I need your help


Jan 19, 2004
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So I met this girl in school at the start of third quarter. I kind of liked her, and well at the begining we both kind of liked eachother. Though she did have a boyfriend. They had been going out for maybe 4/5 months. Over time we both kind of just liked eachother as friends which is cool. I never really met her boyfriend or anything, was never really good friends wit him. Although today one of my other good friends(girl) showed me an email of him and all his feelings that he just couldn't say to his girlfriend. He was feeling ignored that when I was around she would always pay more attention to me, and a little even when I wasn't around. Idk we gave notes to eachother here and there. I mean we were good friends. So I thought I'd try and get her to pay a little more attention to him cuz I am a nice guy and I don't like being the cause a problem.

So I got a voice message from her not even 20 minutes ago saying he dumped her. I called her right away just to make sure she was doing good n just being a good friend. Well heres the thing... I hate looking like the bad guy, but I can't help but think that I am the cause of their breakup. idk...... what should I do?
Stick your fingers in her cervix. That'll get her attention.
Sleep with her, then decide how you feel about her.
Comfort her first. Just keep being her friend safe in the knowledge that if you do start feeling that way about her, then you can do something about it.

EDIT: wow my way is --Pretty much-- the exact opposite of Pi's :E
dekstar said:
EDIT: wow my way is --Pretty much-- the exact opposite of Pi's :E

"But Pi is evil!"

"From my viewpoint, your way is evil!" :borg:
JFry said:
sleep with her, duh.

Just comfort her and slowly unravel your penis inside of her. Then take it out before she notices. That's totally what I would do.

Or, if you want to take the pussy way out, bring her some "With Sympathy" flowers and wait for her to come onto you. Then you will see how it all feels. It's better that way. Let her make the first move.
Comfort her. Talk to her.

Do not stick your penis inside her o__o.

Not without permission. Girls don't like that.
Smash through her back entrance with your helmeted stormtrooper.
DeusExMachina said:

You pull that thing out immediately. Show some class!

If you do it immediately, she may notice the sudden movement.

Bring it slowly, then put it back in again. It's kind of like one of those steady hand wire games.

Laivasse said:
Smash through her back entrance with your helmeted stormtrooper.

Reginald said:
If you do it immediately, she may notice the sudden movement.
Bring it slowly, then put it back in again. It's kind of like one of those steady hand wire games.

Well, that's why you shouldn't put it in there in the first place.

But, if you're one of those people who like to jump the gun and you got your piece inside her box, be sure to pull it out gently and carefully. The hymen is very sensitive, especially if she has never let anyone inside her box before.
DeusExMachina said:
Well, that's why you shouldn't put it in there in the first place.

But, if you're one of those people who like to jump the gun and you got your piece inside her box, be sure to pull it out gently and carefully. The hymen is very sensitive, especially if she has never let anyone inside her box before.

I think that's enough now. :p
I can sympathise with the boyfriend, something like that happened to me last year with my current g/f, basically with her ex becoming 'good friends' with her again and then he tried to ask her out again and basically take her away from me, all the while being completely normal to me.... unlucky for him she proclaimed her love for me and he went off on his merry back-stabbing way and found himself an idiot of a girl to believe his antics.

I could turn that into an award winning drama. Still, communication is vital here never forget that! Tell her excatly how you feel, about how you feel you caused them to break up and so fourth its alot better than just bottling it up and getting worked up about it.
I fail to see how she is breaking up because of you. What should you do? Nothing, at least so there is a gap between the breakup.
Sleep with her and with the girl that showed you the e-mail. That's even more fun.
Dear god...

Well the guy split up with her, so just be there for her now. If you say she likes you then you'll probably stand a chance, unless shes gone into the "i dont want to ruin our friendship" stage :p

In other words... do what everyone else said :p
Sit there with your dick in your hand while he broods over his rash decision and eventually tries to get back with her. Then, at the opportune moment, do absolutely nothing and let it procede.

Hey, it's what I'd do :|
Comfort her. Progress from there in the manner you see fit.
You should talk to her bf and say he is a fool for dumping such a fine girl.

Then go to your moms house and eat a cookie. After that talk to the girl about her problems. Then cut your wrists.
Then get drunk and sober yourself up with more alcohol whenever you don't feel too good.
Seriously. Remember if you immediantly go romancing her to her ex you're going to appear to be a total dick.
If she was paying more attention to you than him, then he definitely wasn't the right guy for her. I don't blame him for breaking things off, but it's his loss. It clearly wasn't meant to be for either of them.

Just be the good friend you've always been. If you want to develop more than a friendship out of it, 4-5 weeks should be safe for her to get over him (1 week per month of relationship).
Gah, where's that picture of The Stormraper when you need him?

Kaaaaangy? D:
I say if you think shes that good of a girl then obviously the other guy screwd up by dumping her and nows your chance to find out wether you really wanna head her way or not. Take her out and do shit together to see if you really wanna be with her.

Ok all chicflick advice aside, get into it, you never know you might like it.
Banging your friend could turn into a wonderful relationship. And if not at least you both had a good time, hopefully.