I was killed by...


Oct 15, 2007
Reaction score
A teleporter exploding while standing on it.
Wish I had taken I screen. And I might. But that com it wasted now.

Post your stranges way of getting killed, and post Death Screen if possible
My sentry killed a teammate. It was on a vanilla server. :|
I was trying to bonesaw a teleport while standing over it, and I got tele-fragged by an enemy incoming through it. It even had an unique kill message, but I was too shocked to take a shot, unfortunately.
Indeed that has happened to me before too, you get a skull and crossbones little death icon for that. It's extremely depressing to know you died that ridiculously :(
My sentry killed a teammate. It was on a vanilla server. :|

That happened to my, as well. Well, I was killed by someone elses turret. It was bizzare. Pissed me off a tad, too.

When you say your teleporter "exploded", do you mean someone came through, or it got blown up?
Indeed that has happened to me before too, you get a skull and crossbones little death icon for that. It's extremely depressing to know you died that ridiculously :(
Happened to me as a spy, JUST as I was about to go wild and take down the 50 or so undefended sg's that were pinning down my team.
That happened to my, as well. Well, I was killed by someone elses turret. It was bizzare. Pissed me off a tad, too.

When you say your teleporter "exploded", do you mean someone came through, or it got blown up?

I mean that the message I got on the death screen was "you were killed by Teleporter by [name]"

And I think it was on from my team who shot the teleporter while I tried to "bat" it
I've experienced the strangest death in TF2 ever. In Goldrush, there are certain ways to do this, jumping onto the bomb as it explodes is one. Anyway, basically under certain conditions, instead of just killing you 'Suicide' basically, someone or something called 'Tom' kills you. On the final corner of Goldrush there is a building with pillars which the second story is above a small area, ontop of the roof of this building is a large cooling fan. When you are killed by 'Tom' the killcam is attracted to this fan and occasionally (if you jump down the hole with the bomb) your body will fall out of this fan. It is really weird and I don't know why 'Tom' is there or what it is. My brother thought maybe Tom the bomb but :S.

Also, another PL related f*ck up. On the custom map 'pl_dustbowl' at the final cap the rocket explodes and falls into a hole in the ground. One day while playing this map something really weird happened to me. My team's loss was inevertable so I left the spawn area with 2seconds until it exploded so I decided to watch it. I got blasted back through the rear wall and the killcam zoomed up above the large canyon. Saying 'You were killed by the late blah blah blah' fine. Except the guy I was killed by was from a previous game on a different map on a different server.

And no he wasnt in the map with me.

I'll get some screenys of Tom if I can.
I tried to upload the Dustbowl one but I cant find it :(
Other then 2 telefragginsg, ever, I've only occasionally seen "finished off by" messages, how do they appear?
If you take enough damage by a person, and then suicide by switching classes, jumping into the bomb etc, then the person who damaged you last has 'finished you off' and gets a free point.
Not my death, and I don't remember what hit this sniper, but he got pinned to the edge of the bridge there by his knee and was free to knock around for a time.
Nice one. He propablly got anti-snipered and ended up flying over himself and getting caught on there. I've seen that by one leg but never two before :P, good stuff.
well, it's not my death, but it's definitely my kill
I don't know if I killed a ghost or something but I guess that will remain as a mystery :D


If you take enough damage by a person, and then suicide by switching classes, jumping into the bomb etc, then the person who damaged you last has 'finished you off' and gets a free point.

But not by stickies on rocket suicides?

Because I imagine I've angered quite a few pyros by killing myself before burning to death and I never saw any message like that. But at the end of Goldrush I've almost always seen a few of them in the big kaboom.
When a round started on 2fort the entire blue team went over to Red as engineers and half of them put up dispensers and turrets. It was nuts, they set them right outside spawn, and I am making this up.

The only interesting thing that's happened to me is that I've killed a sniper the same time he killed me. We both got headshots, and he got grey Matter from it. XD

Speaking of funny ways to die, look at this poor bastard spy. :/


And it was a killing frenzy.


He had just been killed by a crit rocket I had fired right before I died and the game hadn't registered it yet when I took the picture.

... For some reason it won't show up here for me...
But not by stickies on rocket suicides?

Because I imagine I've angered quite a few pyros by killing myself before burning to death and I never saw any message like that. But at the end of Goldrush I've almost always seen a few of them in the big kaboom.

No, apparently not - I kill myself while trying desperately to blow pyros up all the time.