I think I'm going mentally ill

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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I can't read texts anymore, it takes me like one minute to read one sentence (in both English and Swedish). I stop all the time to check if I read it right and repeat the words I read loudly to myself. It's really scary how fast this has happened. It's probably because of my work, where I check everything I write and read 20 times over. If I read it in my old pace I fully understand it, but of some reason I need to go back and read it word for word again.
If it's stemming from your work, it's probably just a form of the Tetris Effect. If you take a break from your work, or spend a lot of your free time doing things that are specifically unrelated to your work, then it should go away or at least regress.
^ Thanks for the link. Yeah, I'm going to a three week holiday starting next week. What's most worrying is how fast this happened. It's my first "real" work, so maybe it will disappear after a while as I get used to it. It's not really effictive at the job either, as it takes me such a long time to permorm anything. But at least I get it right...
If it's stemming from your work, it's probably just a form of the Tetris Effect. If you take a break from your work, or spend a lot of your free time doing things that are specifically unrelated to your work, then it should go away or at least regress.

I get that a lot. Not Tetris, just random things. Really hard to explain and it's usually when I'm really really hungover.
Yeah, it applies to anything you spend a lot of time doing. Myself, I often look at environments and see mathematical relationships - parabolas, geometric patterns, x/y graph functions, it's kind of annoying. Same thing happens in games too, only in games I tend to see the underlying programming in a very general way. That second part is bizarre though, because I've never really done any difficult computer programming, so I have no idea how it started :P
What the hell? I can't even read that first post, did you write that with your forehead or something Taxman? What the hell does this first sentence of your post even mean?

I raed teeeeeeeees anyanyany, it makes me takes one bong to wrap stone sunflower (in bottom Angel and Sweat).

Are you going insane or something? You need to proofread your shit before you post it man.
I get that a lot. Not Tetris, just random things. Really hard to explain and it's usually when I'm really really hungover.

... Maybe it's cause you're hung over. :)

I think everyone gets that, especially if you spend a lot of time writing things, you get confused if you do it for a prolonged time.
If the need to reread stuff persists, it might be OCD. (But what do I know, eh?)
You've got a typo there buddy.
What the hell? I can't even read that first post, did you write that with your forehead or something Taxman? What the hell does this first sentence of your post even mean?

Are you going insane or something? You need to proofread your shit before you post it man.
Damn you people!
If the need to reread stuff persists, it might be OCD. (But what do I know, eh?)
Yeah, it could very well be. Not the first time that has gone through my head. It's not just this, I always have the urge to check things out. (For example, I tend to check that I have my wallet, my keys and my cellphone with me like once every minute, and while performing the check I have to blink with my eyes in a certain way.)
I still think you're a flaming retard.
I have the same problem, but at least people can't be like "Hey, you misspelled that word, hur hur!" when they are losing in an argument and need some sort of defense
Damn you people!

Yeah, it could very well be. Not the first time that has gone through my head. It's not just this, I always have the urge to check things out. (For example, I tend to check that I have my wallet, my keys and my cellphone with me like once every minute, and while performing the check I have to blink with my eyes in a certain way.)

Yeah, that's most definitely OCD.
yeah... I used to have OCD bad, it sucks
I don't think many people who say they have/had OCD ever really have/had OCD.
That's probably true. I thought I had OCD for a while, but I think it turned out that I just really, really liked patterns :P
I was diagnosed with OCD last year. Took it to town though and fought it off.
You managed to fight off OCD? That's pretty hardcore D:
I don't think many people who say they have/had OCD ever really have/had OCD.

stepping on a peice of tile an odd number of times, tucking in the covers on my bed a certain way a certain number of times, purposely stepping on every sidewalk crack when I walk, if I missed one, go back and step on it. Blink a certain number of times when something bad happened.

yeah, I had OCD.

Still sometimes at night before i go to bed I find myself checking the oven and the door like 3 times to make sure it is off/locked.
The thing is, nothing really happens if I don't follow the "urge", I just move on. But for some reason, I keep doing it.
I have bad OCD, I think. When I am not doing anything overly-engaging, I have to do things evenly and the final number of the times I have to do it needs to be divisble by 5. For example, chewing on each side of my mouth, finger tapping, breathing, etc.

I do it with breathing a lot, breathe in for 5... Breathe out for 4... Oh shit, breathe in for 5... Breathe out for 6. Now it is even, and divisible by 5. D:
Keep in mind that anxiety about the issue can make it seem much, much worse. Wait until you are feeling completely relaxed and together, and not worried about the way you're reading and take note of how you break down the words.

