I need to play a game

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
Hi guys,
I'm looking for a PC game to play. Normally I play FPS and action games but it can get a bit tiresome so I'm looking for something more fun to play.

Currently I'm playing Big Mutha Truckers 2 -- got awful reviews but I think it's quite good still :)

Also I've got Crazy Taxi 3. You can never go wrong with Crazy Taxi really.

So yeah, not really after anything else other than a fun game to play like the above two. No specific genre. What do you suggest?! :D
Theif series

Civilization series


can't think of anything else...
Chris_D said:
Hi guys,
I'm looking for a PC game to play. Normally I play FPS and action games but it can get a bit tiresome so I'm looking for something more fun to play.

Currently I'm playing Big Mutha Truckers 2 -- got awful reviews but I think it's quite good still :)

Also I've got Crazy Taxi 3. You can never go wrong with Crazy Taxi really.

So yeah, not really after anything else other than a fun game to play like the above two. No specific genre. What do you suggest?! :D

I find myself a tad bit opposite.

I'm desperately scrambling for an action FPS fix.
I recommend the following: Red Alert 2 (+ Yuri's Revenge), Mechwarrior 4, TES: Morrowing, Baldurs Gate 2 (+ Throne of Bhall)
I love all of those games :)
I'm desperately craving an open-ended survival game ala S.T.A.L.K.E.R!*Sigh*
When i need a break from my usual games, I play warcraft 3 and c&c generals. Class games, something abit different to break up the usual.
Yes Cannon Fodder is wicked but old. If you've got an Xbox then Burnout 3 is the way to go. Otherwise i'd suggest.......hmmm....Psychonauts. Old school adventure game with some fantastic levels. Particularly the Milkman level. God that level is awesome.
Since you're doing racing games...
Burnout 3 and Flatout.
Demoltion racing at its finest.
If you're into RPGs:

Fallout, Baulder's Gate, KOTOR, possibly even an MMO like World of Warcraft if you don't mind paying with your life as well as money.

If you're just looking for more action:

One choice is to buy a PS1 and replay all those classics like Crash Bandicoot, MediEvil, Final Fantasy 7, Syphon filter, MGS, Ape Escape... the list goes on. In fact, I'm going to go out and buy some budget PS1 games soon.

Alternatively, like duffers mentioned, you could get into the RTS genre. c+c Generals, Dawn of War and Warcraft 3 are all great choices. Another great thing about these games apart from their obvious depth is that once you've played some Singleplayer matches and found your own custom way of playing an army, you can brave the online battlefields and test your strategies against other people. RTS is the genre that killed boredom.
I recently bought Clive Barkers Undying, but the bloody thing keeps crashing. I'm going to have to look around for a patch or something me thinks.
I read that you mostly play FPS games so Im gonna suggesst one that I just finished last night. Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Awesome game. Perhaps you've already played it though.

You could also try Brothers In Arms. Its strategic firefights can be intese and very fun.
Devvo said:
i really wouldn't know: is cannon fodder abandonware?

No, but you can pick it up from Sold Out.

Or at least you could.....
Baldur's Gate is a little hard w/o the expansion, you might want to get Neverwinter Nights w/ expansions. Also, try the Splinter Cell games and the Command and Conquer series.
Do you play Starcraft?
You can get it and it's expansion for like $20, it's 2d no worrying about specs. In day time it averages 20,000 to 40,000 people at night it gets up to around 100,000 people.

It's a fun RTS that well........it is what HL did to the FPS genre it did to the RTS genre. Revolutionized it. Some consider it the greatest RTS of all time, with no other RTS in history every beating it(No RTS has made as big as a punch it did though). It is still in WCG, and go to korea...well....very very VERY big sport there.

Anyway, if you don't have it, I would recommend it more than any other games. It kept me addicted longer than HL and it's mods.

If you did come around, you would be coming around when mapping is being revolutionized again in it's universe. Using intergers so high and player #'s so high accessing data in starcraft alowing any variable from a units picture, weapon, damage or well...anything we desire can be changed. Of course it wont work on Mac versions of Sc(diffrent memory addresses).

