I Regeret to Inform You All...


May 9, 2004
Reaction score
...that the Medal of Honor: Pacific Assualt demo has been delayed for "a couple of weeks".

Here is the statement from EA:

It is with regret that I must announce that the MOHPA SP Demo release is postponed and is planned for release in a couple weeks. Unfortunately, I can't go into more details than this at this time. I apologize for the start & stop as I was really looking forward to releasing the demo, but can say with confidence that I know you'll be impressed when you get a chance to play it for yourselves.

Needless to say this does not bode well for the game itself. You just have to question the competence/quality of a team that delays a one-level demo of a game not once but TWICE.
The demo will now most definitely be overshadowed by Doom 3. Sad, really :|
I'm staying far far away from this game and especially this game demo. If they are delaying the game demo, I hate to imagine what state the game is in. I guess my expectations were too high for an EA game.
Interesting.. I know this was gonna be about Pacific Assault as soon as I saw the title.
Whered you get this info from? Please post a link so that we can confirm it
Shuzer said:
The demo will now most definitely be overshadowed by Doom 3. Sad, really :|

i never got into the Medal of Honor series or the BF series and now couldn't give a rat's ass :P

viva le Doom3 <insert braveheartish smiley here> :dork: :P
Any WW2 game that does not include swastika (spelling?) just to get a teen rating isn't worth buying, visa vie EA's Medal of Honor.
lazicsavo said:
Any WW2 game that does not include swastika (spelling?) just to get a teen rating isn't worth buying, visa vie EA's Medal of Honor.

I've made swastikas on the minimap in StarCraft to piss people off.. uh.. that really has nothing to do with the topic at hand, though
Wtf why are they delaying? Its only a demo not the full game so Ea, just release it!
guys EA is the publisher not the developer

goddam it, I'm not happy ...oh well them's da breaks
It doesn't bother me so much anymore, since Doom 3 is so close (Gamestop says Saturday :thumbs: ) all I needed it for was to occupy me until Doom 3 :)
CptStern said:
guys EA is the publisher not the developer

goddam it, I'm not happy ...oh well them's da breaks

EA indirectly controls the developers they "own." They can force them to make deadlines, have them cut content, do all sorts of crap.
Well the only place i can find the news is Shacknews, I havent heard it anywhere else
The news is also on BluesNews and Gamespot.

I think that's enough for corroborating sources, don't you?
Just wanted to make sure it wasnt on one site. Oh well, by the time it does come out everyone will be busy with all the D3 goodness
Wow people still play that recycled EA crap :eek:
I used to like MoH but it just gets so old and repetive, not to mention not much reply value IMO.
Yeah, i used to play MOH too, but after playing it about a year it just got boring, and everyone sniped all the time
Leave it to EA to screw themselves over. Maybe they did it to avoid the Doom 3 release?
**** you EA. ;(

Sorry, couldn't help it.

It would have been long frogotten anyway, with a badass like D3 on it's way, regardless.
I have a feeling when the full game is released it isn't going to be a Pacific Assault, it's going to be a Pathetic Assault :(.
never really caught into the hype of this game. Can anyone convince me to? whats so unique about this game?
EA is pathetic...Doom 3 will be released soon and none will care about moh anymore :P
simmo said:
EA is pathetic...Doom 3 will be released soon and none will care about moh anymore :P

Yeah, from a marketing standpoint its quite silly. But maybe the demo really reeks!
The playtesters must've gone into convulsions, bled out of all the pores in their skin and bodily orifices, then died a horrible, screaming, agonizing death.

At which point the EA rep said, "Yeah, just a couple more weeks - this was much better than the last lot though."
Ok fine, the demo is still buggy. I can understand that. BUT HOW ABOUT BEING FREAKIN 100% sure (and then some) before they announce release dates and whatnot.