I really need to get my AC fixed


Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score

And that was with the chassis cover OFF, with it on I expect it would have hit 110.
Your computer is likely to be cooler if you put the cover on, it helps air circulation (or maybe that's only for computer that lie horizontally, but it's what I read in a big thick comp book once)
PC World/Gamer i think it was. In a later issue they corrected themselves saying they were talking bollocks
why are you using a mac theme with windows?
Heh, if I wanted my comp cooled I could easily just open my window to the 34 degree air outside (24 degree wind chill :()
JellyWorld said:
Well why not? It's not like I'm using a windows theme with Mac. :upstare:
that wouldnt look nearly as tacky. probably about as ghey but not quite as tacky.
AmishSlayer said:
Heh, if I wanted my comp cooled I could easily just open my window to the 34 degree air outside (24 degree wind chill :()

It's 34 degrees celcius outside.