Idea for a map: Island jungle

Jun 24, 2004
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I'd love to see a map ala FarCry where the CTs have to get through thick vegetation to rescue hostages from the terrorist camp. Anyone agree? If so, do you have the talent to make it? :E
very difficult to do on hl2 engine it wasnt really built for vegitation
And big maps. It seems that unless you take out a LOT of detail, and input some creative 3D skyboxes, maps won't be very good.

Also someone has made a map with vegetation in it, and it's not all that great looking.
hmmm... From what I hear the source engine is ok with static meshes. And, i mean, how different is vegitation anyway?
I may have a crack at it when I get back to my steam PC
vegitation usually means expanse,and hl2 and doom3 are games designed for close call (1km) maps render range only with serious tweaking and deliberation of dx9 elements could you increase this and such input large vegitation maps,

i could and probably will be proved wrong however.

tho. on another point a new game thats getting quite alot of hype , by the name of boiling point is claiming and i've seen the videos to be able to make and render a huge expanse of map, (250km) with NO load screens, not a zipper not even when going into building ...its fully loaded from the second you click "start game"