I think I beat thenerdguy...

The swastica is a good luck symbol in china.

Even though that has nothing to do with anything I felt the need to say it.
I had no idea Germany had Anti Nazi laws......I guess I should have figured that.
Originally posted by Fender357
I had no idea Germany had Anti Nazi laws......I guess I should have figured that.

it makes sense to have them.
Originally posted by nw909
The swastica is a good luck symbol in china.
Don't know about China, but it's a regious symbol in India, AFAIK.
rofl!!! Mr. Nazi and his hitler dog.

I feel sorry for Germans when it comes to their laws about nazism. You can't have any access to any games containing anything to do with Nazis. So no Wolfenstein for any of them, legaly that is. That is on top of their strict laws agains violence in video games.
Originally posted by Fender357
I had no idea Germany had Anti Nazi laws......I guess I should have figured that.

And their very strict about them too. I certainly wouldn't suggest saluting to someone in the street like that even as a joke :)

I can't help but feel for them, I've a few friends from Germany and its like they feel their always having to prove themselves and apologies constantly for the actions of people being mostly forced into following orders given by a madman, in a war most of them weren't even alive at the time of. It must be awful, feeling like others hold you responsible for actions you could never have tried to change when they happened long before you were born. I bet the British would soon get sick of it if we were made to constantly remember the many terrible things we'd done in the past :)

Germans are cool, I got to do some work for Disney once thanks to a German FX company, so their ok in my book, especially some of the women ;)
The reason they have laws against it is not because they want to hide the past, but the fact that there are so many neo-nazi groups out there that would flamboyantly flash them everywhere and cause a huge stir which would cause alot of problems.
Yes indeed. The swastika is a great Hindu symbol and represents the universe and the sun i believe. And its not sideways like the Nazi symbol. The Nazis stole an ancient symbol of good and turned into a symbol of evil for most of the world.

And besides. I have read some about Hitler. Its fun if you put it into healthy analysis. That man was a complete wacko! I mean, sure he was, but really... he had some major sociopath signs. But nobody dared confront him, he had too much power with all the other sociopath loonies at that time. And he needed a symbol. A salute taken from the Romans. And a symbol stolen from the Hindu.

But there is occurrences of this symbol in Northern mythology as well. And it means Sun. And the Germans are frantically afraid of the Nazi thing or anything that resembles it. They hate to be reminded about it, which is quite understandable. You have to be German to understand it guess. I think the game Return to Castle Wolfenstein was heavily censored in the regular store release of the game. They are afraid of anything that can remind them of the past. I think this is wrong though. There must be other ways of dealing with it. The amount of neo Nazis in Germany and in Europe as a whole is ridiculous. They are seen by the general public as a disease. A minor virus that with time and progress sooner or later will die out. Hopefully.