I need some opinions/judgement: should I order this X1800XT refurb from this site?


May 28, 2004
Reaction score

I found it through froogle, and I have to say this price looks too good to be true even if it is a refurb. It doesn't seem to be listed wrong or anything, they have another refurb somewhere that asks for a price quote. I checked the site out on reseller ratings and it isn't a scam or anything there were only 6 reviews, 2 bad ones and 4 good ones. All 4 good ones were the most recent. I do not mind if it is refurbished. I am ready to jump on this deal but at the same time I am also hesitant. The reseller ratings forums haven't responded and I need some advice. I was almost afraid to post it here out of fear that people would all go buy them.
It looks to me as if a large part of the price difference is due to the complete lack of a manufacturer's warranty on the lower-priced one. You get a 90-day warranty, and that's it. Your card goes kaput after that... too bad.

I say, if you need a new card that badly, and can risk the $120, go for it. But I would wait on the reseller-ratings forum thing before even considering a purchase, in case there's other things besides the warranty to consider.
i wouldnt get a refurb mainly because of the warranty that it gives 90 DAYS??? thats crap
i think 90days is plenty, if it doesn't fail right away then it probably wont....but thats just me.
Yeah I thought 90 days would be enough, the card isn't old enough to have been around that long, and right when I get it I can check for overheating/artifacts and stuff. If I don't have any of that, I think it should be ok. Also so far with the reseller ratings forum, the thread I made has been up there for 4 days and 40 people have viewed it but not responded. Not sure if I'll get a response.
uh things can happen to a card after 3 months. for a graphics at least get one with a 1-3years
I think 90 is fine. After 1-3 years you'll probably upgrade anyways.
I think 90 is fine. After 1-3 years you'll probably upgrade anyways.

my point wasnt that you should get one with 1-3 years my point was that the card could die right after the 3 months is over.
But that's a hell of a deal. Those things are normally $300-400 last I checked.