I will only download through steam if I get the game earlier than B&M stores!!!!!


Jul 20, 2003
Reaction score
The only way I will buy the game through download/subscription is if I get the game earlier by going through Steam! When I say earlier, I mean weeks not a day or two.

Really, if they want this thing to be a success, let me get the game right around the time it goes gold, or else what's the point? I mean if the game has gone gold, and there's no wait to produce the packaging, what's to stop VALVe from putting it up for download?

They'll sell a TON more Steam downloads and subscriptions if you get the game earlier, I know I'd jump all over it. This is the only way I'd miss out on buying the game the traditional way.

What do you guys think?

edit: This is not about multiple versions of the game, but about the downloading prinicple in general, and the incentives to do it!
I think this should have gone in another thread...

Oh and Vivendi will no doubt have a clause in their contract with Valve that says that Steam and retail both come out at the same time.
I agree with you whole-heartedly. Whats a gamer's incentive to download a +6GB (I read that somewhere on here, can't remember in what thread though) game when they can buy it at the store, install it in around 5-10 minutes, and not have to worry about it any more than that? Honestly, imagine the frustration of playing through the prison level, for example, and just as you turn a corner, an in-game diagnostic window appears and says something like 'downloading...please wait.' I'd go just about crazy if that happened. So yes, if Valve releases it over Steam like as soon as it goes gold, then I'll go with that option. But if it is available at the same time as retailers receive it, then the latter is obviously a better option.
Originally posted by )[eVo]( Para

Hey buddy, this isn't about multiple versions of the game, I am not debating any of that, this is about downloading incentives. I think if I choose to download the game, the incentive should be that I get the game earlier.

I just wanted to have a rational discussion on this, not about stickies that have little to do with this topic, thanks for the caps and cussing though.
Wait, I keep hearing that the steam and retail are the same... yet the Steam one downloads as it goes? Has this even been officially announced? I'm fairly certain there would be an option to download it all at once... and if the connections good, it won't take all that long...
Wait, I keep hearing that the steam and retail are the same... yet the Steam one downloads as it goes? Has this even been officially announced? I'm fairly certain there would be an option to download it all at once... and if the connections good, it won't take all that long...

yes all the retail versions are the same, but with the steam subscription you get extra content and TF2 and new expansions for free, for the cost of 9.95 per month. There are 3 versions of the retail. Singleplayer only. Single and Multiplayer, and the Special Edition (same as single and multi version but with goodies)
You won't buy through STEAM if you don't get it early? Good for you. Frankly, I don't care. While you little brats are whining about every little thing under the sun, I'm going to skip school, stock up on soda, and camp outside of EBGames, the old-fashioned way. As soon as EBGames opens, I'll have my copy. Then while you babies are all saying "WAHH WAHH VALVE DIDN'T GIVE ME SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR DOWNLOADING IT INSTEAD OF BUYING IT I HATE VALVE STEAM IS STUPID!!!!!!", I'll be playing HL2.
Originally posted by CForrester
You won't buy through STEAM if you don't get it early? Good for you. Frankly, I don't care. While you little brats are whining about every little thing under the sun, I'm going to skip school, stock up on soda, and camp outside of EBGames, the old-fashioned way. As soon as EBGames opens, I'll have my copy. Then while you babies are all saying "WAHH WAHH VALVE DIDN'T GIVE ME SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR DOWNLOADING IT INSTEAD OF BUYING IT I HATE VALVE STEAM IS STUPID!!!!!!", I'll be playing HL2.

Why are you being so defensive, my post only stated that I will only use the download method if I get the game earlier than the traditional route and I wanted to see if anyone else felt the same way. I'll be right there at EBgames with you if there's no advantage to downloading.

Nobody is whining or asking for special treatment, please go rant in a topic where it makes sense!
Originally posted by CForrester
You won't buy through STEAM if you don't get it early? Good for you. Frankly, I don't care. While you little brats are whining about every little thing under the sun, I'm going to skip school, stock up on soda, and camp outside of EBGames, the old-fashioned way. As soon as EBGames opens, I'll have my copy. Then while you babies are all saying "WAHH WAHH VALVE DIDN'T GIVE ME SPECIAL TREATMENT FOR DOWNLOADING IT INSTEAD OF BUYING IT I HATE VALVE STEAM IS STUPID!!!!!!", I'll be playing HL2.

It's too bad stores usually get their shipments sometime during the day and not before they open... :dozey:

(unless they hold it... but I doubt that...)
Sorry, I'm just sick of people talking about things like this, when VALVe has been doing their best to get every corner covered.

Originally posted by Letters
It's too bad stores usually get their shipments sometime during the day and not before they open... :dozey:

(unless they hold it... but I doubt that...)
Actually, it's usually a few days before. However, if they don't have it at opening, I'll just sit around in the store until their shipment comes in and play on the demo systems, with everyone else waiting for the game.
I realize you people all live in your own little worlds where you just have to run down the street to find games but there are many people who live in out-of-the-way places that will be able to get the game much more easily over the net then they would be able to from a regular store. Additionally, it's likely that there will be a slight price break for the (full) steam version since there's no packaging cost, no manual to print, no distributor to pay, etc.
Then there's people like me... who are just too lazy to check the stores...

(and, hey, it's a weekday, so I'll prolly even save time...)
Hmm.. laziness, and out of the way, there's two good advantages. I still think they'd sell hella more doanloads offering it a little early.:cheese: