I went to a gay club yesterday.

You won't catch me at a gay bar/club/whatever.

Mainly due to the fact that there aren't any here, because homosexuality was removed from the goverment list of social badness only 1 ~ 2 years ago....
I've been to a few gay bars and restuarant or two, no big deal as it's usually mixed with straight people anyways. Went to one in Ottawa (well it was mixed) with my girlfriend and almost had a confrontation with a butchy tough looking woman who danced a little too close to my girlfiend

went to a club in cancun mexico where I was asked to dance a number of times before I realised there werent that many women in the bar ...I politely declined all offers to dance if you're at all curious :)

also once went to a gay cafe with a girlfriend of mine..the waitress knew my girlfriend and was chatting away when this extremely gorgeous blonde walked in and the waitress introduced her as her lover ...the only time I've ever seen lesbians who were drop dead gorgeous
I don't think I could ever go to a gay bar. All those other men checking you out and stuff. You wouldn't want to go to the toilets! Also, if a guy bought you a drink, he might spike it and then you'd be in trouble.
Besides, it might turn you queer. You can catch the gay, right?
Also, you could get the AIDS. Y'know, by being there.
Me and a big ol' posse of mates went to a gay (and lesbian) bar a few months ago. It was early (only about 9pm) so there werent many people there, and nobody had started gyrating yet.

Me and a friend of a friend (who is big, muscled, plays football, beats people up for fun, finds Jim Davidson funny, etc etc) were standing by the bar, when this woman walked past. Being the red-blooded males we are, we noticed that said lady had a very nicely shaped behind. Alas, when the young lady turned round, we realized that she was a he. Oh how we laughed.
Hectic Glenn said:
My mate told me about a colleague of his that's been coming onto him (a male of course), and how its so weird/awkward. Never happened to me, but god knows what i'd do. I don't think i'd be flattered...

You didn't complain when I met you in London... :naughty:

-Angry Lawyer
I went to a gay club by mistake when i was in London, i had to pee and just went into some place and after a while i realised i was in a gayclub. There was this giant man in leather that looked at me funny in the bathroom.. :x
h00dlum said:
I went to a gay club by mistake when i was in London, i had to pee and just went into some place and after a while i realised i was in a gayclub. There was this giant man in leather that looked at me funny in the bathroom.. :x
Sounds like really dodgy one.

Most ghey bars are just like trendy bars tbh. But you get guys trying to get into a convo with you. You just tell them your not gay, they don't mind.

Well from what i hear anyway :rolleyes:
I went to a pub called the Lord Roberts with my mates.

We realised it was a gay pub about 15 mins later, since pretty much everyone was a guy with a handlebar moustache and spikey leather.

We left after we'd finished our drinks, it was a bit of a pub for the locals anyway. Funny stuff.
h00dlum said:
I went to a gay club by mistake when i was in London, i had to pee and just went into some place and after a while i realised i was in a gayclub. There was this giant man in leather that looked at me funny in the bathroom.. :x

Go on. ;(
h00dlum said:
I went to a gay club by mistake when i was in London, i had to pee and just went into some place and after a while i realised i was in a gayclub. There was this giant man in leather that looked at me funny in the bathroom.. :x
To aherm, straighten* a few things out.

When we finally arrived I realised it was a gay club. I said, what the hell, lets go. The music was great, preety big club too. People where nice as in the way that they didn't como to bother you as they saw I was with a girl.

Did your girlfriend have to use Nail Polish Remover to get rid of that 'cling' you had with her arm the whole night?

Let's be real honest with each other. The statement, 'People were nice as in the way they did'nt come to bother you as they saw I was with a girl', really reads to me like you did'nt do much in that club except hang onto your girlfriend in fear your straighthood would be questioned by some Gay Twink.

Lighten up dude, and don't worry about who you are! If your straight, celebrate it! if your not, don't worry! Be proud of what you are and be proud of who your with! :D Part of enjoying a club comes from enjoying yourself and your circumstances, not just simply by going! It also comes from enjoying the people around you. It's about not feeling alone, and being able to meet with people who might have the same interests or beliefs as you.

When I read your post, I could'nt help myself but to think, "Boy, this person seems to be really insecure about where he is, who he's with, and who he identifies himself as in terms of sexual orientation."

If you are insecure about any of those things, trust me, there's nothing wrong with expressing it! Talk to someone (or yourself), and go over the things you feel wrong or confused about. At least when you do this, next time you goto a club like this with your girlfriend, you'll be more relaxed and focused on having a good time! :thumbs:

Lastily, to add for my commentary on this part of your post, if a gay guy comes up to you and ask to dance with you, don't fret! Just say, "Sorry [Dude, Guy, Person, Place, or Thing], I'm just here with my girlfriend clubbing and I'm having a real blast with her. If you want to join us your welcome to, but as for dancing I'm not up for it right now."

We had to leave at 2am, as , you know, Im preety liberal, but being in a club where all the man around you start making out it grosses you out. :/

Whats wrong with guys hanging out together?

i'd get a little weirded out if i got approached by a gay guy.

What's with straight people getting 'weirded out' if they get approached by a gay guy? You have nothing to be insecure about!

Plus, what a comment, that a member of your own sex is approaching you interested! :D

Never happened to me, but god knows what i'd do. I don't think i'd be flattered...

I think most are, they just don't know how to word it properly without ... making themselves ... unmanly? Insecure people worry more about what the people around them think, and are less consider about what they think about themselves.

An awful trade off if you ask me. :P
K e r b e r o s said:
I think most are, they just don't know how to word it properly without ... making themselves ... unmanly? Insecure people worry more about what the people around them think, and are less consider about what they think about themselves.

personally i've seen lots of very pretty gay guys, so i'm flattered when i get hit on by them. I just don't like it when some dude tries to just be your friend and then suddenly drops the bomb, metaphorically, of course. Actually, most of the time i feel that about women. Sometimes I just want a girl-friend. Usually i'll make friends with girls I don't find attractive, so just i won't have conflicts of interest.
Qonfused said:
Hmm, assless chaps.
Heheh - I first interpreted that as "fellows lacking an arse, possibly due to some horrifically virulent strain of leprosy".

In other news: This thread has been teetering on the brink of gay-bashing for some time until the last two posts. It's oh-so very refreshing! :)
kirovman said:
We realised it was a gay pub about 15 mins later, since pretty much everyone was a guy with a handlebar moustache and spikey leather.

I thought that was only in the movies! 1950 Fist-a-cuffs. Lol. Handlebar mustaches are ridiculous. "come now let us pussyfoot" right whatever
No I have never been to gay bar and dont want to... :frown:
VirusType2 said:

I thought that was only in the movies! 1950 Fist-a-cuffs. Lol. Handlebar mustaches are ridiculous. "come now let us pussyfoot" right whatever
Actually, the guy who said that had a handlebar moustache :laugh: