i Phone 4 Announced

You need a constant internet connection or the vast majority of apps are pointless. You also better not have a smartphone of any kind.



Hopefully the backside of the phone isn't scratched and scuffed very easily...
So why are people once again buying into apples marketing ploy and buying a little better of a phone? its the same apps, same interface, same software....and apple makes you pay out the ass for it?
The iPhone is the most innovative product in the world today. It helps thousands of people with their daily life and enhances their media experience. Steve Jobs is making once again, another revolutionary product for people to enjoy.

Let me go on why the iPhone is the best product out today.

It bypasses all current devices because of it's unique, fast, flashy interface. It runs more applications than all current devices because it is unique and the developers who use it are smart.

The iPhone is innovative because it puts the Web into things you do everyday, and enhances your content.

I'm going to assume that you're joking, or an Apple employee. Because this is... awful, for lack of a better word

Also, Don't care. It's not like I could afford it if I did care.
So why are people once again buying into apples marketing ploy and buying a little better of a phone? its the same apps, same interface, same software....and apple makes you pay out the ass for it?

But...but...but...they said it's got a retina in it! I didn't realise till now...but this is what I've been waiting for all my life.
So why are people once again buying into apples marketing ploy and buying a little better of a phone? its the same apps, same interface, same software....and apple makes you pay out the ass for it?

Faster processor, better battery, better design, better screen, better wi-fi, better camera...how much more is there to a phone? The software is OS4 not OS3, that's like saying windows 7 and vista are the same because they're both windows.

On a side note, I like how you make it sound like we're being tricked into buying a phone.

Hopefully the backside of the phone isn't scratched and scuffed very easily...

They have the same type of glass on the front and the back. It might even be better glass *omg*, so the back should be fairly scratch resistant, I mean I still don't have a scratch on my 3g glass.

Look grandpa, if you can't realize the benefit of having internet all the time I really don't know how I can explain this to you. You are like an old person not understanding what you need compact disks for when cassettes work perfectly fine.

Yes, I use the internet on my phone when I drive all time time. Sirius is over the internet, so is Pandora. Nothing idiotic about that. Other times when I use other apps I'm not the one driving.

Don't worry, in a few years you might catch up to the 21st century.
Looks very interesting, I'm particularly interested in how they will work out the 720p video recording. The phones that offer it so far generally either have poor quality or low framerates, but when Apple implements a new feature they usually make sure they do it very well.
Shame all those fancy smartphones have to be so expensive - IMO $300 is way too much for a phone, especially if you have to add a contract to that.
I currently use a second hand Nokia N82 and pretty happy with it - your can make calls(:o), available apps for pretty much anything I want, decent camera and music player.
Looks like the last iPhone.

No, didn't watch the presentation on it. These things are ridiculous enough to never pique my interest.
Look grandpa, if you can't realize the benefit of having internet all the time I really don't know how I can explain this to you. You are like an old person not understanding what you need compact disks for when cassettes work perfectly fine.

Yes, I use the internet on my phone when I drive all time time. Sirius is over the internet, so is Pandora. Nothing idiotic about that. Other times when I use other apps I'm not the one driving.

Don't worry, in a few years you might catch up to the 21st century.

I actually feel bad for laughing at you - you wouldn't happen to actually have a mental disability, would you? Surely there's someone you can hire to type posts for you, listen to your incoherent shit-talking, your constant shift in polar opposites as to what your point actually is - and they'd make normal, logical judgements as to whether or not they'd be straight-forward enough to be understood wholly by a normal human being.

You're saying that I was around the internet too much, and now you're trying to patronize me for not being around it enough - despite it evidently being more available to me than you.

I hope you keep your eyes off the road while herp derping your new iPhone for just that extra second and you do our species a huge favour.


You're a bit too defensive and I find your post ironic after you posted on my profile I have alzheimer's. This is what you originally posted:

I found an iPod Touch on the bus, fiddled with a few aps for like half a month, and then just used it as an iPod.

I doubt the iPhone 4 is going to make my life infinitely better/easier.

Someone pointed out to you that you need to be around the internet all the time for you to see the big benefit of all the apps. You said you had internet all the time because of wifi hotspots which is simply not true, you don't have it all the time, I pointed that out to you. Not when you are on the bus, at the gym, driving, etc, etc, etc.

Apparently because of that I somehow hurt your feelings and you had to get your panties all in a bunch. I'm not sure why.

Like I said grandpa, lots of advantages to having internet ALL the time. And it's nothing like having internet sometimes using wifi spots. I am not telling you this to be a dick, I'm pointing out a simple fact to you. So relax.

Also learn to read, I don't have an iPhone and wouldn't get one, android all the way.
The iPhone is the most innovative product in the world today. It helps thousands of people with their daily life and enhances their media experience. Steve Jobs is making once again, another revolutionary product for people to enjoy.

Let me go on why the iPhone is the best product out today.

It bypasses all current devices because of it's unique, fast, flashy interface. It runs more applications than all current devices because it is unique and the developers who use it are smart.

The iPhone is innovative because it puts the Web into things you do everyday, and enhances your content.

This post completely ****ing baffles me.
Someone pointed out to you that you need to be around the internet all the time for you to see the big benefit of all the apps. You said you had internet all the time because of wifi hotspots which is simply not true, you don't have it all the time, I pointed that out to you. Not when you are on the bus, at the gym, driving, etc, etc, etc.

