I'd probably use this too much! (Oh look, a Warped thread)


Jan 25, 2009
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System for touching objects indirectly

Omg! this is actually some really good tech brewing. The possibilities are almost endless. and I bet even doctors could use this someday. I'd probably use it to find my next mate.

Just think of all the things you wanted to touch but can't!
Makes me wonder if in the future when it becomes small and handheld, if there would be any legal issues for touching people sexually with it , without consent.
Good news everyone!
Makes me wonder if in the future when it becomes small and handheld, if there would be any legal issues for touching people sexually with it , without consent.
It's not hurting anyone :P
Now they should make it so that the force is applied to the other side. Force choke.
Makes me wonder if in the future when it becomes small and handheld, if there would be any legal issues for touching people sexually with it , without consent.

nothing will replace a real handful of tight ass
Good news everyone!

Finglonger... rooofl.

Anyway, I was thinking about a week ago about this very sort of thing. Though in my head I envisioned it to be like a glove you wear, and this glove was studded with hundreds if not thousands of little mechanical devices that would push back against the finger with a small amount of pressure, simulating the pressure of the hand and fingers against an object.

It wasn't real life objects I envisioned this for though, but virtual objects. So a virtual hand in a game world would be moving against objects and would be transmitting data to the glove so that you feel what you're touching in the game.
I thought this thing transferred the texture to your hand. Unimpressed.
I thought this thing transferred the texture to your hand. Unimpressed.

this is just version 1.0 dude. wait 2 years and you'll be virtually grabbing every chick's ass on the train
And then she moves and the laser goes on some guy's crotch.
It wasn't real life objects I envisioned this for though, but virtual objects. So a virtual hand in a game world would be moving against objects and would be transmitting data to the glove so that you feel what you're touching in the game.

Novint Falcon

Not a glove, but it pretty much does that.

Anyway, a Falcon with LASERS?!?! Awesome.
This is stupid. It doesnt do anything is says. It doesnt simulate touch, it just shoves a lever backwards into your thumb when a lazer goes over a closer surface than it was on before. ****ing bullshit. Everyone who is impressed needs to jump off a cliff no shorter than 300 ft high.
This is stupid. It doesnt do anything is says. It doesnt simulate touch, it just shoves a lever backwards into your thumb when a lazer goes over a closer surface than it was on before. ****ing bullshit. Everyone who is impressed needs to jump off a cliff no shorter than 300 ft high.

you wouldn't like it because you don't have hands. YOU HAVE ****ING PAWS FOR HANDS!! anyway like i mentioned before this is version 1.0 and they're working on something better all the time. the tech for it will be upgraded and it will probably fit a dogs paw eventually
Still won't simulate the sense of touch. It will only apply pressure. The only thing you're ever going to feel like you're actually touching is the thing applying pressure. I guarantee you that if I put a baseball wrapped in cloth and one not wrapped in cloth, you wont be able to tell the difference. Even by version 8.
All I can think of it being used in every day life would be some sort of door alarm.
This is stupid. It doesnt do anything is says. It doesnt simulate touch, it just shoves a lever backwards into your thumb when a lazer goes over a closer surface than it was on before. ****ing bullshit. Everyone who is impressed needs to jump off a cliff no shorter than 300 ft high.

Yeah. I was thinking the same thing myself.

My idea though would feel more realistic, I would think anyway.

Then again I'm just a cow.