I went to London

May 24, 2003
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It was a collage trip and we very cool indeed.

We left on Sunday morning and got back Monday evening. It was weird though because we had 1 and a half days actually in London but we only went to one museum. Basically we got to do what we wanted for the rest of the time. On sunday we messes around a lot. The youth hostel we stayed in was in Kensington, so we went to tha palace and got in a lot of peoples photographs, there was an Italian with his weife filing on a camcorder and first off we jumped infront of him, and then he bagan filming us. Anyway, after a minute we walked off, but he followed us, so we kind of "dramatically" ran then just carried on playing up for the camera. We decided to have a group photo at the palace gates, and invited the Italians into the picture, they seemed pretty happy about it and then they asked us to be in theirs (There we 19 of us there :)). Anyway, we did similar things to that with other tourists during the day, and the next day. They all seemed pretty happy about it actually, they only people we actually annoyed on the trip was a cockney taxi driver and a royal guard. One of my friends decided instead of walking across the road, he would walk through a taxi, however when he climbed inside the the driver locked the door. He just said "Where do you wanna go? Are you wasting my time, you fackin cant?". The soldier, one of the horsemen who is actually on foot and patrols a small area got quite annoyed at one of my friends and actually reacted to him...This is one of those men who doesn't move, apart from the patroling obviously. Anyway, when he was bringing his sword up preparing to move, he stuck his middle finger out. Then the sergent came out and told my friend to...leave, with colourful language, that wasnt a nice part of the weekend. Anyway, we went to Downing street and began talking to the policemen at the gates. We were messing around a lot, but ti was all in fun and they seemed to enjoy it. I would like to point out at this moment that a big thing this weekend has been a question we've been arguing over. Do you say it Sc-Oh-ne or Sc-o-n? As in scone, the small bread type thing normally with rasins in. We asked a lot of policemen and the pronounced it the later, and other "posh" people said it the former way. So anyway, at downing street we were just playing around, and asking if Tony would come out to play....he didnt, but there were some reporters at number 10 and we could probably be heard by them. Its annoying because i cant really describe a lot of the things we did because its out of context now.

Anyway, it was fun. Shame none of you lot were in London, or i could have met up with you.
eh..i live in london...glad you enjoyed some of the more posh establishments. real london = camden/brixton/islington...go there next time :)
"Real" London smells...We did wander around quite a bit though, and ran behind this posh guy. It was funny because he just went joging past in the most snobish way you can imagine, so we just went single file, mimicking him. After a while he looked around and sped up.

Anyway, Manchester is much better than London...So ner.
Sounds like i wouldnt like london. I mean they would arrest me for walking around. (I would be packing my HK G3A3 and my HK .45) So i think ill just stay here.
Glad you had a good trip. :)
daedalus. where are you from in London? I'm from Kings Cross.
and farrow - my college is in Kensington. What youth hostel did you stay at?
What gallery did you go to and what was the reason behind your trip?
It was a collage trip...and we went to the imperial war musem.

I cant remember the name of the hostel, it was in some kind of park or something though.
Farrowlesparrow said:
It was a collage trip...and we went to the imperial war musem.

I cant remember the name of the hostel, it was in some kind of park or something though.

Hyde Park?
Imperial war museum's impressive. The holocaust section is unbelievable. I had a lecture on it today
Not Hyde Park, no. It wasnt really very big, it was more of a long footpath with some grass next to it.

Yeah i went to the holocaust section last actually, it was amazing and quite sad reading some of those "last letters".
jonnyapps said:
daedalus. where are you from in London? I'm from Kings Cross.

west london, between hatton cross/heathrow/uxbridge.

farrow, did you sample the london underground ;)
Well i certainly didnt walk everywhere. The underground is quite fun, especially on a monday morning :)

All these people using the "fast" lane on the escalator. There are so many impolite stress heads in london though. Noone says sorry or excuse me, even the ones who arent business men, like students and "lower class".
Farrowlesparrow said:
Well i certainly didnt walk everywhere. The underground is quite fun, especially on a monday morning :)