I only looked at apps when I wasn't busy with more important things. Which isn't when I'm ****ing busy driving. Or actually using a gym.

In situations where I'd sit down and actually look at the iPod Touch, I was connected to the net.

Get that through your head before I even bother further dignifying you with response.
Not a fan of Apple and especially the iPhone. Censorship, limited capabilities, over-simplification ... just not for me. It would be infuriating to own an iPhone and have to endure Apples constant banning of competitive and often superior apps/services.

Their treatment of the new video chat feature of the iPhone 4 is a prime example. It runs a proprietary chat service that only functions with other iPhone 4's (can't even one-way video chat with older iPhone's for god's sake). I bet if Qik or Fring tries to release an app that allows video chatting with desktop PC's, Android phones, etc. that Apple will ban it for "duplicating functionality." Hell, you're not even allowed to create apps anymore unless you do it on an Apple PC with Apple's software. I can't wait for these guys to get hit with an anti-trust suit.

Android all the way for me. Completely open and customizable, plus features like true multitasking and choices of handsets/providers. The OS and underlying philosophy is just flat-out superior. There are also other phones out there that best the hardware of the iPhone, both technically and aesthetically - I'm primarily speaking of the Evo here.

The iPhone and to a greater extent Apple as a whole are more trendy fashion statements than anything else. Although they were the only game in town for awhile, there are clearly superior alternatives available now and the only reason to remain with them is because it's "cool."
Not a fan of Apple and especially the iPhone. Censorship, limited capabilities, over-simplification ... just not for me. It would be infuriating to own an iPhone and have to endure Apples constant banning of competitive and often superior apps/services.

Their treatment of the new video chat feature of the iPhone 4 is a prime example. It runs a proprietary chat service that only functions with other iPhone 4's (can't even one-way video chat with older iPhone's for god's sake). I bet if Qik or Fring tries to release an app that allows video chatting with desktop PC's, Android phones, etc. that Apple will ban it for "duplicating functionality." Hell, you're not even allowed to create apps anymore unless you do it on an Apple PC with Apple's software. I can't wait for these guys to get hit with an anti-trust suit.

Android all the way for me. Completely open and customizable, plus features like true multitasking and choices of handsets/providers. The OS and underlying philosophy is just flat-out superior. There are also other phones out there that best the hardware of the iPhone, both technically and aesthetically - I'm primarily speaking of the Evo here.

The iPhone and to a greater extent Apple as a whole are more trendy fashion statements than anything else. Although they were the only game in town for awhile, there are clearly superior alternatives available now and the only reason to remain with them is because it's "cool."
Well said. I couldn't agree more. I look forward to the day where Apple's overpriced proprietary hardware, anti-competitive and anti-openness puts them right back to where they started, at 10% of the market, just like the Mac vs. PC.
*Video features*



If I'm not mistaken, Apple said they were going to make the FaceTime an open protocol. It's just a matter of time to how strict they are going to be, but they already have Skype adding in videochats to it's next upgrade. We don't know if they are going to banish applications that chat with Android, PCs, and the like yet, so it's really hearsay until then.

Android.. Oh gosh I love my Android phone. However, the fact that it's so open tends to make it less stable. Honestly, this is the best phone IMO that I've used, but the applications and overall experience could use a bit of work. The iOS is sure locked down, but the fact is you get a better experience on that. Sure the applications don't tie directly into one another, and you can't create anything you want on any machine and have it on that OS unless it's jailbroken, but the fact is applications run far more stable than Android's.

Android is only ~2 years old so sure it's still got some catching up to do in that department. It's just developers and Apple have their applications just running perfectly. It just seems now that I have an Android device, I'm noticing force closes a lot. Not to say it bogs down my experience, but it just tends to happen here and there.

I totally don't know what I was talking about for a second there. To sum up my incoherent rambling, Apple who has been in the application game longer, has better overall applications because they are more mature. Android's are getting there obviously, but since they don't require approval, they don't get checked for bugs or for force closes or for the rogue app that keeps your phone awake and drains your battery. I'm not saying the approval procedure is needed, but Google should test your application and tell you what's wrong with it so you can fix it, but they can still upload it to the marketplace.

Trendy - Yes, before the iPhone, Apple products were incredibly trendy and were the most pointless, useless products one man could buy. You could do ~5 on an iPod, but you could do about ~15-20 on a Creative, Dell, iRiver, etc. They finally understand that you need to have functionality in there. iPods were notorious for only playing music and not much else. The ticket price for an iPhone isn't for fashion. It's for a quality experience. It's for features you're actually going to use. This whole "Apple is trendy" thing is bull shit IMO. They have quality products with good functionality now.
I only looked at apps when I wasn't busy with more important things. Which isn't when I'm ****ing busy driving. Or actually using a gym.

In situations where I'd sit down and actually look at the iPod Touch, I was connected to the net.

Get that through your head before I even bother further dignifying you with response.

Yup, sounds like you have really important things to do while riding a bus.
I will always laugh at things that the iPhone is going to do....while....Android has been doing forever.

Steve Jobs: You can make a folder and store your apps in there!

Retina Display....

iAd - enough said.

It's good they are finally starting to catch up to other OS's, but sheesh. I can only take so many people telling me how the iPhone is innovating shit on the mobile handset.