I think Gamespot has died


Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
It hasnt been updated with ANYTHING for five days, reviews or news. I looked in the dates for the review updates and the most gamespot has missed in the last few months has been about three days. Whats going on?
Yeah, I was hoping to see what they said about Pirates!, but they were too slow so I went out and bought it myself. It's awesome, go buy it.
They deserve to die after their HL2 review! :flame: :sniper: :p
gee, maybe cuz it's thanksgiving break!

it will be updated today...
Most companies took off Thurs through Sunday. That would explain the lack of updates. Fileplanet, Gamespy, and IGN were the same way.
Kristafon said:
It hasnt been updated with ANYTHING for five days, reviews or news. I looked in the dates for the review updates and the most gamespot has missed in the last few months has been about three days. Whats going on?
That's because of the holidays. But they did put up a MGS 3 review.

Then again, after that crappy HL2 review, I don't go there much.
They're useless, almost all their reviews are crap. I don't mean just HL2 either, that was the least of their atrocities. They're so hypocritical in their reviews it's unbelievable, it's gotten to the point where I become more interested in games when they give it a mediocre score. As for the games they like, I usually can't stand.

The only times I agree with pretty much any review site (for games or movies) is when the the product is just downright awful or the best thing in ages.
I dont really like gamespots reviews. But that Pirates game looks horrible. :/
I also agree whit the bad reviews

Gamespot is a good gamesi webpage but sometimes theyr reviews sucks
Raziel-Jcd said:
I dont really like gamespots reviews. But that Pirates game looks horrible. :/

Sid Meier, that should be reason enough to consider it.

I won't buy the game because I don't like the setting (pirates and whatnot does do "it" for me), not because of the game itself. Sid Meier has created some amazing games. I have no doubt that Pirates will be good as well. I just won't buy it.
^^ I still play Civilization 3 to this day :) I would play Colonization but I can't find my CD hehe.
It got a 9.5.

The thing you have to understand about GameSpot is that they underscore their games while IGN overscores their games. Just look at GameSpot's score and IGN's scores and then look somewhere between the middle. Thats what the score should be.
I disagree with IGN and Gamespot. I believe their opinions are geared entirely towards "hardcore" gamers. When games like the Getaway and MGS2/MGS3 get blasted for having too much story and cutscenes, then there is something wrong. It seems they have missed the point of the game and entirely lost touch with the mainstream The also weigh things like pop-in and framerate more heavily than how entertaining a game really is, which was evident in reviews for games like Driver 3.

I just have very different tastes then they do, and I can't trust any of their reviews. Also, I believe they are sometimes influenced by the publisher. When I see horrible games like True Crimes get a 9.0, or The Getaway get marked with lower presentation and graphical scores than GTA - there is something wrong.
o_o! Yes! That's exactly my point. The Getaway is one of my most favorite games. But, it seems only GameInformer agreed with me on that. Even GameSpot gave MGS a low score because "There was too much story". I love games with good stories. Games with excellent storytelling are the future. Deus Ex probably started the whole revolution.
they gave a pirates a 9.2. guess who wrote the review (hint : he loves giving 9.2s). lets see how many other ppl rate pirates as good as hl2.
egon said:
they gave a pirates a 9.2. guess who wrote the review (hint : he loves giving 9.2s). lets see how many other ppl rate pirates as good as hl2.

It's like a generation has gone by without learning about Sid Meier. 'Tis a sad day in the gaming world. I will say that Pirates! will easily earn its score of 9.2.