Anyway Blizzard did release a patch, but a good ol guy in our community(who built a map editor and works at M$) released a "mod" that you can easily turn on and off to counter this patch so any user that has it running will run these new triggers.(Of course he had to re-release it to update it so it wouldn't let memory be ran OUTSIDE OF SC).

Anyway, Starcraft is the perfect game to get into. With one of the biggest communties, one of the most balanced games with 3 of the most diffrent races, a powerfull editor(not as powerfull as Wc3, but with these new triggers, it's up there), some of the most fun maps you can ever have.
From funny movie maps, to cyber clubs...to mass unit maps to RPG's, to Diplomacy\Civilizations, to RISK, to defense(not letting any units past you), to protect the world trade center, to well...endless maps really.....
I love Minerel. He helps me carry the Starcraft banner.

Speaking of which, you should play massive amounts of Starcraft. If that's too old for you, then Dawn of War is also good.
This isn't a PC game, but get Ninja Gaiden for Xbox, you will NEVER beat it.

Ennui said:
I love Minerel. He helps me carry the Starcraft banner.

Speaking of which, you should play massive amounts of Starcraft. If that's too old for you, then Dawn of War is also good.

If Starcraft had a good DOTA then I'd play it. I play LOTS of DOTA games in WC3.

For those of you that have no idea what DOTA is. It's a sweet custom map that TONS of people play in wc3.

It's basically a team of heroes against another team of heroes. The goal is to work your way into the enemy's base and destroy everything along the way until you get to their tree or throne (depending on what side you're one). There are 3 lanes where players can push forward to get to the enemy base in which a wave of creeps (ghouls/treants) run down and fight the opposition as well.

You level up to a max of 25, there are like 60+ custom heroes with all new custom abilities not seen in regular wc3. Also there's all new items to buy and many items you can combine with recipies to make even better items. This map alone has a huge following and I'd love to be able to play with some of you guys.
Well, if you havent played the campaign for "The battle for Middle Earth", its a good time, and it takes a descent ammount of time to complete...

Empire Earth II is also a really fun game to get a bunch of friends in on, you can have some really long games that are so fun!

Finnally, the biggest waste of time, or the most valued time you will ever spend goes to Mario Paint. Im not kidding when I say this is one of the best snes games ever! The Coffee game, where you swat the flies is amazing, although I just tried it the other day and couldnt get past the third level =( The game also has a cool music maker, than is amazing!

Once you play it, you might find this link interesting:
Buy a Super Nintendo or an NES and then get every Mario game. Then play them. I played Super Mario Bros for a good 10 hours this weekend.
I love Minerel. He helps me carry the Starcraft banner.
Thanks :)
I love starcraft :)

If Starcraft had a good DOTA then I'd play it. I play LOTS of DOTA games in WC3.
I could make something like it if you want. I've played DOTA many times.
I mean now days we could make sc's own version of DOTA.
You could do certain upgrades that give your unit cloak, or lockdown(works on any unit :)). Add range to your attack, add to your line of sight, CHANGE YOUR NAME or a UNITS NAME(To your name or any name) Give your unit an intercepter attack, give your unit shields. We could change your weapon, give your unit any ability we want...
(Thats how far mapping has come :), being able to edit any piece of data we like without mods).
Now that we can change custom values for units, we can make an absolute perfect kills to mins method.
Shit, I should make DOTA for Sc, it would be so easy. First make it a basic AOS map then keep adding tons of changes to it till it is DOTA style.

The reason I don't play DOTA, is because im a 56ker..and I never really get around to downloading the map off of Battle.net...sometimes I will go and download it off a site though. I usually do hero sieges.
Starcraft.... I've played that game for 3 years straight before.

You mean that map where people go
"OmFG!!! A DLer BOOOT!"
Fliko said:
Starcraft.... I've played that game for 3 years straight before.

You mean that map where people go
"OmFG!!! A DLer BOOOT!"

