I swore by the Beard of Gordon Freeman!

Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Newbie here. Just a few months back I've bought a new PC, a 1GB, Athlon XP, with an ATI Radeon 9800, just so I could play HL2 and it's Source-d up brethren.

I've been wanting to play HL2 for quite a while. I'm quite impressed with the game's physics where I can just throw stuff around & at anyone. More than that, to manipulate the environs around me to give maximum hurt-age on my foes. It's too bad I can't blow up walls with a rocket launcher. Hell, I can't blow up any walls with a rocket launcher in any FPS or TPS. Really, I want a game where I can completely destroy a city filled with tall buildings with a rocket launcher or a tank or a giant robot. Unless it's Red Faction, but really!

As much as I want interactive environs, I also want destructible environs (tho that's second to wanting a topless Latina with a pitcher of root beer) in my games. Sigh. Hopefully, the Source engine may fulfill those needs.

Anyway, intro's over. Let's Bedlam!
You could do it in a mod.

Welcome to the forums. :D
Hello and Welcome!

*courtesy of Erestheux*
Also want to add that nerds with beards rule! All hail Gordon Freeman, Lord of the Beard!
Gordon's Beard said:
I can completely destroy a city filled with tall buildings with a rocket launcher
In Soviet Russia, A city destroys you!

This is the first time I've ever posted in this forum.
heya :)
nice littel introduction there...glad to see another fellow fan excited about this game :)