I think I'm done with BF2...


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
Reaction score
Until 1.03 at least. Dystopia is fun as hell...and when 1.03 comes out..I'm sure It'll boost my need for BF2 again. Heres to hoping it's soon.

PS I'll still jump on if I can find someone worthy to play with *IE not a douchebag.* Since my lack of people to play with, and only pubbers...yuk..I've lost interest. Pubbers just make the game seem boring, and singleplayerish. I play MP to interact with others, greater the teamwork...not become a Lone Wolf. Anyway yeah. Gimme a holler if you wanna jump on some times. I'm usually up for games after midnight CST.
I think the fact that bf2 is more like a 'sim' rather than a game (like bf:v) means that people will get sick of it a bit quicker. But it is all about who you play with- you're right, lone wolf players defeat the purpose to an extent.
I haven't played in like a month. It takes too long to start up.
The_Monkey said:
I haven't played in like a month. It takes too long to start up.

heh ..I use BF2autoloader ..I click on a server and go out for a smoke ...by the time I come back map is loaded and game is ready to play
The game does get kind of repetetive after a while.. I mean it's all basically the same game, just on different maps. However unlike a lot of other games, map selection doesn't seem to matter a lot in BF2.. The gameplay still seems the same to me, whether its a city board or a huge open map.. Only diff is it takes forever to walk somewhere far, lol...

That being said, theres a lot of ways to keep the game fun.. try new things, experiment, and don't always be the same kit and do the same technique.. Most of all, play for FUN, thats what I do.. I don't worry about dying, or winning or whatever.. I like to win, I just do whatever is fun at the moment on the way to going for the win... IMO playing too serious just makes it frustrating when you lose or get killed, thus making it less fun..
NJspeed said:
The game does get kind of repetetive after a while.. I mean it's all basically the same game, just on different maps. However unlike a lot of other games, map selection doesn't seem to matter a lot in BF2.. The gameplay still seems the same to me, whether its a city board or a huge open map.. Only diff is it takes forever to walk somewhere far, lol...

See I find BF2 to be different from most games. While the formula of gameplay never changes (honestly, what MP game does?) every game is different. Each time you spawn you'll go through a series of battles that are completely unique. Maybe this time you'll spawn as an AT and try to 1v1 that tank that's capping a nearby flag, maybe you'll run into a lone wolf trying to ninja a flag, maybe you'll get in a vehicle and mow down some infantry, maybe you'll chase down a jeep that's slipping through enemy lines. Even on Karkand alone the sheer amount of possibilities are pretty much endless.

Each person/squad fights their own unique battles and has their own experiences. I love that about BF2.

I love the feeling when you 1v1 a tank w/ a gunner in an open area with just your AT rocket.

Personally I've been having lots of fun lately getting in tanks and shooting down helicopters and jets. I'm getting pretty good at it.

Too bad Cyb3r. I wouldn't doubt I'd be burnt out on BF2 in 35 more hours of playtime if I wasn't playing with people I know (or good players).

At least this'll give me a chance to catch up in stats though :D
where are these magical servers full of teamplaying gamers willing to dive in front of a bullet to save their comrades? For every 1 good team playing experience I have 10 "every man for himself" games
CptStern said:
where are these magical servers full of teamplaying gamers willing to dive in front of a bullet to save their comrades? For every 1 good team playing experience I have 10 "every man for himself" games
That's what I'm thinking. Join a squad? Ok, I'll join a squad, I'm a lonewolf with a green name now, awesome.

I guess I'll see what happens...and Amish..gl catching up, you're almost there ;)
Of course it is. You can't expect it to be fun forever, but for 50 bucks you can keep yourself entertained for a very long time. The only problem is that after a while, everything becomes desensitized to you, so the things that really 'wow'ed you don't really give the same effect as it did the first time. Definitely worth 50 bucks, but (like most all games) it's not as fun after a while.
I've played BF:2 about ten times, I have been done after the tenth time... which was like 2 months ago.
AntiAnto said:
So it's not worth buying it?

yes it's worth buying (IMHO) ..I'd buy it again and I'll probably buy Special forces as soon as it's released ..I purchased GTA: San andreas a week before bf2 ..havent touched it since BF2 came out
ailevation said:
I've played BF:2 about ten times, I have been done after the tenth time... which was like 2 months ago.

Well, you should've played the demo I guess, to see if the gameplay fits you.
CptStern said:
yes it's worth buying (IMHO) ..I'd buy it again and I'll probably buy Special forces as soon as it's released ..I purchased GTA: San andreas a week before bf2 ..havent touched it since BF2 came out

I bought GTA:SA right as it came out on PS2 and beat the main plotlines within like 26-27 hours and got kinda bored of it. I picked it up again the other day while my internet was down to mess around. I only really flew around and messed with the Hydra for like 15 mins.
Eactly, even a game like HL2 is going to give you nowhere near the same gameplay time as a good multiplayer game like this. Definitely worth buying imo, and im into my 133rd hour of playtime.
Lucky for me, I have 3 friends from school that play this game.
nobody that I know of within a thousand kms away from me plays this game. :(
A kid in my algII class plays BF2. He has 7k hours on it O_o
Pesmerga said:
A kid in my algII class plays BF2. He has 7k hours on it O_o
291.66666666666666666 days eh? Skill.

Maybe 7k points?
Just played some hardcore BF2..was bored shitless without any form of teamwork. Sharqi Penninsula is an urban map, with lots of kills/revives/healing/supplying available. Well, the teamwork scores went like this. Squadmate *only one too..* at 27. Me at 15, some random guy at 10, then it just trailed further down. Alright, tell me the problem with that. NOBODY was reviving but my squad mate. And my DAO-12 can't revive..that I know of. Needless to say, the other team beat us by like 100 tickets.

Me and squadmate were the only 2 people on that team that ever captured a flag. That was annoying as hell.

Shit like that is why I don't play BF2 anymore --;
I am getting a tad bored by BF2 by now. It's great to play with a good squad and it's even better to have fun (switching to general only to spam each other with Arabic voice messages is a classic; I had a laughing fit when doing that with Jimbo). But .... it's getting so samey. The same maps, over and over and over again. It can be a bit like Groundhog Day.
Oh maybe he said he needed 7k more hours to get some promotion or something.

I dunno, I don't usually have my best senses on in school. Only my penis ever seems to stay active during class.

Oddly enough.
Pesmerga said:
Oh maybe he said he needed 7k more hours to get some promotion or something.

I dunno, I don't usually have my best senses on in school. Only my penis ever seems to stay active during class.

Oddly enough.
You and every other male.
Shakermaker said:
I am getting a tad bored by BF2 by now. It's great to play with a good squad and it's even better to have fun (switching to general only to spam each other with Arabic voice messages is a classic; I had a laughing fit when doing that with Jimbo). But .... it's getting so samey. The same maps, over and over and over again. It can be a bit like Groundhog Day.

hehe JARI CHEK A HITANFI!!!!!!!!yeah i would quit playing it long time ago if i wasnt playing regurly with shaker in our squad, its good fun with someone you know as you can just have a laugh on voip while playing but the game needs new maps to spice things up, its incredibly repetitive now though with the usual maps....a few new gamemodes might help....
I don't see how BF2 can get people so bored when some of those same people still play CS. CS is far more repetitive and boring than BF2 has ever been for me.

I still enjoy playing even alone although I don't get much time to play games much anymore.
AmishSlayer said:
I don't see how BF2 can get people so bored when some of those same people still play CS. CS is far more repetitive and boring than BF2 has ever been for me.

I still enjoy playing even alone although I don't get much time to play games much anymore.
So true....we havn't played together in forever! :(