It gets pretty competitive especially in TDA games. They have a whole system just to keep out leavers/jerks/etc. You have to be safelisted to play in them or have an icon in bnet.

I just love how unique tons of the abilities are. Take this for example:

The Spiritbreaker (newer hero) can charge up a dash during which he turns invisible and goes faster and faster and faster, the faster he goes, the more dmg he'll do when he hits. When he hits he does a greater bash (another of his abilities you can level up) which knocks the enemy backwards and if they hit trees they take more dmg.

There's also some abilities that create a huge area of frost blasts, a chain frost attack, chain heals, various stuns, polymorphs, cyclones, earthquakes, stomps, aoe dmg to enemies while healing nearby allies, magic immunity, mana burn, life leech, various defensive and offensive auras, crippling abilities that slow enemies and make them more vulnerable to magic, revives, wards to lay down that attack enemies, backstabs, smoke bombs, dopplegangers, clones, images, morphs, etc. I could go on and on and on. There's just so much custom content it's unreal.

Btw, Minerel, get the map from www.dota-allstars.com People usually kick you out of games because they expect you to get it there. Latest version is 6.12b I think.

EDIT: 70 all-new heroes to pick from and like 80+ items to get. Every hero has 3 regular abilities to use and level up 4 times and an ultimate that can be upgraded 3 times (lvl's 6,11,16). Each hero has so many different strategies that you can play to by mixing and matching various abilities and items.

I've played this one map so much it's not even funny. I've played every hero like 2-3x AT LEAST and games last anywhere from 45 min to 90 min if it's a really long game.
Meh, probably a worthless post, but I thought I'd atleast try.

Soldiers: Heroes of WW2. Hard game to get the hang of, especially because there is no tutorial in the demo. But I tell you what, you aren't going to find another game like it. It's a mix of RTS and FPS. It's very detailed. Each guy or vehicle has an inventory. You can take direct control of a guy. You actually put your guys into vehicles to drive or operate them. It's really hard to describe all the interesting things that make the game different so I'll just hope you try it. It's developer got unlucky with a poor publisher, so it never became a great game that was well known.

It would be a huge favor if you tried it out. Screenshots can't describe this unique style of play and detail.

Edit: Here is a huge post made by a HL2.netter that I think absolutely describes this great game.

Evil Genius (very, very fun and underrated strategy/simulation game)
* it's shame that elixir studios went out of business :(

Hidden and Dangerous 2 (tactical team oriented shooter with a good storyline)

Vietcong (sp is ok but mp is a lot fun, solid shooter but not for everybody)
TwwIX said:
Evil Genius (very, very fun and underrated strategy/simulation game)
* it's shame that elixir studios went out of business :(

If you liked Evil Genius, try the Dungeon Keeper series.
xlucidx said:
If you liked Evil Genius, try the Dungeon Keeper series.

lol,i did,years ago.
Never liked it's setting though.
Not a big fan of fantasy oriented games.
Anyway,this is chris d's thread,so lets not highjack it. ;)
Dalamari said:
This isn't a PC game, but get Ninja Gaiden for Xbox, you will NEVER beat it.

Wall attacks my friend, wall attacks. And Ninja Gaiden is only hard at first. Once you've got it mastered its as easy and fun as heck.
wait till age of empires 3 comes out, that should be a great game
alpha centauri - the ultament JUST ONE MORE TURN OK??!?! game

all lucasarts adventure games you can get your greedy paws on

just recently got back into The Specialists which is beyond awesome

civ 3 is another one that's good, although fairly difficult

gta: sa is also good despite all the fo shizzle's and dawg's etc...
go with strategy or RPG

pick up an old copy of Red Alert 2, Diablo II or Warcraft II / II
babyheadcrab said:
Chris i'd go with an RPG.. Sacred is good, Diablo II is great.. dungeon siege series is great time killing.. thinking of some more

If you want an rpg chris, pick up a nintendo and get final fantasy 1. recently my friends and I have been playing this non stop, its alot of fun.