I want to be a kid again


Jul 4, 2003
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Why do you guys think the world was so much more friendly and fun when you were a kid? I don't remember any real bad stuff happening when I was little. People were polite and tolerate of one another, everyone just seemed so much happier. Now life is hectic for everyone. No one has time or patients anymore. The world itself has gone insane. Fear is the climate we live in now. Besides the obvious events that have occured over the last few years, why do you guys think it feels so much different now?
come back 1980!!!!!!!!!!
I miss the hairstyles, the ninja turtles, my love for pizza, my commodore 64, my first nintendo, my toys, the alien movies, arnold pre-govenator, jon claude van damme films, (can't say i miss the music)
Yeah. This new millenium has been very depressing. I remember the 90's being much happier, care-free times.

Things were more comfortable when we were kids. I'm at that stage where I will be moving out soon and living on my own. Sometimes I do wish I could go back and re-live those great moments from my childhood.

However, (to quote Leela from Futarama) "I've worked hard to become the person I am."

EDIT: I have now become a prowler. To put more emphasis in what I said, I wouldn't want to go back to being a Headcrab/Zombie.
A True Canadian, thats exactly where i'm at... Just depressed I guess. With age and wisdom come great responsibility :)
Ok, I moved around half of the world (easter Europe all the way to western Canada) before I was 15, so no, no way do I want to be a kid again. :)
Innervision961 said:

Why do you guys think the world was so much more friendly and fun when you were a kid? I don't remember any real bad stuff happening when I was little. People were polite and tolerate of one another, everyone just seemed so much happier. Now life is hectic for everyone. No one has time or patients anymore. The world itself has gone insane. Fear is the climate we live in now. Besides the obvious events that have occured over the last few years, why do you guys think it feels so much different now?
Too much stress lately, life has lost its sens? Because that is only the reason I can think of by wich you want to become a child again - you want less responsability.

BWT, have you had any dreams about angels or god lately?
meh. being a kid was boring. I like myself now, well, I can live with myself. I really didn't like grade school much, and I'm a mess year round. summer is my favorite time of the year, and thats all that matters. in a few weeks I'll be sitting in class thinking about whether or not to kill myself tomorrow upon reflection of this relative bliss.

edit: upon re-reading this, I am very incoherent. someone read my mind if you want the real message.
Loshadka said:
Too much stress lately, life has lost its sens? Because that is only the reason I can think of by wich you want to become a child again - you want less responsability.

BWT, have you had any dreams about angels or god lately?

No, no dreams like that, why do you ask?
Innervision961 said:

Why do you guys think the world was so much more friendly and fun when you were a kid? I don't remember any real bad stuff happening when I was little. People were polite and tolerate of one another, everyone just seemed so much happier. Now life is hectic for everyone. No one has time or patients anymore. The world itself has gone insane. Fear is the climate we live in now. Besides the obvious events that have occured over the last few years, why do you guys think it feels so much different now?

I Agree with you. The problem is that people got generally evil and greedy. It would take me a long time to explain it.
I had a really good childhood... couldn't have asked for a better one. I don't think it was so much the time-period, though... well, maybe a little bit. It was the community I lived in, really... everyone was so tight-knit, and there were a lot of other kids around. Didn't matter what age you were, either. Friday nights and all of Saturday was just party-time. Then we moved away; times changed... haven't really reached that high point again yet.

I also miss just the pure excitement that came from little things like getting a new little toy or finding a new place to ride my bike... I don't know about everyone else, but I seem to have lost that... I dunno... passion... for things... granted, I still have fun and all, but it's just different somehow. :)

Like a couple of you guys, I'm one week away from movin' out... I'm hopin' to top what my childhood days brought. ;)

Wow, that was kind of sappy for me... :laugh:
Innervision961 said:

Why do you guys think the world was so much more friendly and fun when you were a kid? I don't remember any real bad stuff happening when I was little. People were polite and tolerate of one another, everyone just seemed so much happier. Now life is hectic for everyone. No one has time or patients anymore. The world itself has gone insane. Fear is the climate we live in now. Besides the obvious events that have occured over the last few years, why do you guys think it feels so much different now?
/me cries
i feel the same way
Innervision961 said:

Why do you guys think the world was so much more friendly and fun when you were a kid? I don't remember any real bad stuff happening when I was little. People were polite and tolerate of one another, everyone just seemed so much happier. Now life is hectic for everyone. No one has time or patients anymore. The world itself has gone insane. Fear is the climate we live in now. Besides the obvious events that have occured over the last few years, why do you guys think it feels so much different now?
Just buy a pistol, you only need one round. It will end all the pain. :devil:
B.Calhoun said:
Just buy a pistol, you only need one round. It will end all the pain. :devil:

:O That's mean.

