I, Robot


Jul 9, 2003
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anyone else anticipating this movie? kinda seems like the beginning of the matrix, but we'll have to see

IF by "seems like the beginning of the matrix" you mean "is a ripoff of the animatrix," than yes, I agree :)
Shuzer said:
IF by "seems like the beginning of the matrix" you mean "is a ripoff of the animatrix," than yes, I agree :)

yes, that is what i meant
dunno...i'll see how things go in July.. if theres a weekend or something that im bored to hell then maybe i'll go check it out.
Looks good also.
Yeah, kind of the begining of the matrix.
Shuzer said:
IF by "seems like the beginning of the matrix" you mean "is a ripoff of the animatrix," than yes, I agree :)

:cheers: I was thinking that once I first I saw the preview!
My thoughts exactly hunter, there is a book?

I dunno - seems like war against the machines/robots kinda thing. Sci fi has becoming slightly the boring genre for me, these days.
Evil^Milk said:
I read the book as well, good stuff

Sadly, the movie isn't really based on the book. One might call it fan-fiction.

It's a 'bonus chapter' converted from a script called 'Hardwired' by giving the characters the same names as the ones in Asimov's book.

That said, the latest trailer makes it look like a fun action movie, and adding Asimov's name to it means that it'll hopefully try to reach that level of smartness.

At least it's not one of the 1000 medievil movies coming out now that LotR is over. It might be pretty good.
there is a book?

Isaac Asimov was a famous chemistry professor, science fiction writer, and an almost eerily accurate futurist. I may only be one third as old as some of Isaac Asimov's books, but they are still some of my favorites (especially the robot stories and "Fantastic Voyage"). Here is a list of a lot of the books he has written, edited, or had his stories included in... arranged by category.

Have you seen Honda's relatively new robots? They were named "Asimo". Does the name sound familiar? There's a reason for that.

I'm really looking forward to the movie even though, as Mechagodzilla has already said, it's not based on the book. Actually, it's almost a relief because I'd probably be nitpicking the movie too much to enjoy it if it was a direct translation of the book.
Asimov is one of my favorite authors. However, I don't have much hope for the movie since it's based off of a collection of short stories. Thus they had to create their own story for the movie, and I have very little faith in hollywood screen writers.

I'm afraid, and rather sure, that they'll just screw this one up, just like they completely ruined Heinlein's Starship Troopers.
The only thing the film has in common with the book is the title... And the prospect of Will Smith in a serious role just doesnt appeal as he's a one trick pony. However the director has directed one of my favourite films ever, The Crow so there may just be hope yet for this.
Hehe, Evil^Milk? Sounds familiar :)

I heard they threw the whole "robots cannot harm humans" thing out the window just to inject some more action. Never read the book though so I'm not sure what that means.
Bad^Hat said:
Hehe, Evil^Milk? Sounds familiar :)

I heard they threw the whole "robots cannot harm humans" thing out the window just to inject some more action. Never read the book though so I'm not sure what that means.

There are three laws of robotics that were invented by Asimov that made it impossible for them to harm human beings (with the one exception of the Zeroth law, but that came later on).

The laws are:

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
Except those were actually implemented in the robots' mindsets as psychology of a sort, weren't they?
Brian Damage said:
Except those were actually implemented in the robots' mindsets as psychology of a sort, weren't they?

Well, it's somewhat difficult to say as the books were written far before sophisticated computers or programming languages were around. However, from reading the robot stories and novels, I think it hinted that they were hard-coded into the brains, meaning they were actually an integral part of the brain structure and thus could not be violated. There were a lot of stories, mostly with Susan Calvin, where it appeared that robots had somehow violated one of the laws. But it always turned out that they hadn't. That was one of the main aspects of the Asimov robot universe, that those three laws could not be violated in any way, no matter what.

Oh, and yes, I read waaay to much SciFi.
Yes there is a book, all the "its a matrix rip off" people can be quiet now.

I still prefered his "Foundation Series", I hope they do that one soon.
It will not be as good and any Asimov book but I hope it will be good. :)

I started to read Asimov's books when I was 5 and ive almost read every one. :)
I Robot is only uses the book name & caracther name, the rest is just "robots go wild and try to kill humans" style.

So I really want to kill whoever is behind this.
Good book...:)

Heard of it at the NYC Auto Show when they showed a car from the movie.
who smells another hollywood turd..

asimov's books are brilliant reading material for anyone with even a passing interest in science or sci-fi etc. doesn't mean they should be converted into cash cows.
OCybrManO said:

Isaac Asimov was a famous chemistry professor, science fiction writer, and an almost eerily accurate futurist. I may only be one third as old as some of Isaac Asimov's books, but they are still some of my favorites (especially the robot stories and "Fantastic Voyage"). Here is a list of a lot of the books he has written, edited, or had his stories included in... arranged by category.

Have you seen Honda's relatively new robots? They were named "Asimo". Does the name sound familiar? There's a reason for that.

Foundation was prolly my fav. Star trek refered to Asminov's Laws on robots in a few episodes recounting the origins of Data

but I think the movie will go the Minority report route which bears little resemblence to the short story by Philip K Dick; more style than substance
Yeah, I thought it was a book, so wouldnt the Animatrix be ripped off of the book? Just my 2 cents
thehunter1320 said:
anyone else anticipating this movie? kinda seems like the beginning of the matrix, but we'll have to see


It doesn't seem to have anything to do with Asimov's stories. The robots don't even remotely resemble the ones in the books.
down with shitty book movies, lotr is overated, and all book movies pretty much suck for obvious reasons
The film looks really good, look forward to seeing it. I like Will smith quite alot..
Sai said:
down with shitty book movies, lotr is overated, and all book movies pretty much suck for obvious reasons
Yeah, down with movies that use scripts too! :rolleyes:
Yeah, notice I didn't say anything about the movie, though. :P
Letters said:
Yeah, down with movies that use scripts too! :rolleyes:

well, a script isn't as much of a book as it is a guideline, a book is definately not near to the linearity and straight-forwardness of a hollywood movie script either