Icarus Speaks!

hmm .. i must get this team speak, than you can hear my sexy aussie accent.
The Official Server is back up, I'm not in it right now(I have to sleep sometime) but others are :)
As a resposnse to alot of questions, yes this will be up for a long while. Please bump the thread when you jump on the server :)

Joined.. There really isn't anyone in here.. No-one is talking I don't think.. I am unfamiliar with this so called TeamSpeak...
Come on people, get on now, we got WillH, me and Icarus on the channel. :)
Well I'm listening its just that I'm supposed to be doing homework at the moment and my dads in the same room.
I was sleeping for a bit(Cat-Nap) but I'm back on, only one other user in here atm, come jump on
Quick! Everyone hop on! Icarus has voice activation on and you can hear him hoovering :D
Yeah but atleast you don't have to pay $70 a month for freakin 256k :P

Edit - Which, I might add, they are marketting as high-speed broadband.