

ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Ok chaps who's going? It would be nice to meet up with a few of you UK'ers from Halflife2.net.

What? You don't know what i23 is? :dozey:

i23 is the latest 'Insomnia Series' that takes place in Newbury racecourse and seats over 1000 people all playing games and getting drunk over four days straight. Sound interested? You should be. It's the largest UK LAN party and a great chance to play Half-Life 2 on a zero lag network.

You can read more about it and sign up at http://www.multiplay.co.uk/i23

If you're going post here so I can buy you a drink (depending on your age of course) :)
I was thinking of seriously going. I go to the more local HGLAN (www.hglan.com) based in East London, but I would really like to go to more.

Alright I might aswell go. I just have to arrange transport with my dad, grab a few friends along, secure some questions, and make sure I have the money to pay! :D

Expect me there hopefully.
Damn you UKers and your "LAN parties" that I can never go to. Bah!

/me is interested. 18 here btw... so i'm expecting a drink. :p

(dont worry, i'll buy you one too lol)
You bastard. You didn't buy me a drink at ECTS! I had to buy my own!
Dammit! i would SO love to go but like `unreal said we're going to a more local one durin the same weekend....i dnlt think he realised its on the same day. So if only i could come ;( next time maybe!
I'd go if there wasn't a huge ass ocean in the way.

I know, I know, it won't be as much fun without me.
You'll be alright though.
Oh whats that qck?

You don't want my hawt sexual lovin anymore?

Alright fine..

*zips up pants and walks out*
Chris_D said:
You bastard. You didn't buy me a drink at ECTS! I had to buy my own!

Gah.. you need to stay up late playing poker every night, winner gets free drinks for the next day :thumbs:
meh. for us midwest/east coast people in the US, there's always Lanwar right here in Louisville, KY. And in the summer, there's Million Man Lan( about 2000 people)...

Tr0n said:
Oh whats that qck?

You don't want my hawt sexual lovin anymore?

Alright fine..

*zips up pants and walks out*
More for me! Yay!
Tr0n said:
Oh whats that qck?

You don't want my hawt sexual lovin anymore?

Alright fine..

*zips up pants and walks out*

Tr0n, before you go, you should know....I'm pregnant. I'm not sure who the father is, because I'm a sleazy whore, so I booked us some time with this popular TV talkshow host....oh wait..no.. it was this one
I'm going guys :)

See you lot there :D

p.s. I'm now only going for that free drink ;) :cheers:

Btw,where's everyone sittin', cs section?
Ikerous said:
I'd go if there wasn't a huge ass ocean in the way.

I know, I know, it won't be as much fun without me.
You'll be alright though.

my thoughts exactly
I'd go if I could too... but I can't (parents don't trust me)
Heh it's not that my parent's don't trust me... it's that they don't trust everybody else :p
sounds cool - would love to go...Unfortunately i dont have the finances...Another year maybe...then i can pwn you all!!!!!!

(j/k) :p
awww that sounds like so much fun. I cant go though :(
qckbeam said:
Tr0n, before you go, you should know....I'm pregnant. I'm not sure who the father is, because I'm a sleazy whore, so I booked us some time with this popular TV talkshow host....oh wait..no.. it was this one
Well....it ain't mine!

If any of the regulars live near Grantham or would come through Lincolnshire on their way down to i23, i would be able to go if you picked me up :).
Come on people, what could be more interesting then spending four days of solid gaming in a hot smelly packed building! Sheeesh :|

I'll be sitting in the Day of Defeat section with the =BA= lot.
Munro said:
Come on people, what could be more interesting then spending four days of solid gaming in a hot smelly packed building! Sheeesh :|

I'll be sitting in the Day of Defeat section with the =BA= lot.

hey.. i said i wanna be there...but a huge ocean is in the way :|
send plane tix plz :p
No one else going?
Mabye, I'll if I can get my hands on a laptop, screw taking my PC, even if i have a car by then.


From Norwich by train then tube then train then Bus? to get to newbury? 130 quid? I would really love to go but I dont have the cash to even get there let alone a ticket.

The bus, 40 quid, but staying on the bus for around 8 hours? No.
I'd love to go, but i've only got 1 week free out of the 4, so not looking too good. Never been to this LAN things before, really wanna try it though, sounds like good fun. Maybe next year, then i can drink legally as well. Sorry to let the team down. :(