I was on the radio!!

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No, it was just a joke.
Shasta said:
So was what that Imus commentator said in your "land of the free". Look at his situation now.
Shasta said:
You don't know me well enough to try and joke with me, and we certainly aren't close enough to swap racist jokes.
You seem to lack the intelligence to understand such a simple situation. Oh well.

America brought 9/11 upon itself, and quite frankly more yanks should have perished in the attacks, and that pitiful country could then wallow in it's own misery, more so than it already does. Also, hands up who laughed as the USA wept over the deaths, and sent the same amount over to Iraq to perish? Each American life lost brings the world IQ ratio up a little higher, saves air being wasted, and lessens the probability of the USA turning our planet into a crispy ball.

And lol at the other 'tards trying to troll / flame me over someone elses sad attempt at covering up their racist post.
You seem to lack the intelligence to understand such a simple situation. Oh well.

America brought 9/11 upon itself, and quite frankly more yanks should have perished in the attacks, and that pitiful country could then wallow in it's own misery, more so than it already does. Also, hands up who laughed as the USA wept over the deaths, and sent the same amount over to Iraq to perish? Each American life lost brings the world IQ ratio up a little higher, saves air being wasted, and lessens the probability of the USA turning our planet into a crispy ball.

And lol at the other 'tards trying to troll / flame me over someone elses sad attempt at covering up their racist post.

So much ****ing irony in your post. Your ignorance is appalling. Kill yourself. I believe I gave you the advice of bleach drinking with an acid bath. I'm quite surprised you haven't, since you're about that dumb.
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