I think it's just about time....


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
I think it's just about that time....

"Rise and Shiine Mr. Freeman, rise and shiine"

Valve is being quite for a final spree, before you let the tumble weeds get to your head keep in mind after silence is broken by Valve BIG things happen. Any day now the game will go gold. The box art has been finalized, the game content last we heard was being polished to perfection after pain-stakingly long testing sessions (all content complete). I would like to think Valve has switched to marketing mode (getting ready to present the gold build) and send in the version they are most happy with to be mass produced for our grubby hands. As my email confirms they are sticking to there summer release date. Valve is holding back any further information because ladies and gentlemen any day now gamers across the globe will be stepping into the shoes of the legendary "Gordon Freeman" for an all new unforgettable adventure that will be remembered in gamers minds forever and generations to come. I can nearly smell the scent of Half-Life 2's approach like it's teasing me in my dreams :eek: . Hold your breath Half-Life fans because pretty soon we will crowbars in hand, dive into a situation that is leaps and bounds beyond Black Mesa.

"Welcome to City 17, it's safer here."
your skills of deduction are...intriguing :)
I reccomend everybody buy Soldiers: Heroes of World War II in 14 days until Half-life 2 comes out. Keeping your mind off of it will make things easier on you.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
As my email confirms they are sticking to there summer release date.

Okay, not trying to be a pessimistic person here, but don't get your hopes up. Unless your hopes are set for september, which technically is still summer. If you are expecting a september release, then you should be fine.

Also, don't forget they were still sticking to a september 30th, 2003 date a week before that whole fiasco, so i would just wait until you get something more specific and from the source. Not that your e-mail isn't from the source, but ya know...I'm just waiting for something more specific, like a set date.
Babyheadcrab said the "soon" word!!

"Soon" makes me feel like this!!


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If only there was a way they could release this pretty much finished game, then work on the tiny bugs that are causeing these month long delays. If only the game was somehow linked to some program, meaning we could be enjoying the game and making mods for it while they are polishing the tiny bugs.

If only there was....they could call it...smoke...or something.

Oh well...

*edit - RELEASE!!!!

yet another, hopeful dreamer

why do I say this? because "polishing" does not mean they are DONE
what they need to 'polish' are little parts in the game. Be it humor (such as the elevator falling in HL1) or small things (such as the scientist in the dumpster at the beginning of HL1) thus meaning alot of scripting etc. yet...

alot of work yet to be done...

"We are still pushing for the Sept 30th release date"

"Holiday release"

"March release"

"Summer release"

"possible fall release"

you see where this is going? its deja vu with HL1...

we can only dream of this being the final call.

As the magic 8 ball would say to a wish of a release this summer:
"All my sources point to no"

until that day.. we wait in silence
I think some of you are way to negative, I think Valve is really ready to put the game out. It feels leaps and bounds different from the shaky-ness of the semptember release. The game actually feels COMPLETE as opposed to when we knew it wasnt and hung onto the hope that they would have said somthing if it relaly wasn't going to release.

This time it feels real, like the game is actually approaching and done.
Heh, read the info thread more. You'll find MANY different release dates. I doubt the game is about to go gold any day now: I'd say a month at the earliest.

And how the heck would you know how the game "feels" now?
not really... Im sure if it really was valve would probably talk a little bit more than they are now...

You're getting your hopes too high... you shouldnt do that
Joeyslucky22 said:
not really... Im sure if it really was valve would probably talk a little bit more than they are now...

You're getting your hopes too high... you shouldnt do that

Valve were extremely silent before the release of HL, game companies dont want to effect the "mood" of the release as stupid as it sounds. What game company gives every little detail of there prized years and years of work away right before they are about to actual experience it? I sure as hell wouldent. I would shut the hell up and push out my work to the world to finally, FINALLY see some praise and feedback (and well earned money) from my product. (whatch gamespot interview from when hl2 was first announced to see Valve's attitude about getting the game out ffs)
Valve has gone extremely silent lots of times, most memorably for the years HL2 was a secret. They aren't truly silent even now. This doesn't tell us much of anything. We know they are near done, but not how near is near.
Babypubiccrab has a point: it does feel more real this summer. But I'm generally negative and I just can't believe that it will be coming out soon. It would blow my mind. What will I obsess about afterwards? It's an uncertain future.
However, I don't think we'll see a repeat of last Sept's fiasco. There's no way they'd make that mistake twice. When they finally do give a date it will be written in stone. So that's some small comfort. That date may be in September though...
Pessimists, or optimists, we all equally don't know when it's coming out.
Oh, I'm sure this time they really have a GAME to deliver us when they are ready. I just don't think they are quite ready yet.
true noone really knows, but I won't get excited till i hear the preload is starting, and Valve said even that would be pretty far in advance.
Joeyslucky22 said:

yet another, hopeful dreamer

why do I say this? because "polishing" does not mean they are DONE
what they need to 'polish' are little parts in the game. Be it humor (such as the elevator falling in HL1) or small things (such as the scientist in the dumpster at the beginning of HL1) thus meaning alot of scripting etc. yet...

alot of work yet to be done...

"We are still pushing for the Sept 30th release date"

"Holiday release"

"March release"

"Summer release"

"possible fall release"

you see where this is going? its deja vu with HL1...

we can only dream of this being the final call.

