I wanna learn telekinesis

Looks like he's just lightly blowing on the paper.
To fool people on the internet?
I suspect he has charged himself with static electricity. Never seen static make it spin that effectivly though...
Easily could be a magnet under the table.
LittleB said:
Man you guys are really immature.

Naive springs to mind for a description of you....a video of a guys hand and some paper spinning around ZOMG WIZARDZ
Someone I used to go to school with said he could do that stuff. Brought a bent fork to school once.
I still think that stuff is stupid, and useless as well.
What do you want to learn it for LittleB?
To develop to the point where it becomes useful in everyday life.
To learn it:

1. Stnad on one leg.

2. hold that position for 30hrs.
Note all the videos being zoomed in close so you can't see where his other hand is (or his friends hand on the ones where both his hands are visible.)
I love the picture of the guy tossing the pocket knife in the air and pretending he's making it levitate... that's pure class!
That's nothing special, I used to do the same in school. A warm hand will do crazy things to light-weight objects. I could barely make pencils roll.
.avi codec anyone? Mine's gone missing. :(

I want to see this for myself.
I just use the 'clapper'.



It's like telekinesis, but from the damned hand of man! :eek:
Meh. I think this stuff is cool. Thanks LB, I'll be practicing to make psyballs now :D. Something to do during the summer holidays anyway.

One thing I'd like to know though, is what the range on pinging is. My mate lives a couple of hundred meters away from me and I don't think I'd be able to ping him well :\
dekstar said:
Meh. I think this stuff is cool. Thanks LB, I'll be practicing to make psyballs now :D. Something to do during the summer holidays anyway.

One thing I'd like to know though, is what the range on pinging is. My mate lives a couple of hundred meters away from me and I don't think I'd be able to ping him well :\

FINALLY someone who agress with me. I had already given up on this thread :rolleyes:
LittleB said:
FINALLY someone who agress with me. I had already given up on this thread :rolleyes:
You be sure to send us pictures and videos once you get some results.

I read a site once that was made to disprove this nonsense. They explained how each trick was done. It's all fake. If you would take some time to look into it you would see for yourself.
I am sure people can fake it, but I also believe other people can do it. I've done it once, with my friends.
FictiousWill said:
*Finally finishes laughing*

Mph-snort. That's great.

Anyway, yeah, it's a total hoax. Much as I like to think that it would be great if the human mind could move objects without physical interaction, I also think it's totally bunk. Ah well. Here's hoping for the best some day.
sometimes I wish I could use the force. it's like telekenisis, right? 'cept you can do even more with it.

I wish this mostly because I'm lazy. But y'know, it'd be fun to post movies of me on the internet, using the force, and people wil debate pointlessly for years whether it's real or not. Like the star wars kid.

wait guys i can do it, here's a screenshot to PROVE IT.

one thing that is real from that site is out of body experiences. i can have them (usually) when i want, and its amazing, though like sex it becomes less amazing each time you do it.


  • untitled.JPG
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one word... .. or.. 3 words.. in one word... :P


LittleB I looked at all the videos and I believe in TK, but believe this guy is a joke. How come no sound on videos.... magnets and more magnets you dont see his hands at the whole time. The pocket knife? Thats the most real looking one but, ohh man he only got a picture of it :P

If you make a shape like that out of paper and let it rest on a point, the heat rising from your hand(s) would produce enough of an air current to spin it.

I even saw this experiment in a 'Horrible Science' book. Its just thermodynamics!

Edit: And as for that stupid 'flying penknife' trick, I can do that.... only t3h b3tt0r!


  • Penknife.jpg
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jabberwock95 said:

If you make a shape like that out of paper and let it rest on a point, the heat rising from your hand(s) would produce enough of an air current to spin it.

I even saw this experiment in a 'Horrible Science' book. Its just thermodynamics!

Edit: And as for that stupid 'flying penknife' trick, I can do that.... only t3h b3tt0r!
That sucks. Hasn't even got a shadow - wtf :p
I'm guessing you're sitting at home right now, staring intensely at your pocket knife, trying to make it levitate.

I'll bet my entire fortune that that pocket knife isn't going to move an inch. Not now, not ever. It doesn't work that way. This movie was made using cheap (and obvious) tricks, camera angle manipulation, and basic physical phenomenon. But still, even if you aren't familiar with thermodynamics, which quite honestly most people aren't, shouldn't you atleast be able to mobilize a tiny bit of common sense? Are you the same type of people that take spam mail serious?
It's amazing how many people absolutely concretely believe that TK isn't possible.