Icarusintel's "Are you f*cking kidding me" TOTD - Al Gore gets Nobel Prize

that sounds like what the creationists did during their court battle with evolutionists specifically around teaching creationism in school ...they padded their witness list with professors, teachers, doctors, scientists etc ..the only thing was that none them were qualified to make a judgement on evolution or biology; their fields of expertise were unrelated calling into question their roles as "expert witnesses"

this sounds similiar

And scientists responded:

Scientists named Steve
And as deplorable as his past actions were, he got that half award for making peace with Egypt. Arafat, Yitzhak Rabin, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, all non-deserving. But the purpose really isn't about peace anymore, at least looking at some of the recent people who've recieved it. They're also giving Al Gore's son one by the way.

Deplorable? Didn't you say in another thread a few months back that you thought his actions were justified? I'm glad you changed your mind.
I have nothing against Gore, it's just that the Peace Prize always go to who's popular at the moment.
Not really. The 2005 and 2006 winners were in relatively obscure but equally important fields. The 2006 win I've only heard about because I am interested in financial stuff.
? Gore looked evil in that photo not stupid ..and I cant help it if Bush looks stupid in pretty much every photo he's in ..you cant hide stupid

I thought he looked just fat. Close to obese judging by that jowl.
The whole global warming thing pisses me off because noone actually knows what the **** they're talking about - they decide what they want to believe and then try and justify it by quoting shit they don't understand. The vast majority is idiotic end-of-the-world hysteria. Maybe the world is too dull since the end of the cold war?
And in the meantime, we have to put up with a constant assault of bullshit money-grabbing, anti-motorist schemes from the government which can be instantly justified by the word "green" thanks to the Church of Environmentalism.
I was responding to your tactic of always posting pictures of Bush showing him being a moron. I figured a bit of tit for tat was in order.

And seriously, if I can win a Nobel Peace Prize for being a complete hypocrite, then that's awesome.

Al Gore is nowhere near as great as any of the people you listed. He's a figurehead for an agenda.

An agenda to save the air you breathe, asshole.
...and yet somehow the majority of americans voted for this guy instead;


what the **** were you people thinking?

Probably the same thing as what bush was thinking in that picture.