I think the 15th for America...


australia wins. it's got like millions of square miles on NZ
yeah, dude...we americans... we're so less silly... right?
You see you people are talking with no experience with games being released in Australia. All the major game releases, Doom 3 etc etc came out FIRST in Australia then America had to wait for there timezone to catch up. This is just fact...Read in forums with Aussies rubbing noses into Americans. :)
My 5c

Game launch 00.01 am PST, = 07.00 am gmt = 08.00 am in Sweden.
Hanta Swe said:
My 5c

Game launch 00.01 am PST, = 07.00 am gmt = 08.00 am in Sweden.

Actually, it's 08:00 GMT, equals 09:00 in Sweden. So you can sleep another hour. :thumbs:
if you have got steam i dont think time zones count .. so if thay unlock hl-2 on the 16th i will get it at the same time in the uk .. if im awake lol
eLGee said:
Actually, it's 08:00 GMT, equals 09:00 in Sweden. So you can sleep another hour. :thumbs:

Men så kommer oxo sommartiden in = ställ tillbaka klockan ;)

Jag har tänkt till här...tror jag.

Sorry about the swedish for all others, just a local daysaving time
thingy between two swedes ;)
Sounds to me like it'll be synchronous for the Steam dudes, but the people who "get" the 16th first will be able to take their retail copies home first... however, they might not be able to activate them over Steam until it's the 16th wherever VALVe HQ is... maybe...

Unless that theory about Steam detecting early registrations and setting off a little flag that says "OMG! Someone sold HL2 early! activate it!" is true...
who cares! on steam ill just wake up on 16th and play i could not care if some austrailain/NZ japan, china has it before Europe or US. Its real childish and this thread should just be deleted. Within 24hr of that day in Australia/nz or that little island that celibrates new year first one way or the other every1 will be playing.
vegeta897 said:
Umm... To the calender it's a DIFFERENT day.



THE WHOLE FRIGGIN WORLD GETS IT ON THE 16TH , world wide release doesnt matter if ur a brit , yank, aussie or canook u get the game on the 16th
Yup. And us down in Oceania/Australasia are amongst the first to see the dawn of the 16th.
Brian Damage said:
Yup. And us down in Oceania/Australasia are amongst the first to see the dawn of the 16th.
Yeah but because it will be midnight it will fit with lunch in europe, and early morning in the us :)

Just put it up to confirm the australian date thingy :p
Kamakiri said:
Hl2 will be released on the 15th of November in America because Australia and other Southern Countries it's a day ahead. Australia always gets worldwide released games first.

Edit: Maybe offensive to some

if they alway get it first, why shouldnt they get hl2 first? u could stay up late and play it the same time, or u could just play it at a normal time and not think about the ppl in oz land :) u will be sleepin most the time, time goes fast when u sleep :)
America is so evil. They porpusly made the earth rotate in an Easternly direction so they could have HL2 on the 15th and the other side of the world would have to wait until the 16th... even thought it happens at the same time in both placed but don't tell anyone because we just want to blame America!
I hope so much HL2 will be out on the 15th... I'm free the whole afternoon on that day.
If Valve unlock the game at 12pm GMT, everyone will play it on the 16th, theoretically.

But then again, they also said they'd unlock it on the same date as it was first sold in a shop.
OMG this thread is maddening... I'll try to make some sence of it.

Ok first, with steam it should be released worldwide and the SAME time, NO matter where you live on this earth. (Xen HL2 Fans I don't know about you)

In stores It will be released at what ever time the stores open on the 16th of november in your country.

Lets just say you live in USA and the stores open where you live at 9:00 on the 16th, Down south (still in USA) lets just say they are 2 hours behind you. The people north will get the game first. This is the same for the whole world. Australia will get it first but only by hours, Most people who are still waiting will prolly be asleep most that time anyway.

Also Australia would kick NZ anyday :p

I don't try to know what im talking about most the time.
FISKER_Q said:
Yeah but because it will be midnight it will fit with lunch in europe, and early morning in the us :)

Just put it up to confirm the australian date thingy :p

If VALVe were to stick to the spirit of the idea of releasing it on the 16th, and enable it for countries who have already gone past midnight in their time zones (in which case I could see a lot of fans staying up late) we'd get it first.

If it's released as soon as it's the 16th in the part of America where VALVe are, we'd have to wait through part of the 16th first... but not for too long.

If they release it partway through the 16th as seen from VALVe HQ, say, midday, we'll have to wait for quite a while...
It will be the 16th in australia as soon at the shops open, The stores aren't going to wait untill half way through the day to start selling the game. Nor do I think they will wait untill the 17th
It's 0.00 Seattle time. That means we can't play it untill 9.00 here? Not even if we bouy it retail?
You will be able to play it in australia if you buy it over steam :p What is up with the ratings system over there anyways??? Sounds a lot different than the US's, care to explain please?
this thread makes my head hurt.

the only thing i'm sure about is that Steam is actually really complicating this simultaneous worldwide release thing when it should be making it easier...

EDIT disturbed - rating here is same as for movies, except there are no R18+ or X18+(porn clasification) codes for games. so basically if the game can't fit into the M15+ rating, it is refused classification and effectively banned.

Manhunt and Leisure Suit Larry got that treatment.

btw i have a DOHC VTEC B18C2, but it doesn't do 9000+ rpm :(
From what I know our rating only goes up to MA15+ Anything higher is banned or something... No sure but have read some disturbing thing about games being banned.
Ahh thanks for explaining guys, well you can be happy if it does get banned cause you can still order off steam! :)
I'm 99.9999% sure it will NOT be banned, But lets not start another "Half-Life2 Banned in Australia" Thread.