I think... IT'S DONE

Yes, it's a real picture. It's been posted numerous times just so you know. :)
First, please correct the URL.

So what does it mean by "It's done"?
Woah.....where did that come from?

EDIT: Why would they print that if it wasn't done? It must be done.
Really? ammm ok :D
is this new at all? or this is old from like last month?.
Neutrino said:
Yes, it's a real picture. It's been posted numerous times just so you know. :)

Has it? It's news to me. I would have thought a bigger deal would have been made out of something like this. Instead we get 20+ page threads discussing some lame second test? Seems a little disproportional.
It is very odd...
If the statement in the picture is true...it means Valve wants to surprise everyone, by just shipping the game - so that players would accidentally see the game and buy it?!!

Or else how do you explain there was no official statement?
Probably because Valve said that the game would be done before the magazine hit the shelves.
tkato said:
Really? ammm ok :D
is this new at all? or this is old from like last month?.

actually more like last week.

its an add for Hl2 (probably a review/preview) for the next month's issue.

nothing major.

the whole "its done" thing could mean anything (their review is done, etc etc)

technically the game has been done for months now,.... its just been in playtesting (sneaky F**king russians :D - snatch- )

Kinseek said:
"On Sale Sept 22".

For real?!?

YEP thats when the issue that has the HL2 info comes out.
(not Hl2 the game though)
Maybe the mag on sept 22 might contain a review or final hands-on. You never know...
Okay, just to clear something up. That is not an ad by Valve, that picture is from the "Next Issue" section of the magazine. I presume it means their preview is done, or something like that. It's somewhat misleading, but magazines do that sort of thing often to sell copies.
Mr. Redundant said:
the whole "its done" thing could mean anything (their review is done, etc)

I highly doubt that. When you print a huge HL2 logo and then text beneath saying its done you're not talking about a review. That page is definitely trying to tell you the game is done, whether that's true or not is another question.
iamaelephant said:
Okay, just to clear something up. That is not an ad by Valve, that picture is from the "Next Issue" section of the magazine. I presume it means their preview is done, or something like that. It's somewhat misleading, but magazines do that sort of thing often to sell copies.

They've done previews of HL2 before and mentioned clearly that its only a preview and not a review. Also i've never known PC Powerplay to do false advertisement along those lines.
You guys might want to check this link out on their forums. http://forums.pcpowerplay.com.au/viewforum.php?f=10 This is an official announcment by PC Powerplay. It is under "No Half Life 2 Review Next Issue" in the link. You need to be registered to view it, so i'll post what it says:

Despite what it says on the "Next Month" page in #104, we will not be reviewing Half Life 2 in #105.

At the time of going to print a review did look likely to happen, but subsequent events have rendered it impossible. The following issue - #106 - should carry the eagerly anticipated PCPP review.

However we do have an unexpected treat for you in #105. I can't reveal any more, save to say it's BIG news.

They still have something "BIG" coming though...
Just so people know, basically every magazine was saying they would have a review last year, with publishing dates, they have to make a decision as to whether they think it will be done, and this magazine has made a guess.

edit: ooh Sashswash clears it up nicely,
DiSTuRbEd said:
The magazine is.

Wait a second...why would an ad in the magazine announce that the magazine will be on sale September 22nd?

The ad itself isn't even FOR the magazine.

That doesn't make sense.
Sashswash said:
You guys might want to check this link out on their forums. http://forums.pcpowerplay.com.au/viewforum.php?f=10 This is an official announcment by PC Powerplay. It is under "No Half Life 2 Review Next Issue" in the link. You need to be registered to view it, so i'll post what it says:

Despite what it says on the "Next Month" page in #104, we will not be reviewing Half Life 2 in #105.

At the time of going to print a review did look likely to happen, but subsequent events have rendered it impossible. The following issue - #106 - should carry the eagerly anticipated PCPP review.

However we do have an unexpected treat for you in #105. I can't reveal any more, save to say it's BIG news.

They still have something "BIG" coming though...

Argh. Next month the same story. Then next..then 2005...
The review of HL2 will be in the following issue, released mid to late october afaik unless it gets delayed again. Problems occured.
samuelk said:
Wait a second...why would an ad in the magazine announce that the magazine will be on sale September 22nd?

The ad itself isn't even FOR the magazine.

That doesn't make sense.

It isn't an ad as such. It's one of those things magazines have right by the end, where they announce, or tease, about what'll be in the next issue, and the date is merely telling people when the issue with those things will be out.
I think PC gamer will be the first to get the review... They've stated that they have an exclusive with a big game next month. And they landed an Exclusive Doom III review before it was even announced as gold. Their next issue is due out in a week or two and I think that it might have a review of Half life 2... then again when they got an exclusive for Doom III that review was delayed till the next month.
It's commonplace for mags to get review copies before games go gold. When a game is 99.9% complete like Half-life 2 is, its pretty much reviewable. The core gameplay is there and most bug have been removed so its no problem to judge it.

It doesn't matter that the PCPP review is delayed a month. It has no bearing on the HL2 release. Games often come out before reviews. It could easily be a case of another magazine being promised an exclusive first review. Either that or the review copy had not arrived at the magazine HQ in time for an indepth playtest and review write-up before they had to publish.
The game may be done, but it still hasn't gone gold as far as I know, we'd have some sort of an official annoucement; not some camera snapshot of a guy and his magazine if you get my drift ;)
I remember 3DFX kept saying they had a "Big" surprise too. 6 months later they announce they were bankrupt.
:cheers: That was the surprise! If the release IS September 22nd, that's pretty long :frown: . Anything later than September 10th is toooooooo long, hehe.
I won't believe a release date unless I hear it straight from Gabe's mother.

EDIT: I R stoopid and post before I read the entire thread.
ailevation said:
:cheers: That was the surprise! If the release IS September 22nd, that's pretty long :frown: . Anything later than September 10th is toooooooo long, hehe.

I think we will be waiting longer then that, unfortuantely.
Hitler said:
HL 2 is already done it is on the internet

Part of it is on the internet, as in the files that have been completed (textures and audio). The whole game, however is not, moron. How many times do you ignorant little kids need to be reminded?
Hitler said:
HL 2 is already done it is on the internet

Can we get a ban here? Look at his post history if you don't think he deserves it just from his name alone.