I plan to shut down valve dash software.com

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The WHOIS information for "ih4xj00.info" is fake. There is no "Gangsta Street" in "Blingingham" GB, and if the WHOIS information is fake, then it was probably paid for (?) with a phished PayPal account, or a stolen credit card number.

Hahahahahah, thats great
Takashi Shimura said:
I accidentally ended up at that website just a while ago (URL very similiar to legitimate valvesoftware.com). I am sure you have all seen that website before, pretty nasty stuff, I dont' even dare type the full URL here.

I intend to shut it down. Just watch.
what was up with those fingers...why is there holes in the ends with weird things inside..
People were sickened by that?
I was expecting more...
Gangsta Street in Blinginham was a good one though. :laugh:
Takashi Shimura said:
I have shut down dozens of websites in the past. The only difference is that the ones I have shut down are either porn or some scam. To all non-believers amongst you, it's memorial day weekend, check back on tuesday night.

Here is a copy of the e-mail that will get that website shut down:

I demand that you stop using the internet, and even stop going outside to prevent further offence.

Please shut up.
Have you shut it down yet? We are still waiting...

I didnt realise that pictures of gammy fingers were illegal now.
Is it just a guy who put a razor to his fingers? It really isn't that bad....
It's like ....?

WTF factor: 7.5
Nasty factor: 5-6
Photoshop phactor: 10
Takashi Shimura said:
I have shut down dozens of websites in the past.

Ohhhh your quite the rebel. :p

I'm guessing you register on the forums of the website, or send them an email with the name - Takashi Shimura on and they go running scared, shutting down the website in the process. But not out of fright ;)
WHAT THE **** WAS THAT?!!?!?


at first it wasnt too bad then even i started to feel a little ill

(mind you me and mates just got bored and rummaged through my house looking for things to snort i.e chilli powder, so i feel ill already :D)
I doubt the insides of fingers look like that... There, let me check. Pic's in a moment.
JunkieXL said:
That pic is photoshopped. It's some flower pasted on the fingers.
flower? that is no flower young lad, those things exist, they are little wormy things with rows of razor sharp teath, they live in water and can be a paint in the ass *hint hint*

I dont want to encounter one, EVER!, imagine having these suckers on your genetalia
cant stop looking at it even thoe it hurts and I get the chills.....
I don't know what you're all complaining about. It really isn't that bad. If you've see goatse...*shudders*...then this is just kinda like 'wtf?'.

Edit: See..that lamprey thing's creepier than the pics on 'valve dash software.com'
I read this thread expecting something horrifying, then saw the picture, and felt extreme bordem. If you threw up from that, you should live in a bubble!

And yes it is photoshopped, that isn't in your fingers, it's wrong for about 40 reasons, which i cannot be arsed to point out cos its late.

Lame, and if you do manage to close it down, well i'm not too bothered tbh.
I would be bothered -

The internet is all about free speech and expression. Just because you get offended by something, doesn't mean you should be such an aggressive prick. If I found you offensive, I wouldn't whine to moderators to have you forcibly removed, I'd accept your existance and ignore you.
We'll add it to the censor list so noone can use it maliciously or as a prank (being as it is similar to the official domain)
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