I think I has diabetus


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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I'm always looking for sugar. Always feel like I want to eat something sugary.

Never really noticed anything detrimental when I don't find sugar, other than maybe i'll be a little lethargic and complain a bit, but that's usually jokingly if anything.

I seem to always be ****ing hungry too. Even if I just ate. Food food food food, yay!

My weight hasn't moved a hint since sophomore year. 145, usually right on the dot.

Can't tell if I just eat when i'm bored, or if I has diabetus.
I heard that when you develop diabeetus, Wilford Brimley's ghost visits you in your sleep in the form of The Thing and spreads his diabeetus awareness through forced assimilation.

You probably just have a sweet tooth dude, nothing big. Might wanna check though.
I heard that when you develop diabeetus, Wilford Brimley's ghost visits you in your sleep in the form of The Thing and spreads his diabeetus awareness through forced assimilation.

You probably just have a sweet tooth dude, nothing big. Might wanna check though.

K, was just worried, because i've never really been too keen on sweet things, and then suddenly, BOOM!

Sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar sugar

Spose i'll run it by my doc next time i'm there.
Hope it's nothing serious. First, you'll be after sugar and candy and then you'll be all over that whale penis.
sounds like nothing..

if you did have it youd have wicked dizzy spells and feel woosy and stuff.

if your bloodsugar gets too low youll usually pass out and if it get too high you can end up in a coma.. you also usually put on some weight due to your body not being able to make insulin to help digest your food so then that extra food turns to fat.

so unless your gaining weight and or feel sick if you dont eat or if you eat way too much sugary foods.. your fine.
Simple carbohydrates beget further simple carbohydrate cravings.
A lifelong high intake of sugar on a high carb diet can and probably will lead to type 2 diabetes developing in old age...
That's not diabetes. If you have diabetes, you don't want dugar, you want water. Your body wants to lower your blood glycose, the last thing you'd want would be sugar.

Trust me, I have it.
Yeah, the last thing you'll want is sugar so I doubt you have it. The most obvious symptoms of diabetes is excessive thirst and urination. My younger brother was diagnosed with Type-1 about 5 years ago. Just be thankful you won't have to have insulin injections everyday for the rest of your life.
Sugar tastes nice :D.

And that's definitely not diabetes.
I think I have a mild form of diabetes, since I do feel light-headed and wierd the odd time but only usually when I have been really hungry for a long time, I eat something and I am fine lol, either that its just natural low blood pressure since my mum and my sister suffer from it too.

I should just get a full check up at the doctor really but there ya go.
I think I have a mild form of diabetes, since I do feel light-headed and wierd the odd time but only usually when I have been really hungry for a long time

That's what we call hunger.
Or starvation. Perfectly normal. Go eat something
Damn... experiencing strange muffled cramps within stomach... must have diabetes...

Why should he when the symptoms he's having show something that looks more like Anti-Diabetes?
I wasn't really scared that I HAD diabeetus, just wanted to be sure that these weren't any early warning signs or something.

Been eating a SHITLOAD of sugar lately, and my weight hasn't budged, so my anxiety kicked in and said "OH NOES DIABEETUS!"