Similar things have happened to me several times and I find when I stop worrying so much the symptoms die down. If they don't of course and you can't take your mind off it see a health care professional of some kind.
Sounds like you've got OCD.

My sister has it. She washes her hands for like 10 minutes, until they are almost bleeding.

She takes medication now, and it's pretty much knocked it out. She is doing really well.

I've got some issues as well, where I count while I'm drinking from a water fountain, for example. This stems from when I was a kid, and there was a line for the water fountain at school, and I didn't want to be greedy. I often re-check things too many times as well.

When reading, try just skimming over it quickly, then stop looking at it. If you have something on your mind, you need to address that first, or you will day-dream while reading. I used to have a ton of trouble reading without re-reading things and never really getting anywhere.
Wow, I didn't expect so many serious responses from hl2.net, thanks a lot!

Keep in mind that anxiety about the issue can make it seem much, much worse. Wait until you are feeling completely relaxed and together, and not worried about the way you're reading and take note of how you break down the words.

Similar things have happened to me several times and I find when I stop worrying so much the symptoms die down. If they don't of course and you can't take your mind off it see a health care professional of some kind.
Yes, relaxing helps a bit, although I still have the urge to re-read it several times.
Sounds like you've got OCD.

My sister has it. She washes her hands for like 10 minutes, until they are almost bleeding.

She takes medication now, and it's pretty much knocked it out. She is doing really well.

I've got some issues as well, where I count while I'm drinking from a water fountain, for example. This stems from when I was a kid, and there was a line for the water fountain at school, and I didn't want to be greedy. I often re-check things too many times as well.

When reading, try just skimming over it quickly, then stop looking at it. If you have something on your mind, you need to address that first, or you will day-dream while reading. I used to have a ton of trouble reading without re-reading things and never really getting anywhere.
Yeah, I daydream a lot. Often when watching a movie/TV, I find that I sometimes miss several scenes because of daydreaming. It's even worse before I fall asleep, but that's another matter.
You managed to fight off OCD? That's pretty hardcore D:

I didn't actually see anyone about it until a few weeks ago. By the time I went to see the psychiatrist I'd actually managed to stop the majority of it. He said "That's pretty fantastic." I was like, yes, yes it is.

Who's the man?
I didn't actually see anyone about it until a few weeks ago. By the time I went to see the psychiatrist I'd actually managed to stop the majority of it. He said "That's pretty fantastic." I was like, yes, yes it is.

Who's the man?

That's actually rather interesting.

If I understand OCD correctly, you get 'impulses' or such. How did you stop them? Did you just resist, like as if it were some kind of addiction?
About your keys, wallet, cellphone -- When do you do this? Any particular situation? It might an anxiety response.
When you walk around, are you mostly with someone else? If so, do you do it when you are accompanied by others?
That's actually rather interesting.

If I understand OCD correctly, you get 'impulses' or such. How did you stop them? Did you just resist, like as if it were some kind of addiction?

Something like that. The easiest by far was how many times I checked the door handle before I decided that yes, it was in fact locked. I used to do this 4+ times, and I simply trimmed it over time until I did it once and that was it. With that down, the other stuff came easy. I just forced myself not to do the checking and so on, which like an addiction is quite difficult at first, and then you slip into a better regime with ease.
When you walk around, are you mostly with someone else? If so, do you do it when you are accompanied by others?
I think I look to reduce the amount of checking when I'm with someone else, but I still do it. I've gotten quite a lot of questions about it, too.
Something like that. The easiest by far was how many times I checked the door handle before I decided that yes, it was in fact locked. I used to do this 4+ times, and I simply trimmed it over time until I did it once and that was it. With that down, the other stuff came easy. I just forced myself not to do the checking and so on, which like an addiction is quite difficult at first, and then you slip into a better regime with ease.
Yeah, I do that too.
For me, I over-rinse things.

I just don't feel OK with having the slightest amount of soap residue on dishes, my car, or my body/hair/hands. It's not an addiction, I just don't feel like they are clean. I have germ phobias too.

If there are various severities of OCD, then I probably have a less severe form. My psychiatrist said that these things are often linked together in the brain.

Probably have severe depression too.

I was diagnosed with ADD when I was young, and Bi-Polar disorder a couple years ago.

I just deal with it.