I want to...


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Let's play a game, everyone has to write one line which begins with "I want to"
I want to touch you.
(If admins think of this as spam please do delete it and give me a warning.)
It will be spam

ComradeBadger will say something along the lines of

"I want to... CLOSED!"
[SARCASM]Yeah ComradeBadger is ALWAYS -SO- creative!:laugh:[/SARCASM]
Always with the sex...

I want to Get WoW
mchammer75040 said:
I want to know why 4 out of 8 responses deal with sex..
Pff, that is nothing compared to what I talk about at the lunch table in school. Everything is sex, usually animal, dead and dead animal sex. And also object sex, and incest, lots of incest...hhmm what else...oh and video games...we talk about video games sometimes.
yes i like anal sex. why?
i tease i tease...18..m..tx........................
(why did i reply seriously to that..i dont know..)
I want to stop feeling like crap and go to class tomorrow, even though the bane of my existence, Brett Malone, is the only person I know in my 7:30 class.
mchammer75040 said:
yes i like anal sex. why?
i tease i tease...18..m..tx........................
(why did i reply seriously to that..i dont know..)
Sweet, 18/male/in your dreams :naughty:
I want to :bounce: all over mchamma! :smoking: