I need to recover data from old Harddrive


Jan 3, 2008
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I still have a 160gb WD HD that geeksquad forgot to install it still has a Windows installation on it with alota music etc how can I hook it up to my new PC so I can pull of the important data and then format it afterwards?
Well... if you're recovering data that is still intact(rather than digging through all the deleted information and recovering that way), you can just hook it up to your computer via the ribbon cable or whatever your motherboard uses... and just make sure it's set as slave so you can access it from within windows.

Maybe you just don't know how to do that, I don't know... if that's the case, I can't help right now because I'm too tired to go into all the details. Normally I don't even mount it in my computer, I just set it on top and use long ribbons(I still use IDE) to reach it as well as the power cable.

If you needed to recover data that was deleted and stuff, you can always use Recuva, but that won't seem to apply in your case I don't think, since your data is still intact.

Well the thing is I don't have any jumper pins around ;(

am I SOL?

There is not one on the hard drive? If you have to, just steal one from your DVD drive and keep that unplugged while you work.
lol I didnt need a jumper just plugged it it works fine now I wonyt have wasted all my money on I tunes!!!
now a get a bsod that said page fault in non page area...
I rebooted and now it works fine...

what does that mean?
can usually be ram but ive heard of examples where two hardware items sharing the same irq can cause it.

ram would be the first thing id test, get memtest. or get a HIRENS boot disk, thats got memtest on it and a load of other usefull stuff
Try ebuyer:


They sell cheap hard-drive caddies, you can slot in your HD and connect it to your PC as an external USB device. That should get all of your existing porn back up and running. Ehh, music.
Well I haven't had the problem again, I did move the HD around in the case a little maybe that fixed it thanks for helping guys