i think something is wrong with my psu

Aug 24, 2004
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it turns on and i hooked it all up but my dvd drive wont open and my computer seems to be not turning on, just the fans are ;(

my specs:
amd 64 3200
1 gig corsair xms
80 gig segate harddrive
antec trueblue 480 psu
9600 se graphics card

i think thats bout it
either you have done something wrong with the powercables or the PSU is broken. If it was a 100W PSU I could understand why it didn't start up, but since you have a 480W psu it should be sufficient.

Check the cables or return the PSU.
Make sure all the power connectors on your motherboard have a connector from the power supply connected to them :)
Yeah try the 12volt square connector.

When i changed Mobos a long time ago, the new one had 12 volt, and i didnt even know it after like an hour of looking at it.
my power supply turns on and the cpu turns on but i dont think my computer turns on, like when i press the power button...nothing happens not even a beep

i guess ill go to someone to assamble my computer and pay some money
If you've got a camera, take some pics of the insides of your computer... just make sure they're high res enough to see everything. See if we can't take a look before you shell out the cash :)
i dont have a camera so i cannot take pictures of it sorry...this is getting me mad, i was plannin to play rone total war with this comp and now it wont even work :angry:

but i have plugged everything right using the manual...maybe there is a defect on one of my parts?
Or maybe you didnt put in the motherboard risers (little metal spacers that mak sure your motherboard doesnt touch the tray metal...)
johnnypoopoopant said:
o i did...if u dont your mobo dont work??

Sounds to me like you wired something incorrectly. Have you checked the C-mos switch?
Does the PSU run at all? If it doesn't;
1. Your start button it ****ed.
2. Your PSU is ****ed.
3. Your comp isn't connected.
That happened to me and my friend. If it is a new computer I would say the motherboard or the cpu is broken. If you tried to overclock then you can try to reset the CMOS (It worked for me).
BROKEN!! i hope not...my cmos switch is on keep data and yes i rechecked all my wires and they are plugged...o btw everytime i turn on my psu all the fans (psu fan,cpu fan, case fans) just turn when i have not pressed the power button :eek:
Reset the CMOS just in case I get this occasionally. Otherwise take it ALL apart and assemble just the mobo, vid card, ram and a hd and see if that boots.
I know your CMOS switch is on keep data but shut down your PC, unplug the power cord, put the jumper to the reset CMOS position, wait 10 minutes, put it back to keep data, plug everything and start the comp. It can't be a RAM or VID problem since your mobo would still beep. The only thing that can prevent the beeps are faulty CPU or Mobo... Or the BIOS settings.
thanks guys ill go try that out

just came back from clearing the cmos and unplugged
everything then waited 10 min then put the cmos on
keep data. then i plugged all the wires in and when i
turn on the psu the psu turns on instead of me turinin
on the power then the psu turnin in :eek: whaaaaa

i think there is a defect on one of my parts not my psu...any ideas of what is going on with my psu.

if not then imma go to frys or my friends dad and tell them to check it out, i hope it wont cost too much :(