All these people using the "fast" lane on the escalator. There are so many impolite stress heads in london though. Noone says sorry or excuse me, even the ones who arent business men, like students and "lower class".

yeah to them, you were all a bunch of n00bs using the underground. not sure what you mean by that 'students and "lower class"', either it's a sly dig or you mean 'students and buskers/tramps'. just flick them a few pennies and they won't bother you, and you may as well toss a few over at the tramps/buskers too.

what was your overall impression of london (from what you saw)?
I went to london a couple of years ago for my ex-gf's mum & dads silver wedding aniversary and compared to the image I had in my mind it was shit. the two highlights were going down oxford street and finding the street noel gallagher walked down on the whats the story morning glory album and doing the same thing, and going on the london eye.

Oh, hyde park was pretty cool too, seeing all the loony's talk about rubbish. Below are some pictures I took if anyone is interested.

When i said lower class i didnt mean homeless people, i just mean lower than the snobs.

Ive been to london before, so its not like it was this big amazing experience. It was just and expensive couple of days :D

I like London quite a lot, and im not being weird but i have to say most people ive ever met down south havent been as polite as around here. Im not just saying that, but southerners just seem more reserved and less polite. Like i said before though, i dont just mean the rich people. Dont get me wrong, im not saying people in the north are "better", they just seem more open.
I agree Farrowlesparrow, the Londoners I met were downright rude and there were far too many chinese tourists all over the place. I suppose thats the way city life is though really, you dont give a rat's ass about your fellow man.

And as for the price, I met one bar owner who said he bought a shipment of foreign beer, charged prices that we in the north would consider fair and no-one wanted them. He then doubled the price on them and the started to sell. How rediculous is that!?
I dont just think its city life though, because even in Manchester, they are pretty nice in comparison.

There is actually a distinct difference between northeners and southerners though, because of the vikings....dont you just love them. People in the south are generally unrelated to the vikings, where as we in the north are related. This typically leaves us more open, less reserved as well as perhaps being more impetuous.

We did find a bar in London which was pretty cheap actually, only about 50p more than normal prices.
far too many chinese tourists all over the place?

The chinese tourists are in the minority compared to other nationalities. I praise the tourists. They pump sh*t loads of money into our city every year.

I'm a huge fan of London and generally everyone's polite. Some people are in a rush and are rude but you just let those guys rush by.
The only real danger in London is to stop and wonder at where everyone goes and where you're going in comparison. But don't do that. That's for philosophy and I've just spent my whole morning giving a talk to 50 people.

If you're in London check out
Nag nag nag
The Market Place
The Social

these are all exceptional places to get drunk.
Oh and Farrow - monday nights UCL union bar = 99p per pint of Grolsch (or maybe Carling)
jonnyapps said:
these are all exceptional places to get drunk.
Oh and Farrow - monday nights UCL union bar = 99p per pint of Grolsch (or maybe Carling)

holy crap i go there quite often...i also go to Quids In at City University every wednesday..pretty cool..might've seen eachother about in a drunken haze and not known ;)

what is everyone's impression of london?
Its a great place to visit, especially because of the tourists, and regardless of what i said, once you get past the outside, the people are great to. I noticed a lot more black people live in London than up here, and a lot less asians than around where i live. I also noticed quite a few people from europe working there as well. In fact in the cheap bar we found, there was a german working as a bartender. I dont think he had been doing it very long, because he often asked the other person with him what to do. For example i ordered a thing called El Smurfo, and he had to ask the woman with him how to do it....still it tasted great and i told him so.

So basically to me London is place i like to visit but wouldn't live there longer than around 2 - 3 months a year if i had the choice.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I noticed a lot more black people live in London than up here, and a lot less asians than around where i live.

So basically to me London is place i like to visit but wouldn't live there longer than around 2 - 3 months a year if i had the choice.

Thats because the majority of Asians/Muslims/Whatever live up north with us.

When they came over as Immigrants it was primarily to work in the mills n' stuff and they're all up here to this day. Infact... I'm a white male and at work I'm in the minority group, and at univerity i'm a minority group also. How rare is that?

Some of the stuff in London is cool. Mostly its all hype tho