And Tredoslop, you will probably get to drive at an earlier age than me. I was in driving class with people 3 years younger than me. And driving's not that great (but that's just my opinion).
Its nice to be able to go wherever whenever, but gas and insurance are a pain.
Tredoslop said:
Maybe he should live and try to change the world perhaps?
Your idea does sound quite better.....Ladies and Gents we have a WINNAR!
Tredoslop said:
When did you get to drive?

I haven't gotten my license yet. I'm 17. I take my driving test tomorrow. Then I have to wait a few months before I can get my license. As for when I get to drive by myself... not in a long, long time.
dfc05 said:
I haven't gotten my license yet. I'm 17. I take my driving test tomorrow. Then I have to wait a few months before I can get my license. As for when I get to drive by myself... not in a long, long time.
I took my test, got my liscense, and was driving by myself all in one day! :O :P
Being a kid sucked, nobody listened to what you had to say, they always told you what to do etc... I'm happy progressing.
Being a kid had its upsides and downsides. Upside...no responsibility...totally care-free. Downside...no privileges. No driving, no staying out 'till whenever, etc.

I say right where I'm at is where I'd love to just be frozen at... Well...maybe when I hit 21. College is just plain fun. It's great being away from home most of the time with my friends in out apartment. I actually don't really like coming back anymore. The only pluses is the movie theater is $1 cheaper here and much nicer, the weather isn't as cold, and some of my old friends are here.

The times we live in today don't scare me...they just annoy me for the most part. The way people act, people's attitudes towards life, the way they carry out their life...lots of it bugs me. People in general just seem to be heading in the wrong direction if you ask me...but what do I know?
**** no do I want to be a kid again.

All this bollocks about childhood being idyllic. Well, mine bloody wasn't. The people next door made crack cocaine. Someone broke the door down to their house, when they wouldn't give him his fix. Our door and their doors were quite close together, and we thought ours had been broken down. It was not a nice sight, age 5, seeing your dad go downstairs with a sledgehammer, while your mum was whimpering in fear.

A policeman was stabbed on our doorstep. Eventually, they got around to evicting the dealers next door. The next people who moved in seemed nice.. until they were raided by the police in the small hours of the morning. They'd fled. The police got to the attic and found hundreds of fake credit cards and info, and you guessed it... cocaine.

I guess some of you had a sheltered childhood.. my old road was condemned for railway work, that's why the council used to move problem families there.

We moved out, when I was 8.
I'd enjoying my present time of being 17, eating year old halloween candy.
I think it's mostly people perceptions that change as they get older. It wasn't that times were better back then, it's that you were more carefree back then. As you get older you get wiser. You learn more things, you see more things. You being to realise the world is in fact a great big shit hole.

So what you gotta do is stop concentrating on what's wrong with everything, and enjoy all the cool stuff. Like Half Life 2, and Alton Towers, and Squash! etc...
A True Canadian said:
Yeah. This new millenium has been very depressing. I remember the 90's being much happier, care-free times.

The 90's...Happy? They were one of the most depressing eras around, the new millenium to me symbolises a rebirth of society. I think everything was just going to pot towards the end of the 20th century, and even now its still in a bad shape, but I tihnk the generation growing up now is already starting a kind of passive revolution with things, without even knowing it. and those that aren't will realise someday soon that something needs to change. The 60's was all about bringing down the establishment, but now things are different. Many young people are craving order over chaos.

I'm not really sure where that came from :O

Anyway, I enjoyed being a child(and not because it was perfect, but I won't complain because its made me who I am, and thats who I want to be), but like so many things, doing it once for that time is what made it fun. If we were to stay children forever, it would just be dull. Think of all the great things we experience as we grow older.
ComradeBadger said:
**** no do I want to be a kid again.

All this bollocks about childhood being idyllic. Well, mine bloody wasn't. The people next door made crack cocaine. Someone broke the door down to their house, when they wouldn't give him his fix. Our door and their doors were quite close together, and we thought ours had been broken down. It was not a nice sight, age 5, seeing your dad go downstairs with a sledgehammer, while your mum was whimpering in fear.

A policeman was stabbed on our doorstep. Eventually, they got around to evicting the dealers next door. The next people who moved in seemed nice.. until they were raided by the police in the small hours of the morning. They'd fled. The police got to the attic and found hundreds of fake credit cards and info, and you guessed it... cocaine.

I guess some of you had a sheltered childhood.. my old road was condemned for railway work, that's why the council used to move problem families there.

We moved out, when I was 8.

In your case, I agree with you.
it's not just you Innervision ...the world is a shittier place than when you were a kid ...I've seen it slowly change since the early 80's ..people would rather step on you then help you out (not always the case, but it seems to be that way)

comradebadger: no 5 year old should have to see that ...effing junkies
Your still a kid until your 18 officially but really, its about 23 or 24 when you really grow up properly i say the first 17/18 years are good could be better. Thats what its felt to me but from what i heard the best time of your life is university. I cant wait.
Well maybe when your a very young kid, you don't notice all the problems in the world because you don't watch the news :)