id Tech 5

Riddick used its own in-house engine developed by Starbreeze. Starbreeze itself is primarily made up of members from the demo scene, which in many ways explains how they were able to get such sweet visuals on the Xbox back in the day.
I know exactly what he is saying when he says, "give me four more days, and it's going to be twice as smooth" When you are really grinding to meet deadlines as a programmer, you can get so much done.

I'm really excited that they have first person gameplay with vehicles in their new game.

Whatever the main focus is - whether it be racing, or walking, is impossible to tell yet.

I wonder if it's going to be a shooter? I can't imagine an id Software game without guns!
The video does a lot more justice to the technology than those still shots do.

Still, I'm not really feeling the "wow" like I did when the Doom 3 engine was first unveiled.
It looks really good, more CG like then game like. I still prefer the look of Source and Cry Engine. This falls more into the Unreal 3 engine CG like.
Id is great at making game engines, they haven't done much in terms of gameplay in quite some years.
That's cause the outsource it to other companies except Doom 3.

Quake 4 and Wolfenstein are done by Raven now.
Id is great at making game engines, they haven't done much in terms of gameplay in quite some years.

It pains me to say this as an iD and Microsoft fan...

Why did iD jump to the 360 and start developing on it instead of the PC platform they have been developing on for some ... 20 years?

Why is iD jumping to the Mac?

They are finding PC gaming too overcrowded and competitive?

They are finding PC owners aren't receptive as expected to their games?

They are finding Windows Vista to be a nightmare right now?

Whatever the answers to these questions, sitting here on my XP running my entire world, I'm glad I don't care about the answers to those questions anymore.

The new engine looks sweet, however, like any true gamer, I'm interested in great games. Give us great games and we will give you money iD. BTW smoldering, smoking undead Nazis driving buggies on Mars (with earth gravity) makes sense to me. (I'd buy that.)
I really dislike iD for porting it to the mac. It's not because I love microsoft, but rather for a simple reason:

Microsoft > Apple. Sure Apple seems cool, but imagine Apple with 90% of the Pc market. Apple is known to prefer to keep things closed in much more than microsoft. I would much rather have Microsoft the ruler of a monopoly than Apple.

Personally I wish he would have went for full native linux support with his engine. That would be the best thing they could have done.

impressive. :thumbs:
What are you guys talking about... Quake 3, Quake 4, Return to Caste Wolfenstein and Doom 3 where all released on Mac too. Enemy Territory: Quake Wars will also be released on Mac. Id is releasing games for mac since ages.
Two things I don't like about Macs.

1. The OS in general, I prefer linux and windows.
2. Overpriced hardware, heck even overpriced hardware in general with "package" computers.
What really confuses me is the game engine being called iD Tech 5...but maybe thats just because I work for InternalDrive, aka iD Tech Camps...
Yeah, I watch the video and don't feel all that excited.

Show me a new Wolfenstein video, though, and I will be drooping my drawers!:P
Im pretty sure ID will blow us away with their new game, i have a feeling they will step up their game.