I recently instaled mozzilla firefox,now how I use it?


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
I open it but I dont know how to use it

but looks like the internet is faster whit that open
Tabbed browsing is the way forward honestly...

Press file then new tab.
Oh and make sure the pop up blocker is turned on.
Use it how you would IE. Personally I install a lot of extentions to personalise it to my needs. From: http://update.mozilla.org/extensions/

Some of the plugins I use are tabbed browsing, mouse gestures, drag and go.

If you want something with all these features built in you could try Opera ( www.opera.com), its great as an all in one package, but not always as stable as Firefox, however has some features that arent in firefox like auto saving pages for when you crash and it auto loads them back up.