i ran over a chipmunk

gh0st said:
the perks of city life. all you have to do is wipe the blood off your bumper. no fur embedded in the radiator.

Twas talking on the whole
I live in the city, only have possums, they jump from tree to tree, don't bother walking across the roads.
evilsloth said:
Twas talking on the whole
I live in the city, only have possums, they jump from tree to tree, don't bother walking across the roads.
flying opossums?

i have bobcats, opossums, rats, mice, racoons, dogs, cats, a shit load of squirrels, and tons of wasps
i see a possum in the wild / bush, i think: "That's cool / cute"
i see a possum in Melbourne, i think : "Stop eating my food scraps, GO AWAY!"

(Kamikazie: are you and Aussie, or do you just like opossums?)
if i see an opossum in the streets its getting a nice rubber strip down its back. i hate them. they are filthy creatures. OOTEENY
i hit a cat awhile ago, pissed me off cuz it ****ed up my front bumper, but i killed it so I was happy at that since it ****ed up my bumper.
well when we step on snails or ants or any other living creature of that kind we pretty much disregard it, yet they're animals too...
evil^milk said:
well when we step on snails or ants or any other living creature of that kind we pretty much disregard it, yet they're animals too...

They are untermenschen.

gh0st said:
if i see an opossum in the streets its getting a nice rubber strip down its back. i hate them. they are filthy creatures. OOTEENY

Valuable fact I learned from my roommate: It's okay to hit live possums. But don't hit the dead ones. They bloat up with gas and explode when you run them over.
Absinthe said:
Valuable fact I learned from my roommate: It's okay to hit live possums. But don't hit the dead ones. They bloat up with gas and explode when you run them over.
i unfortunatly have learned this too
This thread gave me so many evil, yet exsplosive giggles.


When i saw the nuts picture it made me laugh at how cute it is, but i only laughed because one resembling it is now diced up...and all for your bloodsport gh0st! ALL FOR YOUR BLOODSPORT!
smoke said:
This thread gave me so many evil, yet exsplosive giggles.


When i saw the nuts picture it made me laugh at how cute it is, but i only laughed because one resembling it is now diced up...and all for your bloodsport gh0st! ALL FOR YOUR BLOODSPORT!
that makes you just as bad as me
its a rodent, the things die all the time.. but it does stick with you when you are personally responsible for squishing one with your car.
It certainly does. Those rodent stains can be a bitch to get off your paintwork.
bliink said:
its a rodent, the things die all the time.. but it does stick with you when you are personally responsible for squishing one with your car.
who said it was my fault? it jumped under my tires, its not like i ordered him to. or did i? well it was my fault that i reversed over him.
gh0st said:
who said it was my fault? it jumped under my tires, its not like i ordered him to. or did i? well it was my fault that i reversed over him.

lol.. I didn't mean the reversing, I just meant to say when it "happens to you personally", yes... that would have been a better way to phrase it.
i ran over bliink once. oh wait, that's tomorrow...
I was going 60 down some residential street. It was like 3 in the morning...and I saw a bunny. Well, I was in an evil mood..and going as fast as I did, if I tried to dodge it, I would probably die. So I hit it. Heard it hit my bumper, my door, then my back bumper, and that was that. I stopped, looked, saw blood/rabbit hair all over my front bumper. I go back to see it. Coudlnt' find it. Saw blood...but no bunny. I even looked in others yards. that damn bunny was god. I swear you not.

gh0st said:
who said it was my fault? it jumped under my tires, its not like i ordered him to. or did i? well it was my fault that i reversed over him.

Not your fault still...it coulda moved ;)
I appear to be the only one here who actually tries to avoid killing things.

Yay for me. :|
-Viper- said:
You found god in a bunny? All hail the bunny corpse that is god ...
If we can find the scarred bunny. Who knows how many times it's been hit.
ou think a chipmunk or a possum is bad.I hitched a ride with a buddy.We were on our way to a Wal-Mart and we slam right into a buzzard.Yes a buzzard.The damn thibg ran us off the rode,went through the windshield(ew I had its blood on me!)and his truck was TOTALED.Big Bird,your next ya big yellow bastard!