Idea: Deleted Scenes



Seeing how the whole beta release got several things removed from the game, such as hydra, other scenes and plot issues released with the beta were removed, they should release a "Expansion" with these things maybe a "hl2: deleted scenes". because i know found myself slight disappointed not seeing the hydras. :>

p.s. wasn't sure where to post this :p
try doing a search next time..ive seen this topic 30 times now
The reason the hydra and other things in the beta were removed, is that they weren't any good. It's as simple as that.
I agree, the reason that Valve left those things out was because they weren't fun, if they were fun and worked perfectly there is no reason they wouldnt have been implemented in the game. I think the expansion should have new things, and unless they vastly improve the things they left out so they can be implemented, the expansion will be new things.
I've been reading through Raising the Bar and looking at all the stuff that didn't make it into the final game. Makes me wonder what it would've been like to play through all those pieces....Time to Cry Havoc, and Let Slip the Mods of War!!!
Actually, a "Deleted Scenes" would be a very Bad idea IMO. The main problem being that the "Scenes" in question are in HL2 final in at least an abstract capacity. Traptown is Ravenholm, Sewers is in Follow Freeman (Minus the Hydra) and almost all the E3 videos are in there somewhere. Beyond that, there are the Air Exchange, Borealis, Kraken Base and anything else that wasn't even shown to us because it was too poor to bother with (beyond 3 early screenshots and numerous bits of concept art). Therefore, they're extremely short on actual scenes to justify making an expansion of that kind. Some of the enemies would be great, but alone, enemies do not make enough content for your expansion pack idea. I suspect we'll see some of the abandoned concepts in proper expansion packs.

I'd go as far as to say that the only two things i'm bothered about seeing again are the Combine Assassiness and the Hydra. And they're both extremely complex AI's to construct...
Don't forget the Arcade. They all were good ideas. I don't know what you're smokin'.
I think all of the abanded ideas sounded great.
the arcade project was discontinued?

if they could use cremators at least, i'd be happy
Evil^Milk said:
the arcade project was discontinued?
He's refering to the "Manhack Arcade". It was a section of HL2 in which citizens were controlling the Combine's manhacks, but thinking it was just some computer game. Though, aside from a single picture and caption in RtB, one must wonder how he knows it was "great" without having downloaded and played the leak.

As for me, I happen to think it's the stupidest concept I've ever heard of and am thankful it was deleted.
kupoartist said:
He's refering to the "Manhack Arcade". It was a section of HL2 in which citizens were controlling the Combine's manhacks, but thinking it was just some computer game.

isn't there a movie where people got to bomb real targets thinking it was all a video game? I forgot its name.
Goethe said:
isn't there a movie where people got to bomb real targets thinking it was all a video game? I forgot its name.
The idea is somewhat reminscent of "Wargames". Not a film i've seen, but the concept was that there was a Hacker who thought he found a game whilst hacking government systems... but he was actually really bombing the world's nations.
a common idea. Anyway, yeah... they should release an expansion pack with complete features. I want to see how cool it is in an icebreaker ship.