looks like its working......the files say they are being added.....but the bsp stays the same size .....( I tell a lie ) since i started this i extracted the BSP and 4 things did get added i belive....Glass....and the other 3 did have special shaders....the rest of the textures though are simple default ones like below
"$basetexture" "tng/bluecarpet"
they show up in the map so they should be fine....Perhaps i will make another glass and see if it adds that as well :)

Ok i didnt use the GUI but with what Ti133700N has taught me i did it with a simple BAT file that i will post here with a tutorial shortly its very easy to use :)
and MoonWolf can i confirm when you made your BSP you then copied it to ( SteamApps\User_name\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps ) then loaded Deathmatch to run it ????

I will be back soon once i have put it together :)
Ok here it is...Hopefully you will understand it and it isnt as nice looking as the the GUI but it works for me :)

Grab it below and let me know if it works for you ???

Download MakeBSP
For those who cant figure out how to do this using bspzip there is another way to ensure that your materials show up for others.

The way I speak of is called using a .res file. Open notpad and input this:

(replace "your_folder" and file names with your stuff)

"materials/your_folder/fileA.vmt" "file" 
"materials/your_folder/fileA.vtf" "file" 
"materials/your_folder/fileB.vmt" "file" 
"materials/your_folder/fileB.vtf" "file" 
"materials/your_folder/fileC.vmt" "file"
"materials/your_folder/fileC.vtf" "file"

Once you have all of your materials listed, save the file and name it the exact same name as your map and use .res for the file extension.

All you have to do is upload your map + .res file to the maps folder of the mod you are using, for example:


and all of your materials you listed in the .res file must be uploaded to the server hosting your map:


Hope this helps, if you have any questions about this process let me know.
The last one was what i was seraching for till i found bsp xzip...im a nub when it comes to custom materials... okay well ill make the rez file first just to get the map out ty...
okay...NOW this is really annoying me... i did everything EXACTLY as you said syncro but it just wont freaking work.... im justa bout to make a topic "Bspzip these!" and puttting my pictures and the bsp up there....i would very much like to learn how but it doesnt like me....
and that is the issue innit... even if your files are added to the bsp, with the exact same path as they are in your dir structure they, don't show in game... I can see the method with the res file working no problem. But it's a bit offputting, i know someimes i'll quit a server because there are too many extra files downloading when i try to join (usually a collection of naff wav files to put you off your game...), but the whole point of adding your textures to your bsp is that it's easier to distribute. there has to be a way - other's have managed it.