I was on the radio!!

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Iron Kat

Space Core
Jan 15, 2007
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Earlier, I was listening to XFM Manchester (as I always do) and on Mark kay's program the new Linkin Park song was played, so I texted in to say what I thought of it (I think the song is great). I was expecting my text just be read out, because it had been before, but then I got a call from Mark. It was amazing hearing myself on the radio afterwards, although my voice sounded weird! I was (and still am!) totally psyched about it!!! :cheese: :bounce: Has anyone else ever been on the radio, and, anyone on here who lives in or around Manchester, did you here me?

Btw, I'll be away from here for a week.
My mother went on the radio once, we got a year's supply of Pringles for it.

Man, I hate them now!
My wife went on the radio once, we got a year's supply of Pringles for it.

Son hates them now!
Aw, Dad, don't embarrass me infront of my friends!

My life, is like, totally over!
I told him how much I loved the song and I said my brother had been playing it loads. He also asked if I was going to see them at Download, but I said I couldn't go, but was hoping to go to the Leeds Carling Festival, and he told me about a competion that was going to be held on XFM to win tickets to Leeds and Reading.
I know, its weird being on the radio. I didnt think i sounded the way i did until i heard myself on Radio 1. Did the MyTunes thing. Its awesome to be on the radio though, join the club :D
I once had the opportunity to be on the radio, but it turned out the mic and other equipment this douche was using weren't working so our interview wasn't even recorded. Meh
I was on the radio, but I didn't know when it was being aired so I missed it, and it was pre-recorded in a interview.
i was on a talk radio show once with the topic of illegal immigration
I was on the radio 2 weeks ago, they were DJing live at the the club I was at. I was there dancing and danced with a number of girls but wouldn't let them get too close (because I have a GF & don't cheat). Two girls there just couldn't stop staring at me and occasionally tried to get a little too close (like they wanted anal on the dance floor?), I brushed them off and didn't really care that much but whatever.

The DJ was wandering the floor with the microphone and walked up to me and said (live on the radio) "Yo dude, I've got two girls over here that want to dance with you, what's up?" I said "I have a girlfriend. She wouldn't mind, but those two hoes keep trying to ride me." The DJ said into the mic, "He's got a girlfriend."

I thought it was mildly entertaining to reject two girls live on radio.

EDIT: I always have fun at clubs & it seems something interesting always happens - especially since I'm one of the few guys who can/does move. I've only actually danced reaaaally close to a girl once, it was fun but I was turned off by how slutty she was. Then I figured out she was enganged.
I was in a radion contest of some sort when I was 10.
I was a guest on BBC world service and took part in an intellectual debate with millions of listeners.
I was a guest on BBC world service and took part in an intellectual debate with millions of listeners.

I listened to it. You talked at George Galloway, he listened, said a bit, then you said more stuff. He agreed again and then cut you off. World service, intellectual debate & millions of viewers does make it sound pretty silly.
I listened to it. You talked at George Galloway, he listened, said a bit, then you said more stuff. He agreed again and then cut you off. World service, intellectual debate & millions of viewers does make it sound pretty silly.
No that was Talksport, I rang in for that and thats not what I'm on about.

I actually took part in a show on BBC world service. I was one of 3 guests who had to audition for the part, go down to london twice then record it at BBC world service HQ. We had to debate with 3 people all who had a unique insight into the issue of "religion a force for good or evil" and then debate wit each other. The show was 27minutes long and I talked for alot of it.
I could have been on my guild radio on star wars galaxies if I had fixed my mic and downloaded the appropriate crap. Unfortunately, I was underage and couldn't get paid.
I was on the local TV station when I was like 8, they were doing a promo for a new Pizza Hut pizza. It was microwaved from the night before and tasted like trash, but I said it was good because they had a camera in my face and that's what everyone else said.

I fail so hard.
And where are you going for a week? Hollywood auditions? Really let it get to your head didnt you?

Rofl! No, I was just going to the Lake District for our family holiday. I had really bad forum withdrawal symptons. I really missd you guys (even arguing with Shasta!). Idon't know how I'll manage during the summer holiday then when I'm away for two weeks! Did you guys miss me?
I hosted the afternoon show 2pm - 6pm for 8 months on a national mainstream radio station over here. I still do ads for them every now and then.

I win the radio comp.
Yeah but no one lives in New Zealand save for you and a few Neanderthals.
Yeah but no one lives in New Zealand save for you and a few Neanderthals.
They're called "Maoris", not "Neanderthals". Don't call them names just because they have brown skin. You're just being racist.

Also, what is your point? Four million people is hardly "no-one". As for your attempt at being condescending, at least we don't let burglers sue their victims, elect leaders that invade countries because "voices" told them to, and... well, just don't get me started on America. Let's just say I hate stupidity, and leave it at that.
They're called "Maoris", not "Neanderthals". Don't call them names just because they have brown skin. You're just being racist.

Also, what is your point? Four million people is hardly "no-one". As for your attempt at being condescending, at least we don't let burglers sue their victims, elect leaders that invade countries because "voices" told them to, and... well, just don't get me started on America. Let's just say I hate stupidity, and leave it at that.

Sure you've got 4 million Neanderthals, but you've really got no demographic with them - there's maybe six radios between them all.
They're called "Maoris", not "Neanderthals". Don't call them names just because they have brown skin. You're just being racist.

Also, what is your point? Four million people is hardly "no-one". As for your attempt at being condescending, at least we don't let burglers sue their victims, elect leaders that invade countries because "voices" told them to, and... well, just don't get me started on America. Let's just say I hate stupidity, and leave it at that.

You need to learn what a ****ing joke is, mother ****er. Get the **** out.
It was a joke.
So was what that Imus commentator said in your "land of the free". Look at his situation now.

Also, you fail at jokes. You don't know me well enough to try and joke with me, and we certainly aren't close enough to swap racist jokes. In fact, you don't like me at all, so don't try and cover your racism with "come on buddy, just joking around" because you and I aren't friends. It was clearly intended to offend a country / race of people.

Fail, fail, fail.
So was what that Imus commentator said in your "land of the free". Look at his situation now.

Also, you fail at jokes. You don't know me well enough to try and joke with me, and we certainly aren't close enough to swap racist jokes. In fact, you don't like me at all, so don't try and cover your racism with "come on buddy, just joking around" because you and I aren't friends. It was clearly intended to offend a country / race of people.

Fail, fail, fail.

Shasta you're just a big fat douchebag. Consider downing a bottle of bleach, while taking a dip into an acid bath.
So was what that Imus commentator said in your "land of the free". Look at his situation now.

Also, you fail at jokes. You don't know me well enough to try and joke with me, and we certainly aren't close enough to swap racist jokes. In fact, you don't like me at all, so don't try and cover your racism with "come on buddy, just joking around" because you and I aren't friends. It was clearly intended to offend a country / race of people.

Fail, fail, fail.

It was clearly intended to offend a country / race of people.

Fail, fail, fail.

Fail, fail, fail.
no u
Back to the HL2 section with Shasta, methinks.
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