As the magic 8 ball would say to a wish of a release this summer:
"All my sources point to no"

until that day.. we wait in silence

"Polishing" is a subjective term, but it certianly doesnt mean "adding entire scenes at the last minute". Ive never heard any developer or publisher use it the context you mention. In fact quite the opposite, it always means the game is done. "Polishing" means fixing misaligned textures, fixing it so Klieners hand doesnt clip through the table during his speech, or replacing any placeholder art that hadnt yet been replaced or otherwise smoothing out rough edges. Basically making sure the game looks as pretty as possible and plays as smooth as possible.

Like Ive said its subjective, but your definition is pretty presumtuous considering the term has been used a million times before and always meant something vastly different then what you suggest.

Why is everyone so negative! For once i would like to hear people say "i think this is really it! I think HL2 will come out this summer."
Parasite said:
"Polishing" is a subjective term, but it certianly doesnt mean "adding entire scenes at the last minute". Ive never heard any developer or publisher use it the context you mention. In fact quite the opposite, it always means the game is done. "Polishing" means fixing misaligned textures, fixing it so Klieners hand doesnt clip through the table during his speech, or replacing any placeholder art that hadnt yet been replaced or otherwise smoothing out rough edges. Basically making sure the game looks as pretty as possible and plays as smooth as possible.

Like Ive said its subjective, but your definition is pretty presumtuous considering the term has been used a million times before and always meant something vastly different then what you suggest.

Yup, adding "humour scenes" has to do with the initial level design.
Polishing is play testing, balancing, tweaking, and fixing bugs.
I highly doubt we will hear a Gone Gold annoucement in the next 6 weeks. August at the extreme earliest, but probably hear the Gone Gold announcement late September, be playing the game mid - late October, if we're lucky.

Just remember guys, Valve are always completely wrong.
iamaelephant said:
I highly doubt we will hear a Gone Gold annoucement in the next 6 weeks. August at the extreme earliest, but probably hear the Gone Gold announcement late September, be playing the game mid - late October, if we're lucky.

Just remember guys, Valve are always completely wrong.

so if it goes gold tomorrow, will you weep?
Estevan said:

Why is everyone so negative! For once i would like to hear people say "i think this is really it! I think HL2 will come out this summer."

youve been here since may.

you saw the whole 9/30 fiasco.

I realy do not think the game will go gold in the nest few weeks never mind days.

and why hasent any1 noticed this is just another "the game will come out on X date!" thread.
I think this is really it! I think HL2 will come out this summer. :D
If they said "this summer" they DO NOT mean september, beacouse september is fall.
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
so if it goes gold tomorrow, will you weep?

Hell no, I hope it does go gold tomorrow, I think HL2 is the lizzard's gizzards, but I'm realistic about Valve. They're always wrong. Always.
Joeyslucky22 said:
... see where this is going? its deja vu with HL1...

That means that hl2 will be if not better, as grand as it's predecessor, after all these delays. :)

Seriously guys aren't you overdoing this "valve is always wrong" thing.

I know they've messed up the whole CZ and hl2 release date thing - and you may think they are inefficent, but come on - the world had moved on we don't have time to whine about the fact that why Valve missed 30 sep. Let's just do something else untill hl2 comes out, okay? that way less "OMG! I'm tired of waiting, stuff this game!" threads will come.

It's just like EA makes a crapass game within 6 months and get's 14/50. Valve works hard to get a reputable score - and I believe you don't want hl2 to be something like harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban movie game - wow it's harry on the comp 0WnaGe11!!!
Even if it's a Sept-Oct release, that isn't that far away. Just go movie hop day after day, and the time will pass..
lans said:
That means that hl2 will be if not better, as grand as it's predecessor, after all these delays. :)

Seriously guys aren't you overdoing this "valve is always wrong" thing.

I know they've messed up the whole CZ and hl2 release date thing - and you may think they are inefficent, but come on - the world had moved on we don't have time to whine about the fact that why Valve missed 30 sep. Let's just do something else untill hl2 comes out, okay? that way less "OMG! I'm tired of waiting, stuff this game!" threads will come.

It's just like EA makes a crapass game within 6 months and get's 14/50. Valve works hard to get a reputable score - and I believe you don't want hl2 to be something like harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban movie game - wow it's harry on the comp 0WnaGe11!!!

I totally agree with u. Im all for HL2 coming very soon!
Kouler please shorten your signature to 4 lines or less as per forum rules....
The_Monkey said:
If they said "this summer" they DO NOT mean september, beacouse september is fall.

september is still summer.

up until the 22nd or something.

so thats your theory gone to hell.
dougy i imagine that you have the same facial expression while posting on this forum as your avatar does.
poseyjmac said:
dougy i imagine that you have the same facial expression while posting on this forum as your avatar does.

so true lol :E but I still <3 you dougy
Dougy said:
september is still summer.

up until the 22nd or something.

so thats your theory gone to hell.

It depends on where you live, here in Sweden Summer is from first of June till last og August, and nothing else.
my "summer" ends when school starts, I JUST WANT TO HAVE SOME PLAY TIME BEFORE THAT DAMNIT D: D:
LOL I can just imagine someone sitting at a forum typing with that expression on their face :LOL: poseyjmac that was priceless :D
What boxart are you talking about? Are they the ones from E3 2003?
If HL2 is released after the school year starts then I will be a sad panda.
If HL2 is released after school goes back in you can bet your ass on a Christmas release. There is no benefit in Valve releasing the game between school holidays and Christmas, makes no sense.