I think... IT'S DONE

DarkStar said:
Can we get a ban here? Look at his post history if you don't think he deserves it just from his name alone.

I Agree - 100% with you.
The games been done for a long time. They've just been perfecting it so they can reach gold status
Dont know if this has been posted or not


Editor, PCPP

Joined: 06 Apr 2003
Posts: 933

Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2004 11:06 am Post subject: No Half Life 2 review next issue


Despite what it says on the "Next Month" page in #104, we will not be reviewing Half Life 2 in #105.

At the time of going to print a review did look likely to happen, but subsequent events have rendered it impossible. The following issue - #106 - should carry the eagerly anticipated PCPP review.

However we do have an unexpected treat for you in #105. I can't reveal any more, save to say it's BIG news.

Even if they were wrong, the 22nd is a perfectly reasonable date for HL2's release. I expect, at the very least, a gold announcement by then.
yeah...this is looking more and more like it's coming out end of september...thank god...put an end to all this madness...

what the hell will we talk about once it's finished?
What we do know is that November seems like the most likely Date.... I hope i'm wrong and we get to see it in October.
here in germany a PC-mag says, it will have a Halflife2-test in its next issue, when valve stays on their promises.
ManiacB said:
It is very odd...
If the statement in the picture is true...it means Valve wants to surprise everyone, by just shipping the game - so that players would accidentally see the game and buy it?!!

Or else how do you explain there was no official statement?

Thats not correct all , and no this isnt that old buit it has een posted already look in the rumors and speculation thread!!!

Edit: And the 22nd advertisment in that mag is for the date the mag goes on sale not the day that HL2 goes gold or is released!
CS:S beta is still going on. And I think Valve stated that they would "SHIP" CS:S with HL2. So, the gold announcement would have to be after the CS:S beta is over.
of course it's real; that's why it's written "ITS" and not "IT'S".
Head_Crab_04 said:
CS:S beta is still going on. And I think Valve stated that they would "SHIP" CS:S with HL2. So, the gold announcement would have to be after the CS:S beta is over.

Logically yes :)
RMachucaA said:
What we do know is that November seems like the most likely Date.... I hope i'm wrong and we get to see it in October.

Oh really? How do we KNOW that Novemeber is the most likely date? To my knowledge, Valve are still staying at the summer/autumn estimate

Anyway, if they still want to hit the summer release, September 22 is their final chance. Because remember, "technically summer doesn't end untill September 22, 12.00 AM".
Hrhr, maybe on one sunny day in October they release HL2 and say: "hey its hot out there like in summer :)"
Thats not correct all , and no this isnt that old buit it has een posted already look in the rumors and speculation thread!!!

Edit: And the 22nd advertisment in that mag is for the date the mag goes on sale not the day that HL2 goes gold or is released!

I didn't say olD, I said odD... :)
Hmm I think that it might happen on sept 22d. Given that when games go gold it takes at least 2 weeks to pack and ship. Maybe even sooner- Like back when Starcraft came out. It went gold and a week later i had it in my hands.

So it may go gold on the seventh or sooner. September is what? tomorow?
SGT Tenor said:
Hmm I think that it might happen on sept 22d. Given that when games go gold it takes at least 2 weeks to pack and ship. Maybe even sooner- Like back when Starcraft came out. It went gold and a week later i had it in my hands.

So it may go gold on the seventh or sooner. September is what? tomorow?

I think HL:2 will be availible as soon it is going gold...

S T E A M > A L L :naughty:
Technically, Half Life 2 could go Gold and be preloaded onto Steam the same day. Valve would make all the profits, seeing as it would be weeks before retailers could begin selling hard copies in stores...
figge said:
I think HL:2 will be availible as soon it is going gold...

S T E A M > A L L :naughty:

That wont happen, they want a worldwide release at the same time, plus that would piss alot of people off including me, I payed 80 for the CE and yet you can DL off steam a week ahead of time before I get my retail copy F that!
That wont happen, they want a worldwide release at the same time, plus that would piss alot of people off including me, I payed 80 for the CE and yet you can DL off steam a week ahead of time before I get my retail copy F that!

It could happen....your the one who wanted the collectors edition with all the crap that comes with it...so because of that it comes in a physical box and you have to wait for it. For those who dont need delivery's/boxed copy (like me) can start playing right away :). I see nothing wrong with this. Why the hell should I have to wait for everyones boxed copy to come in, this is the very reason why I am Dloading so I can get it fast and easy....so F that!!!
maximus0402 said:
It could happen....your the one who wanted the collectors edition with all the crap that comes with it...so because of that it comes in a physical box and you have to wait for it. For those who dont need delivery's/boxed copy (like me) can start playing right away :). I see nothing wrong with this. Why the hell should I have to wait for everyones boxed copy to come in, this is the very reason why I am Dloading so I can get it fast and easy....so F that!!!

HAHA hell no thats rediculous people pay more money for the CE and you just get to DL it a week in advance what kind of shitty deal is that granted if this really happend I would buy it off of steam as well.....Im not worried about it anyways cause its not gonna happen that way :D , O and I dont need a CE I never bought one in my life this is my first time just cause its HL2 is why Im getting one, your wrong if you think everyone that doesnt have acces to a credit card or some way of buying thru steam should have to wait any longer than you.

Edit:As badly as eveyone wants this game it would only be fair for everyone to get it at the same time...IMO.
Agent.M said:
HAHA hell no thats rediculous people pay more money for the CE and you just get to DL it a week in advance what kind of shitty deal is that granted if this really happend I would buy it off of steam as well.....Im not worried about it anyways cause its not gonna happen that way :D , O and I dont need a CE I never bought one in my life this is my first time just cause its HL2 is why Im getting one, your wrong if you think everyone that doesnt have acces to a credit card or some way of buying thru steam should have to wait any longer than you.

Edit:As badly as eveyone wants this game it would only be fair for everyone to get it at the same time...IMO.

Yes, but the fact remains that you bought the CE edition. Just as you would be pissed while waiting for a boxed copy to arrive while people downloaded off of Steam (if that ever happened), so would other people be pissed waiting for you to get your fancy-extras even though the game is technically done.

I know it will most likely not happen, but I just want you to see where we are comming from...
MrBongo said:
Yes, but the fact remains that you bought the CE edition. Just as you would be pissed while waiting for a boxed copy to arrive while people downloaded off of Steam (if that ever happened), so would other people be pissed waiting for you to get your fancy-extras even though the game is technically done.

I know it will most likely not happen, but I just want you to see where we are comming from...

Where Im coming from is that everyone should get it at the same time not box orders nor steam orders.....who gives a rats a$$ if im talking about the CE that doesnt matter Im talking about in general....I can just see it now FLAME WAR II "how come steam buyers get theres today and we get ours in a week :flame: :flame: " or vice versa.