I think McCain has a pretty good chance.

"Can't let the black man win! Him's gunna take away all ours guns."

We get it. You love McCain. Good for you. He's going to need all the pity you can give him once he loses.
lI wouldnt bet on it. All I see down here is McCain/Palin signs (though I have seen one Obama/Biden sign in front of a gas station \o/). I even stopped behind someone at a red light and saw their "I'm glad Bush is out president" bumper sticker. I literally facepalmed along with my two friends.

The Republicans haven't got anywhere more they can go. They've bankrupted the country and reluctantly made everyone agree to bail out the banks 'this time'. There's little chance people are going to sit back and let them pull that trick again any time soon and the odds of borrowing heavily from overseas are pretty much non-existent for the next few years. Ultimately the only way to raise money is going to come from either monetary reform (not going to happen), cutting back on extraneous expenditure (like those 2 wars going on) or raising taxes at some point down the road. Can they afford to alienate their base? Or will they suddenly switch targets to the high earners and corporations?
lol contradiction.

And thanks Direwolf, I was looking for that site when I originally posted but couldnt remember what it was. Its a very reassuring site.

I wouldnt bet on it. All I see down here is McCain/Palin signs (though I have seen one Obama/Biden sign in front of a gas station \o/). I even stopped behind someone at a red light and saw their "I'm glad Bush is out president" bumper sticker. I literally facepalmed along with my two friends.

Not blinding to me. To anyone it is shining on. No contradiction.
I was just yanking your chain, lighten up a bit.

Sorry I am used to everyone here constantly mocking me because of my guns views. Sometimes it's hard to judge who is poking fun and who is attacking lately.
I think this election will be a lot closer than most people think it will be. 13 days left...

Here's to hoping the Bradley Effect doesn't apply anymore.
actually I hope there's a reverse Bradley Effect ..cuz it's what the conservatives dread

white voter: "a black man running for president? OMG I SIMPLY MUST VOTE FOR HIM, HE'S BLACK!"

black voter: "is this the welfare line?"
McCain has a VERY GOOD chance but everything in this election will hinge on the VICE PRESIDENT nominations. McCain ESPECIALLY needs a good one, simply because of his age. There's a very good chance his vice president would need to serve out McCain's term.

And as far as Obama is concerned, the democratic party now has a schism dividing it. Hillary as VP would heal that schism and the democratic party would be TRULY FORMIDABLE and virtually unstoppable!!
McCain has a VERY GOOD chance but everything in this election will hinge on the VICE PRESIDENT nominations. McCain ESPECIALLY needs a good one, simply because of his age. There's a very good chance his vice president would need to serve out McCain's term.

And as far as Obama is concerned, the democratic party now has a schism dividing it. Hillary as VP would heal that schism and the democratic party would be TRULY FORMIDABLE and virtually unstoppable!!

the above would be relevent if not for the fact the presidential nominees picked their running mates more than a month ago...I smell troll
Been watching the news cycle for today and it seems that Obama is pulling ahead of McCain more sharply than before. That Obama is capturing the favorability of Independents by a large margin over McCain.

And that Sarah Palin is regarded as more of a drag for the McCain campaign than George Bush. How unbelievable is that?

Their base still loves her, foolishly, but they have alienated swing voters, independent voters by a large degree.
Yeah, new state-levels polls have now come in for the month. According to FiveThirtyEight McCain's chances of winning have now dropped from 6.5% to 3.7%, his lowest that I can remember seeing.
if McCain wins the election the streets will run red with republican blood ...which tbh isnt all that bad
But he has the Democrats right where he wants them.