I need to play a game

bryanf445 said:
If you want an rpg chris, pick up a nintendo and get final fantasy 1. recently my friends and I have been playing this non stop, its alot of fun.

edited my post.. but your right
bryanf445 said:
If you want an rpg chris, pick up a nintendo and get final fantasy 1. recently my friends and I have been playing this non stop, its alot of fun.

I only played it on a ROM (pirates are cool) but yeah, it's hands down the best FF. Or not, but it's definitely great fun.
I totally recommend Thief: Deadly Shadows. That game will make your nerves call. It's also a awesome game.
Doppelgofer said:
i think my parents are having sex


That's very OT and very disturbing for you. I've never heard my parents at it and I'm VERY glad about that.

Apparently when my roomate was staying in a hotel with his parents just a few years back (when he was moving up here) he heard his mother say some very disturbing things when she was in a bed LESS THAN 4 FEET AWAY FROM HIM with his dad... *shudder* Good god that would scar my dreams for years.