i r noober

Arrr matey, scrub the mainsails and hoist the deck! To sea! Welcome aboard me lad!

*Varg congratulates himself on writing a different message in every newbie thread instead of just saying "welcome" or "welcome to the forums" like some others ;)
Varg|Hund said:
*Varg congratulates himself on writing a different message in every newbie thread instead of just saying "welcome" or "welcome to the forums" like some others ;)
Yeah, congrats Varg!

*cough* Hazar... *cough*

Welcome, and hello :) :rolling:
Varg|Hund said:
Arrr matey, scrub the mainsails and hoist the deck! To sea! Welcome aboard me lad!

*Varg congratulates himself on writing a different message in every newbie thread instead of just saying "welcome" or "welcome to the forums" like some others ;)

Pppphh. Talk like a pirate day was over a week ago. That's like celebrating Christmas in July. Only crazy people do that.

Welcome to the forums. :D

^See look, I have a generic greeting. Why can't you? :cool:
The Thing said:
Pppphh. Talk like a pirate day was over a week ago. That's like celebrating Christmas in July. Only crazy people do that.
Pffft, there's been pirates in the Newbie Central forum ever since I was a young newb myself! There, on that very day, I swore that I would always greet the newbies like a pirate, just like I myself had been greeted!