I want the benchmark!!!

Good lord, what have I done? My intention for this thread was certainly NOT a flame war between video cards. Please people, show some civility on these threads. After all, you are in a way representing the HL community. I'd hate to think what Gabe would do if he stumbled onto these boards and read a few threads. "Is this what my game's been doin to people? Well, thats it for me. Time to go write more code for Excel at Microsoft."
Dont worry..the nvidiots will see what piles of shit the FX series really are when we get the benchmark.

5900Ultra 256 =500$ DX8 paperweight

Btw ....that tombrader game is not a benchmark..it is an actaul game, albeit a crappy one.

Its funny how all the nvidia fans say its not legitimate...even when it is a best case scenario for Nvidia cards.(CG shaders anyone?)
Originally posted by DeXtRoMeThOrFaN
If Im not mistaken, wasnt AA automatically turned on in Splinter Cell for ATi Cards. Meaning you couldnt turn off aa on ati cards while playing splinter cell. Hence nvidia always wins the splinter cell benchmark.

you're very mistaken, splinter cell doesnt even support AA, i mean you can turn AA on, but it doesnt work properly, when its on you end up seeing lights through walls and such, and i'm almost 100% positive that it hasnt been fixed in any patches for the game.
you know whats funny? I've only seen one review of the RETAIL 5900 ultra 256.

Remember back in the middle of may when all the big site reviewed it? Remember it stomping the 9800p in some of the benchmarks? I will be money that those were engineer copies of the nvidia card. Betas, test version, whatever. I saw one review of the retail card that came out in june. It was quite the other way around. In some test the 9700pro beat the 5900ultra. In all test the 9800p won.

None of the big review sites have reviewed the final retail version of the 5900ultra. IE, tomshardware, anandtech, etc. And I bet they never will.
I thought [H]ardOCP did a review of it.I saw the numbers and to me it looked like the 5900 beat the 9800 by about 10 fps in about every game.I myself wouldn't really trust Tomshardware.I like [H]ardOCP better because they actually push the hardware to the limits.
Yea I would go with 9800.Without anti-aliasing it seems that the 5900 always smokes the 9800 but once you turn AA on it seems like the 9800 pops out more fps and also seems to smooth the graphics out better.