i think i know where gman gets his name from


Oct 25, 2004
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in the 1940's the fbi agents where called g'men or a g'man, and there is rumors that he works for the goverment or fbi so this could be true
That is ancient history. G-man for goverment man has been the assumption since the days of Half-Life 1. Ofcourse in Half-Life 2 it is obvious that he certainly doesn't work for any Earth goverment, though he just might have had some dealings with the US of A, when it still existed. Whether the abbreviation (is that the right word?) is actually correct, we don't know.
At least it's better than most people's assumptions: "G-man = Gordon-Man"
Thought it was obvious.

His names Landon Mogonery.
It's possible that the G-man is in fact human, and he's representing humanity for an unknown faction much in the same way that Breen did for the Combine. This also ties into the above theory that he works for a government of some type.

It's a good thing that HL: Episode One (Aftermanth) promises to reveal some details about the G-Man so we can finally know for sure just who/what he is.
A True Canadian said:
It's a good thing that HL: Episode One (Aftermanth) promises to reveal some details about the G-Man so we can finally know for sure just who/what he is.
Yep, I can't wait. :D
Gman is not actually his name, it is merely a model name for him. The character does not have a name.
samons right...hl1 when it was designed really didn't have a name for him, since the only dialogue is one sided. just adds to the mystery of his character.
I always thought he was sort of like a god. As if all people he worked with were like gods, playing with dimensions, picking people up and placing them in spots where they are needed.
The Aman was already in use (thanks God), the Bman got beamed out of our dimension, the Cman was gone in Portland, the Eman was the brother in law of the Aman so it could give some misunderstanding, the Fman was suspected to have played in a porn, so there was only the Gman left.
And i forgot the Dman that was gone crazy a long time ago
I know who is the gman, whoever the story writer wants him to be.
flycrusher said:
The Aman was already in use (thanks God), the Bman got beamed out of our dimension, the Cman was gone in Portland, the Eman was the brother in law of the Aman so it could give some misunderstanding, the Fman was suspected to have played in a porn, so there was only the Gman left.
And i forgot the Dman that was gone crazy a long time ago

best explanation EVAR!11 :LOL:
Well, it's half a joke that someone else made a long time ago, riffing on the Gordon = G-man theories (because there is a slight resemblance between RO and the G-Man, in the way he speaks and his weird tics as well as just in his face and that he doesn't seem quite human to me). But then again...I do believe the G-Man was once human. I reckon he may be, in essence, a 'scientific Buddha'.
me said:
...and reveals that the story will take a dramatic and unexpected turn: the G-Man is revealed to be Manhattan Project physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, transformed into a scientific Buddha when he was recruited by the US for teleportation experiments and achieved total enlightenment (as did Einstein, Newton and others - his fabled 'employers'). For the past 20 years he has been preparing to destroy the Combine, with humanity as his instrument, and in Episodes and later Half-Life 3, Gordon will go to Xen and blow open a gap between all worlds, uniting all the peoples of all the conquered universes to finally take war to the Combine Oppression.
...who knows? :eek:
The g-man is a guy called sir roger toulson who i saw on the news once.
edit: Found the only pic of him on the internets (afaik):
Sulkdodds said:
Well, it's half a joke that someone else made a long time ago, riffing on the Gordon = G-man theories (because there is a slight resemblance between RO and the G-Man, in the way he speaks and his weird tics as well as just in his face and that he doesn't seem quite human to me). But then again...I do believe the G-Man was once human. I reckon he may be, in essence, a 'scientific Buddha'. ...who knows? :eek:

Whoa man that would be unexpected, but cool er..... I think.
It's definitely weird enough to happen, right?
lol, I was sure this was gonna be a G(ordon Free)man theory.